Hi everyone
This is the only remaining function that I need to fix to get this machine back to full working condition. So far, I have dismantled the deck three times looking for possible faults but still, nothing shows up.
This is definitely a problem with the deck as I have swapped decks between machines. The same thing happens in the two machines showing that all of the other electronics are OK.
The deck works fine with play and rewind, so both solenoids seem to be working OK and the motor is behaving properly. Both belts are new. In play, the right spool behaves normal and moves slowly in the forward direction. The sound is first class, no wow or stuttering.
When I switch to fast forward, nothing happens at all, just a few clicks and clacks before the unit times out. During this time, the right spool shows no sign of wanting to move even one millimetre so there is no visible evidence of a slipping problem.
Any help on this one will be appreciated, I am sure it is something simple, somewhere???