ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012
What other benefits would it provide. The BS3 would mainly be for the full HD, or...
One of my friends just bought it. Besides from the change of lightening from red to white I couldn't trace any changes. On his connection the full HD setup shows how sensitive it is to the signal... His Antenna provider just couldn't make the cut.
The Dane
I have now had my BV7 32 upgraded to software 7.7 and it does indeed show HDMI 1 thru 4 as HD connections. I also had the Apple Remote PUC added along with PS3.
Now just need to work out which Gefen unit is I need and we'll be off.
GSHaigh:I have now had my BV7 32 upgraded to software 7.7 and it does indeed show HDMI 1 thru 4 as HD connections. I also had the Apple Remote PUC added along with PS3.Now just need to work out which Gefen unit is I need and we'll be off.Greg
You cannot upgrade a BV-32 to full HD... only to HD Ready. Even the new one is not full HD, just the 40" now is.
Mac, iPad & iPhone Apps: Beoworld, LinkPlayer, LinkRemote, Story Mouse, The Emperor's New Clothes
Hi there,
Anybody got any news on this HDMI expander for BV7-32? Can it be install on the MK1? It could be a nice Christmas present for my BV7.
has anyone bought one of these for the MK2 yet and got it working i woudl like mty ps3 to plug in with its hdmi cable...
also i was told if i buy a convertor that uses up the dvi slot where will beomedia plus in as it currently has a d-sub (vga) connector to dvi?
Beovision 7 MKIV (Blu Ray)Beolab 9Beolab 6000Beo 4Beocenter 9300Apple TVSKY HDOptoma HD65 ProjectorLintronic TT455-RT-238Beovision 3 MKII
any news on this hdmi expander???
you must make a software update and you must change the components inside the bv7. all this can make only your b&o dealer.
price € 750.--
Anyone can shed some lights on this issue? It would be nice to have my DVI input only BV7-32 upgraded to HDMI even with a resonably cost.