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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012
Latest post 03-01-2012 2:51 AM by chartz. 58 replies.

- Joined on 07-10-2010
- Orlando, Florida, USA
- Posts 1,089

Re: Just bought a Beolab 5000
I have one in the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" category, but I look forward to this thread! 
He does. I've seen it.
Congrats, Jacques. Good luck.
Mika - get it out of storage!
Current primary listening: SMMC20EN -> BG4002 -> BM4000 -> Beovox M70

- Joined on 12-08-2007
- Finland
- Posts 5,808

Re: Just bought a Beolab 5000
Rich:Mika - get it out of storage!
Unfortunately too preoccupied with SQL, PHP and jQuery...
the weather is still stuck at around -20°C, and the dry central heated
inside air is full of static electricity. I avoid working with
electronics in these conditions; although the semiconductors in a Beolab
5000 system aren't particularly sensitive, many of them would be hard
to replace.
Hopefully next week will be better 

- Joined on 07-10-2010
- Orlando, Florida, USA
- Posts 1,089

Re: Just bought a Beolab 5000
Rich:Mika - get it out of storage!
Unfortunately too preoccupied with SQL, PHP and jQuery...
the weather is still stuck at around -20°C, and the dry central heated
inside air is full of static electricity. I avoid working with
electronics in these conditions; although the semiconductors in a Beolab
5000 system aren't particularly sensitive, many of them would be hard
to replace.
Hopefully next week will be better 
Just some good natured ribbing on my part.
Static electricity indoors is a big problem all winter where I live.
Current primary listening: SMMC20EN -> BG4002 -> BM4000 -> Beovox M70

- Joined on 07-20-2009
- Burgundy
- Posts 984

Re: Just bought a Beolab 5000
Well I coulldn't erase the tuner footprints, even with white spirit and linseed oil.
However, the amp works great, it really does, on a par with the Beomaster 4400! I'm soo happy! The sliders have no play and are silky smooth in their movements. No funny noises, nothing. Just beautiful music!
P.S.: I prefer the old smilies by far...

- Joined on 07-10-2010
- Orlando, Florida, USA
- Posts 1,089

Re: Just bought a Beolab 5000
Well I coulldn't erase the tuner footprints, even with white spirit and linseed oil.
Give this stuff a try in six months.
Current primary listening: SMMC20EN -> BG4002 -> BM4000 -> Beovox M70

- Joined on 07-20-2009
- Burgundy
- Posts 984

Re: Just bought a Beolab 5000
Well I'll be in London in April... I know what to bring back now! 
By the way, the amp smells funny, like an old TV set. Those among you who had old 70's TV sets will understand what I mean! Not a bad smell, but the smell of old electronics. Nice!
Such old components (nothing has been touched) shouldn't sound so good, they can't, they're not allowed to! It sounds as good as the 4400... after a full re-cap!
Now if you'll pardon me, I have a board meeting to attend.

- Joined on 07-06-2008
- Manchester
- Posts 961

Re: Just bought a Beolab 5000
I didn't really notice 'that' smell! Maybe the thick layer of
dust had absorbed all previous signs :) Have you noticed the Beogram 4000 has a
smell similar to 'old electronics', but seems quite unique all the same?! Quite pungent too!
Regards the Sound, kind of suggests the point that electrolytics can survive for decades
but it all depends on many factors including frequency of use, storage,
temperature etc. and a combination of these and other factors..
Worth getting a decent ESR meter you will generally find a lot of
electros remain within their original tolerance with a very low esr! I agree that those red RDE's on the whole fail the meter test!
have read on other forums that electros used for broadcasting, in
constant use can easily be over 50 years old without any sign of aging!
On a not so related issue there is still a Mercury arc rectifier
providing DC power to a lift in a deep level shelter (Belsize park) in
London! That must have been in near constant use since the WW2 - sorry had to sneak that in - do a Google image search to see these gorgious things working!
Hope you enjoy London, is this Business, holiday or other? If you end up
anywhere near Manchester Jacques do give me a shout :)

- Joined on 07-20-2009
- Burgundy
- Posts 984

Re: Just bought a Beolab 5000
I'm taking my pupils (60 of them!) to England actually! No business there whatsoever!
Thanks for your invitation Olly! One of these days perhaps... in Manchester I only know the station, from the time when I had to go from Chester to Newcastle... back in 1989... not getting any younger eh!
I am currently listening to my Beogram 4000 through the Beolab 5000, and the sound is indeed great. Will I ever open the thing? 
Had a look at the Belsize Park rectifier... WOW

- Joined on 07-20-2009
- Burgundy
- Posts 984

Re: Just bought a Beolab 5000
Three questions:
1) I have 235V at my plugs. The amp was set on 220V. The transformer was a bit noisy. I set it on 240V. Is it okay, knowing that the PSU is regulated?
2) What is the use of the TEST button?
3) The right side is warmer than the rest of the dissipators. Is it where the PSU 3055 are?

