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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012
Latest post 11-18-2011 7:44 PM by Todd. 406 replies.

- Joined on 09-01-2009
- Columbus Ohio
- Posts 136

Re: RL60.2 Refurb Collaboration
Thank You and doing just that!
Stand by! May need Ya!

- Joined on 09-01-2009
- Columbus Ohio
- Posts 136

Re: RL60.2 Refurb Collaboration
Spiros:And I can confirm that the Beocenter arrived exactly as shown on the pictures!!!
And I enjoy it every single day in my office.
"Thanks for that confirmation and reassurance." Spiros, I just have to ask... Thessonaliki Greece' That city wouldn't be The historical place
where the Appostle Paul visited and did missionary work and "Pinned the 2 New Testament Letters of Thessolonians to the Thessolonian
Christians. Your office is There?

- Joined on 09-01-2009
- Columbus Ohio
- Posts 136

Re: RL60.2 Refurb Collaboration
History was one of my favorite subjects in school! Thessonaliki is a travel destination of mine one of these days because of the brief history
lesson you've just given me but chiefly because I've always wanted too go on a travel journey that traces the steps of all of Apostle Paul's
Missionary journey from middle east/asia into western europe and the mediterrainean coastal cities!

- Joined on 09-01-2009
- Columbus Ohio
- Posts 136

Re: RL60.2 Refurb Collaboration
Spiros:Indeed, Thessaloniki is MUST SEE town. And Greeks are welcoming everybody as we are by nature a very hospitable nation.
Well Spiros you make me feel welcomed and when I'm there I will mssg you and let you know I'm In your hospitable nation and particularly
your fair City!

- Joined on 09-01-2009
- Columbus Ohio
- Posts 136

Re: RL60.2 Refurb Collaboration
Spiros:You are for sure more than welcome!! Let me know once you are coming.
"Thank You Very Much! Will Do!
Søren Mexico

- Joined on 09-13-2007
- Mexico city
- Posts 1,621

Re: RL60.2 Refurb Collaboration
Can confirm Spiros remarks, went to Crete at the end of the 1980s, had 6 hours between flights in Athens, hired a taxi to show me the sights.
Within 3 hours he took me around, driving like a devil, and then he invited me to dine at a taxidriver restaurant, at a table with some 6 other taxidrivers I was forced to eat some very tasty greek cousine, when it came to pay the bill, I wanted to pay for all of us, they nearly got angry with me, they invited me and they paid.
Arriving to Heraklion I should install a 2 color printing m/c, but for the owner of the printshop it was more important to show me his island and culture, a normal 2 day work was prolonged to 1 week, 2 years later I went there again with more m/cs and the same happened.
Crete have since then been my favorite place of all the places I have been, several times I planned to go there again but something allways came between, when I retire a prolonged trip to Greece and Crete is a must. 
Beosound 3000, BL 4000, BL 8000, BG 2404,BG 5000, BG CD50, Beocord 5000, BM 901, BM 2400, BM 4000, BV S45, BV 3702. There is nothing we cannot do, but a lot of things we don't want to do!!

- Joined on 05-07-2009
- Netherlands
- Posts 2,201

Re: RL60.2 Refurb Collaboration
Søren Mexico:
Can confirm Spiros remarks, went to Crete at the end of the 1980s, had 6 hours between flights in Athens, hired a taxi to show me the sights.
Within 3 hours he took me around, driving like a devil,
Who? Spiros? He was just a baby at that time and already driving a taxi?
Just kidding, love to go this place! Spiros, invite us, 3 persons.....(incl. tickets).....
B&O item 1, B&O item 2, B&O item 3,...................B&O item 735
Beovirus? What's that?

- Joined on 05-07-2009
- Netherlands
- Posts 2,201

Re: RL60.2 Refurb Collaboration
Søren Mexico:
Can confirm Spiros remarks, went to Crete at the end of the 1980s, had 6 hours between flights in Athens, hired a taxi to show me the sights.
Within 3 hours he took me around, driving like a devil,
Who? Spiros? He was just a baby at that time and already driving a taxi?
Just kidding, love to go this place! Spiros, invite us, 3 persons.....(incl. tickets).....
B&O item 1, B&O item 2, B&O item 3,...................B&O item 735
Beovirus? What's that?

