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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012
Latest post 01-30-2012 2:33 PM by mbee. 249 replies.

- Joined on 12-11-2007
- Germany
- Posts 48

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
I got the update today.
it fixed the modulator bug introduced in fw 9.01. In fw 9.01 the modulator didn't switch on when a video source was selected in a link room with a BeoLink Active.

- Joined on 02-03-2008
- Solingen/Germany
- Posts 552

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
After a service my 1 year old BV8-40 got build 153 with DVB-software
But it changend only a little regarding the "fan noise" of the DVB-module after round 45 min.. Also have the problems with "something like transpartent shadows by movment" round people on the sreen. They seamed like cutted out.
I have never had the problems with my BV8-32. Even the sound of the BV8-32 is much better (have both placed side by side).
BeoVision 8-40, ATV2, BeoSound 4, Front BeoLab 9, Rear Beolab 4000 MKII, Beo 4

- Joined on 12-26-2010
- Bath, UK
- Posts 24

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
Thanks for this mbee.
I can't find a listing for a BC6-26 on the first post, so here are the details for mine (2007 model - type 9282). It has not been updated since I bought it new.
Monitor :-
AP SW 9.2.
IOP SW 22.0
STB table 3.8
Doesn't seem to state a SW version.
FM SW 1.0
DAB SW 1.9-4
Are there any updates available that might be useful for me and can I do it myself?
Thanks very much
Beocentre 6-26, DVD1, beolab 3500, beocom4, beotalk 1100.

- Joined on 05-06-2007
- Posts 52

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
BeoCenter 6-23MKII/26 (Type 9219-9226, 9280-9287)
Latest Software 10.10A
BeoVision 4 - 50 HD - Beo5 - Beolab 5 - Beolab 7-1 - Beolab 6000 .

- Joined on 12-26-2010
- Bath, UK
- Posts 24

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
Mine is a 9282 so would that sw version be correct?
Any idea of a changes/benefits and cost of an update? Is it a local dealer job or is there such a thing as a B&O specialist who is not a main dealer?
Beocentre 6-26, DVD1, beolab 3500, beocom4, beotalk 1100.

- Joined on 04-29-2008
- Posts 6

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
This is mine (BV10-46):
TYPE NO. 9565
BUILD: 155
PW328: 04.05ef
FEP: 04.03fc
FA MODULE: 00.02.02
STB TABLE: 05.56b
SM HW: n/a
BtB Module: n/a
DSM FEP: 05.18a
DSM DSP: 05.15a
TCON: 20091123-230839

- Joined on 04-17-2007
- Posts 383

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
What is the latest software version for the Beovision 10-40?
Happy owner of: BV10, 2 x Beocom 2, Beocom 6000, Beocenter 2, Beolab 3, Beolab 2000, Beo4, Beolab 11
1:st prize winner Beoworld January Price Draw.

- Joined on 05-06-2007
- Posts 52

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
Beovision 10-40/46 MKl / MKll (typ 9570, 9565 / typ 9572-9573, 9566-9567)
Automatic Software Update : Build 155
DSM FEP Software Update : 5.18a
DSM DSP Software Update : 5.15a
System Module Software Update : 20.06f
PW328 Software Update : 4.05e
FEP Software Update : 4.03f
BeoVision 4 - 50 HD - Beo5 - Beolab 5 - Beolab 7-1 - Beolab 6000 .

- Joined on 04-29-2008
- Posts 6

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
Raeuber:Hi brulz,
interesting that your DVB HD module has the version
On the B&O website you can still download the version
This is a beta version that the b&O give to my dealer (Italy - Brescia www.hitech-audiovideo.it) for testing

- Joined on 04-17-2007
- Posts 383

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
Beovision 10-40/46 MKl / MKll (typ 9570, 9565 / typ 9572-9573, 9566-9567)
Automatic Software Update : Build 155
DSM FEP Software Update : 5.18a
DSM DSP Software Update : 5.15a
System Module Software Update : 20.06f
PW328 Software Update : 4.05e
FEP Software Update : 4.03f
Thanks Talisman!
How does this with "build" work?
Is "Build 155" the revision of a package that includes the other software components you list?
My BV10-40 is on Build 127. Not 100& of the other software components you list above have stepped up the revision, but many.
Do you happen know what problems that has been addressed between Build 127 and Build 155?
Happy owner of: BV10, 2 x Beocom 2, Beocom 6000, Beocenter 2, Beolab 3, Beolab 2000, Beo4, Beolab 11
1:st prize winner Beoworld January Price Draw.