- Joined on 12-08-2007
- Finland
- Posts 5,808

Re: Just bought a Beolab 5000
I'm sure 240V is a better choice than 220V.
The TEST button is
for setting the input levels. It subtracts the channels, so with a mono
source you'll hear nothing when the inputs are balanced.
I dunno
about component placement, but I believe mine is the same. One side of
the amp gets a lot warmer, and yes, I like the smell a lot more than
those scented candles ladies like to burn 

- Joined on 07-06-2008
- Manchester
- Posts 961

Re: Just bought a Beolab 5000
Shouldn't get as warm on 240V Jacques so should be fine! One thing to add to Mika is when you hit the test button, the speaker to listen to is the left one as this contains the L-R signal. Great feature but you will never get a silent signal as both channels won't be that equal even with a perfect mono source!
PSU transistors are on the right hand side! Just be careful, the one I had, the previous owner, for reasons better known to themselves left two pins (unprotected!) in the remote socket! You can guess what happend when I felt each transistor in turn from the front 

- Joined on 07-20-2009
- Burgundy
- Posts 984

Re: Just bought a Beolab 5000
The test thing actually works! Thanks for the tip.
Step1: You can guess what happened when I felt each transistor in turn from the front
I can! Being a trained (former) electrician I get that fine... 
Step1: Regards the MAR's there are some good youtube videos that are worth checking out!

- Joined on 07-20-2009
- Burgundy
- Posts 984

Re: Just bought a Beolab 5000
Here with friendly Beogram 4000... sorry, iPhone photo...


- Joined on 07-10-2010
- Orlando, Florida, USA
- Posts 1,089

Re: Just bought a Beolab 5000
Here with friendly Beogram 4000... sorry, iPhone photo...
Now you're just showing off! 
Not sure the "tuner footprints" would be noticeable if I didn't know they were there AND I was looking for them.
Nice desk, too. Always wanted a rolltop in my foyer. Hhhmmm, future home of the BM1900 that's currently in the garage? 
Current primary listening: SMMC20EN -> BG4002 -> BM4000 -> Beovox M70

- Joined on 07-20-2009
- Burgundy
- Posts 984

Re: Just bought a Beolab 5000
No, no, not showing off at all. 
Don't you see something is missing?
I really am a spoilt child, aren't I? 

- Joined on 07-20-2009
- Burgundy
- Posts 984

Re: Just bought a Beolab 5000
Works perfectly. Yours?

- Joined on 07-10-2010
- Orlando, Florida, USA
- Posts 1,089

Re: Just bought a Beolab 5000
Works perfectly. Yours?
Mine is sitting on the workbench third in the queue behind a project for a friend (Dark Side) and a personal Dark Side project.
Current primary listening: SMMC20EN -> BG4002 -> BM4000 -> Beovox M70

- Joined on 07-20-2009
- Burgundy
- Posts 984

Re: Just bought a Beolab 5000
Mine is sitting on the workbench third in the queue behind a project for a friend (Dark Side) and a personal Dark Side project.
Non B&O, you mean? 

- Joined on 07-10-2010
- Orlando, Florida, USA
- Posts 1,089

Re: Just bought a Beolab 5000
Mine is sitting on the workbench third in the queue behind a project for a friend (Dark Side) and a personal Dark Side project.
Non B&O, you mean? 

I am refoaming a pair of Boston Acoustics T1030 speakers - 6 drivers in all - for my wife's boss. Also replacing internal components - at a minimum the capacitors - but I'm not done with testing. Break-in at the house last week set me back some time.
My personal Dark Side project is TOP SECRET and shall remain so to the Beoworld at large. 
Current primary listening: SMMC20EN -> BG4002 -> BM4000 -> Beovox M70

- Joined on 07-20-2009
- Burgundy
- Posts 984

Re: Just bought a Beolab 5000
Leslie, hi.
Were you able to test the Beomaster tuner?
I am very happy with my Beolab, but since I am a radio lover, I clearly miss something, although of course I have the other Beosystems I could use! But then I am a completist, and my next quest will have to be a pair of Beovox 5000...

- Joined on 05-07-2009
- Netherlands
- Posts 2,201

Re: Just bought a Beolab 5000
Leslie, hi.
Were you able to test the Beomaster tuner?
I am very happy with my Beolab, but since I am a radio lover, I clearly miss something, although of course I have the other Beosystems I could use! But then I am a completist, and my next quest will have to be a pair of Beovox 5000...
No Jacques I have not sorry, have been quite busy. Will do that next week.
Beovox 5000 you said? 
Got the Beovox 3000 as well and I'm gonna put the same feet under the cabinets as the 5000's.
Will make pictures later from the complete 5000 set incl. my 6 pairs of Beovox cubes

B&O item 1, B&O item 2, B&O item 3,...................B&O item 735
Beovirus? What's that?