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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


GuyHui : My new Flat with B&O A/V setup
posted by Emmanuel92

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This is the living room of my new flat I have just acquired recently.

I will buy new furnitures in a way to compliment my B&O A/V setup.

BL4000's are at the back of this room. 

The high quality wood flooring is made of  Muiracatiara - (Tiger Wood) Ceramic Best.




Emmanuel92 said:

Tom said:

Looks great, your flat!

koning said:

Nice set-up!  no echo??

GuyHui said:

Thanks you all for your feedback.

Not many echos, as I tend to bring new furnitures in my living room.

I recognize that it has a minimalistic approach of design, as Less is More.


archie said:

C'est quand la pendaison de  crémaillère ?

promis je marcherais en chaussette.

GuyHui said:

Hi Archie,

hé, hé c'est déjà fait.

Cepandant tu es le bienvenue :-)

Au fait, oui tu as raison, je suis d'accord avec toi pour marcher en chaussette, ce parquet brésilien n'aime pas les coups de talons et autres pointes d'escarpins...LOL


archie said:

" autres pointes d'escarpins..."

tes conquêtes féminines tu les fait déshabiller dès l'ascenseur alors ? ;-)

GuyHui said:

Sacré Archie.....

Emmanuel92 said:

Très belle installation Guy, et bravo pour les photos ! :)

02-09-2008 12:57 PM