- Joined on 04-17-2007
- Posts 383

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
"Do you happen know what problems that has been addressed between Build 127 and Build 155?"
I actually found the answer in the Forum, at least between 127 and 153: 
Happy owner of: BV10, 2 x Beocom 2, Beocom 6000, Beocenter 2, Beolab 3, Beolab 2000, Beo4, Beolab 11
1:st prize winner Beoworld January Price Draw.

- Joined on 12-05-2007
- Posts 82

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
Hi BS3 and BV7 owners,
Who has upgraded to 10.02 so far? Has anyone had any problems with this particular build? I'm hoping to schedule my dealer to visit me this week, but before I finalise it, I just wanted to check that no new bugs had been experienced out there. I currently have V8.0x installed which has been fairly robust (touch wood.)
As I have a BV7-40 Mk3 with the Blu-ray installed, I'm especially interested in getting any Blu-Ray drive updates, since I'm unable to do it over Ethernet.
Does anyone have the detailed technical update overviews for 10.02 and 9.01 by any chance from the service tool?
The primary reason for this update is that I have the new Beo4 with joystick and want to use this feature!!
Thanks in advance.

- Joined on 10-20-2009
- Posts 245

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
I have a 7-55 with BR, and got the 10.02 installed before christmas, and it is stable.
2 times I have experienced that the red light was blinking, but that was before christmas. B&O have made a fix for that issues now, something with the DVB-HD.
I can recommend the 10.02.
There is something about B&O.....

- Joined on 08-07-2008
- Espoo, Finland
- Posts 88

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
BeoVision 10 just got a new build 165 and it's screaming fast (compared to old sw). Boot time with DVB-HD is now half what it used to be, fantastic!

- Joined on 05-19-2007
- Posts 128

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
Have you noticed any other differences?
I have build 153

- Joined on 03-13-2009
- Posts 82

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
akoro:BeoVision 10 just got a new build 165 and it's screaming fast (compared to old sw). Boot time with DVB-HD is now half what it used to be, fantastic!
What build did you have before the upgrade to 165? 
I was the second place winner on the BeoWorld May 2009 Prize Draw!
Thanks to BeoWorld for a great site!

- Joined on 08-07-2008
- Espoo, Finland
- Posts 88

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
I had Build 153 before update.Some small change in game mode settings and auto standby works also with audio only. So you can connect ipod to camera and tv will not go into auto standby if there is audio present.

- Joined on 05-10-2007
- Paris, FR
- Posts 62

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
Where can we download these updates please ? And how to apply them on the BV10 ? Same procedure than for DVB-HD module update ? Where do you get the actual release info in the TV ?

- Joined on 04-17-2007
- Posts 383

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
Where can we download these updates please ? And how to apply them on the BV10 ? Same procedure than for DVB-HD module update ? Where do you get the actual release info in the TV ?
That type of update has to be done by a service technician. B&O do that for free if the update address a problem that you experience. Otherwise you have to pay for the man-hours spent.
Happy owner of: BV10, 2 x Beocom 2, Beocom 6000, Beocenter 2, Beolab 3, Beolab 2000, Beo4, Beolab 11
1:st prize winner Beoworld January Price Draw.

- Joined on 04-19-2007
- Singapore
- Posts 96

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
anyone know what the latest SW version is for BeoCom 5, how to check which version you have and if all problems has been resolved with the call quality on it?
Grant me the serenity to accept the B&O I can't afford

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Netherlands
- Posts 2,670

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
2.10 is the latest sw version.
*#1234#and there you go

- Joined on 08-06-2009
- Austria
- Posts 592

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
Mine was bought in Jan2011 and has the following. Handset 1.7 from 26.1.2010beoline2 Base 2.1 from 16.11.2010Heribert
BeoVision 8-40 / BeoVision 8-32 / Beovision 6-26 / BeoSound 3200 / BeoSound 1 / BeoLab 3 / Beolab 6000 / Beolab 2000 / Beoport / Beomedia 1 / 3* Beo4 /BeoCom 5 with VOIP

- Joined on 05-21-2009
- Italy
- Posts 98

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
my bs3 has been updated with 10.05a SW
apparently no more dark screen issue ..[UPDATE]>>>>>still dark screen issue!!!! :( :( :(
now it handles togheter apple tv + ps3(both in HDMI) on PinP function!On previous version,didn't work(one screen were always dark).

- Joined on 05-25-2009
- Denmark
- Posts 10

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
akoro:BeoVision 10 just got a new build 165 and it's screaming fast (compared to old sw). Boot time with DVB-HD is now half what it used to be, fantastic!
Is this the DVB-HD T/C version update that is available on http://www.bang-olufsen.com/dvb-hd/software-downloads ?
Does any one know what changes this version contains, and if it will reset your channel settings after you run the update?