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Peter's Blog

Mission Accomplished!

Back in Newcastle following my trip to Eastbourne. Put up for two nights by Tim and Revai in Farnborough and have enjoyed both the company and the huge electronic skills of Tim. Have repopulated the house with B&O - in no particular order now have added a Beosystem 2400 with BM2400, Beocord 2400, Beogram 2402 and an MC40, a Beogram 8002 now working again, a Beogram 4004, a Beogram 4001 shorn of the CD4 board but working well, a Beomaster 6000 quad - I would have given this to Tim but he already had one, my MS150s - we tested these and they sounded terrible as if the woofer had blown but luckily it was just the protection relay that was corroded. Taking these apart merely reminded me how the cabinet making skills really went down in the last few years of wooden speakers. Ther M100s are almost as nice inside as out whereas the MS150s are very crude. They sounded increasingly good the longer they played so I will leave them playing tomorrow. Also got my mark 3 Beovox 5000s back and will be doing a quick restore on these.I might get the cabinets professionally restored so that they look as good as possible.Also back are my LX6000 - glitches fixed and Century - door now working properly.

Had a very short meet with Lee - clearly a very busy man and in the midst of his move. he has some lovely stock mind you - both new and old. Stunning boxed whiteline LX6000 was one gem I spotted - probably one of the best pictures you can get.

Will do the setting up tomorrow - time for a quick demo of MS150 against M100 - Tim reckons the M100 is just too complicated and that the MS150 should be better. We'll see! Also will get the GT6 ready for its MOT!

Only published comments... Feb 11 2009, 10:11 PM by Peter



Craig said:

Hope the MOT goes well on the GT6

February 12, 2009 7:12 PM