3 weeks after I got the TT, the transport halted half way through a record (do we still say record?). I opened up the deck, carefully!, and saw that the screw drive of the tone arm transport was gummed up. "I'm not without some technical skills", says I, so I decide to remove it, clean it, relubricate it, and put it back in.
Two results:
1.- The tonearm still wouldn't move. It is either misaligned, or the little nylon capstan that rides on the screwdrive is positioned badly, or the weird black plastic 2 piece armature is misadjusted, or the drive belt on the little wheel is too old. Or some damn thing.
2.- In the process (though I humbly considered myself technically competent) I must have bumped the tonearm somehow, without noticing. Still don't know how that happened, but in any case the tonearm was pointing in the general direction of the spindle. I pushed it back toward straight alignment, but I have no idea how to check if there are parts broken inside the tonearm mechanism. I doubt it is meant to move through that kind of arc.
I spoke with a recommended audio repair facility in San Jose CA, near me, whose tech said that while he could undoubtedly fix it, he was unfamiliar with B&O gear. It is hard to estimate cost, but figure minimum $300. Even then, he said, B&O gear was never as good as the price would indicate. Plus, a new cartridge for the 4002 would run about $280. -- I'd be better off with spending the repair $$ on a new TT, such as a Pro-Ject.
This all took the wind out of my sails. It seems I am the proud owner of an architecturally beautiful example of high design, but utterly useless.
So, that's the story. I don't even know how to get into the tonearm suspension housing to see if it is broken. I'm even afraid to attempt to take the dust cover off for fear the heavy duty springs will snap the acrylic, or my fingers. I have no repair manual.
If you guys think this is not hopeless, I'd love to hear your position. I'm deflated.
But let me be clear, I appreciate very much your contribution and responses to my postings.