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I have a B&O Beomaster 2400 that has performed great since the early 80's. Had it serviced once when most of the red control lights went out. That shop is no longer around here (California's SF Bay area). Just a few months ago it developed a serious hum and from what I gather on these forums is that it's likely the power supply that needs replacement. The hum is there all the time, both through the radio, phono and a CD player I have hooked up. The speakers are B&O S75's and they're fine. So, now I have purchased a Onkyo receiver to hold me over while I fix this puppy. I'd like to do it myself if at all possible. Also, while I am gathering info on just how to accomplish this, I am also in need of a DIN to RCA jack for the connection of my Beogram 3404 record player to the new receiver. I count 7 pins, I am assuming one is for the remote, while the others are non B&O specific? Just guessing. Looking forward to hearing from any of you out there. Thanks in advance.