- Joined on 09-01-2009
- Columbus Ohio
- Posts 136

Re: RL60.2 Refurb Collaboration
Søren Mexico:
Can confirm Spiros remarks, went to Crete at the end of the 1980s, had 6 hours between flights in Athens, hired a taxi to show me the sights.
Within 3 hours he took me around, driving like a devil, and then he invited me to dine at a taxidriver restaurant, at a table with some 6 other taxidrivers I was forced to eat some very tasty greek cousine, when it came to pay the bill, I wanted to pay for all of us, they nearly got angry with me, they invited me and they paid.
Arriving to Heraklion I should install a 2 color printing m/c, but for the owner of the printshop it was more important to show me his island and culture, a normal 2 day work was prolonged to 1 week, 2 years later I went there again with more m/cs and the same happened.
Crete have since then been my favorite place of all the places I have been, several times I planned to go there again but something allways came between, when I retire a prolonged trip to Greece and Crete is a must. 
Good Day to ya Soren! Now you are certainly a man of liesure travels and I'm even more excited too expierience Greece!
Well and of course your native home Denmark! Well, thats if you don't mind me having held Ohio in Higher Esteem in Comparison

- Joined on 09-01-2009
- Columbus Ohio
- Posts 136

Re: RL60.2 Refurb Collaboration
Søren Mexico:
Can confirm Spiros remarks, went to Crete at the end of the 1980s, had 6 hours between flights in Athens, hired a taxi to show me the sights.
Within 3 hours he took me around, driving like a devil,
Who? Spiros? He was just a baby at that time and already driving a taxi?
Just kidding, love to go this place! Spiros, invite us, 3 persons.....(incl. tickets).....
Hey Leslie! Why we can't go anywhere without you Hey we're forgetting somebody Spiros...My Homeboy! Evman140! add another ticket
I'll pick-up the tab on that one." O.K. Spiros Beoworld Buddy invasion! Get Ready

- Joined on 05-07-2009
- Netherlands
- Posts 2,201

Re: RL60.2 Refurb Collaboration
Todd:My Homeboy! Evman140!
Off course!!! Where is he?
B&O item 1, B&O item 2, B&O item 3,...................B&O item 735
Beovirus? What's that?

- Joined on 09-01-2009
- Columbus Ohio
- Posts 136

Re: RL60.2 Refurb Collaboration
Todd:My Homeboy! Evman140!
Off course!!! Where is he?
"I think he's been buried in homework from school or sched at his job but if I know Evan he's not far from this forum; If he doesn't show up
soon Leslie then put a B&O All Points Bullentin On'em and maybe that'll land a net and pull'em IN

- Joined on 09-01-2009
- Columbus Ohio
- Posts 136

Re: RL60.2 Refurb Collaboration
Spiros:Todd that's going to be a great event!!!
It'll be absolutely Grand!

- Joined on 12-15-2008
- Ohio | USA
- Posts 2,601

Re: RL60.2 Refurb Collaboration
Todd:My Homeboy! Evman140!
Off course!!! Where is he?
Present!! Sorry for a Evan-less weekend, buried with studies for midterms and work and my latest commitment (see below)


- Joined on 12-15-2008
- Ohio | USA
- Posts 2,601

Re: RL60.2 Refurb Collaboration
Søren Mexico:
Can confirm Spiros remarks, went to Crete at the end of the 1980s, had 6 hours between flights in Athens, hired a taxi to show me the sights.
Within 3 hours he took me around, driving like a devil,
Who? Spiros? He was just a baby at that time and already driving a taxi?
Just kidding, love to go this place! Spiros, invite us, 3 persons.....(incl. tickets).....
Hey Leslie! Why we can't go anywhere without you Hey we're forgetting somebody Spiros...My Homeboy! Evman140! add another ticket
I'll pick-up the tab on that one." O.K. Spiros Beoworld Buddy invasion! Get Ready
I'm going to be dragged all over the beo-World next year! 

- Joined on 12-15-2008
- Ohio | USA
- Posts 2,601

Re: RL60.2 Refurb Collaboration
Spiros:Yesssssss!!!!!! Nice kart! I got an excellent circuit next to my house!!!!
Thanks Spiros! It will be in Germany for competition next year, hopefully I'll be along with it! Not sure if I can get it transported to Greece also 

- Joined on 09-01-2009
- Columbus Ohio
- Posts 136

Re: RL60.2 Refurb Collaboration
Todd:My Homeboy! Evman140!
Off course!!! Where is he?
Present!! Sorry for a Evan-less weekend, buried with studies for midterms and work and my latest commitment (see below)

"Evman, I can see you in that car especially having been in the Honda Accord w/you on the back roads... Spiros I don't know
if we want Evman loosed on the tracks in europe! You guys may not recover The Guy is no joke; He's pretty Good!