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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012
Latest post 01-30-2012 2:33 PM by mbee. 249 replies.

- Joined on 03-13-2009
- Posts 82

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
I had my BV8-40 updated to build 127 yesterday.
It's a very nice feature that you now can name your sources.
But the best thing is when the TV starts up. Not the hidious clock, but a small Bang & Olufsen text comes on in the right bottom corner. When the DVB-HD is ready, the Bang & Olufsen text fades away, and the curtains open WITH TV picture!!! This is how it should have been from the start!!!
Have tried to add a couple of pictures showing the Bang & Olufsen text. Sorry for the bad quality.
I was the second place winner on the BeoWorld May 2009 Prize Draw!
Thanks to BeoWorld for a great site!

- Joined on 03-13-2009
- Posts 82

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
foto 2
I was the second place winner on the BeoWorld May 2009 Prize Draw!
Thanks to BeoWorld for a great site!

- Joined on 05-25-2009
- Denmark
- Posts 10

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
Great :-) Looks really nice with the logo instead of that silly clock.
Did you update it yourself, or did you have your dealer update it?
I want this update for BV10 :-)

- Joined on 12-02-2007
- Posts 986

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
Hello guys,
I was also very happy after update my BV10-40 with software build 127. But only for one day! Then the HD module was gone (n/a in service menue). Factory reset of BV10 didn´t help. My dealer send me an instruction from B&O for reactivate the HD module, also with no sucsess. After my holiday the HD module will be changed, the BV10 has to be put off the wall for replace.
After seven month owning the BV10-40 I must say: never ending horror story!
Because timer recordings with my DVD2 from the HD module are not possible, I bought a HDR2 two weeks ago (with actual software 3.60). But the HDR2 stops working during records with no reason. I don´t know because of a failure of the HDR2 or the BV10-40.
I remember the year when I got my avant in 1998: No problems for twelve years with this nice TV.

- Joined on 03-13-2009
- Posts 82

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
Great :-) Looks really nice with the logo instead of that silly clock.
Did you update it yourself, or did you have your dealer update it?
My dealer updated it. 
I was the second place winner on the BeoWorld May 2009 Prize Draw!
Thanks to BeoWorld for a great site!

- Joined on 04-17-2007
- DK
- Posts 510

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
Similar feature will be available in a softwareupdate for for BS3 controlled tv´s next week.
BV7-40 MK IV, BL5´s, BL3´s, BL 3500, BL7-4, BS3000, BC 6-23, BV 1, BS3.

- Joined on 04-18-2007
- Paris, France
- Posts 1,133

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
Software version 9.01 has been released for BS3-based TVs...
Normally it fixes the dark screen issue, and adds the new appearance for DVB startup (as seen here for the BV8 40)
Does somebody have other news about software? Changelog for BS3 v9.01, or news about the DVB dead on BV8/10 software 127? (I hope a new software will appear soon, as I have planned to make my BV8 updated)

- Joined on 06-30-2008
- Denmark
- Posts 321

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
New SW for BS3 based tv's. SW 9.01a
Som enew features i discovered
* Sleep Timer(how it could take B&O 1 million years to implement that i dont know?) :)
* Naming of Sources, e.g DTV2 = "MediaCenter"
* "Game mode" under picture settings, don't know what it does.
* New DVB-HD logo instead of that hideous clock screen
* Auto standby feature, after 1,2,3 or 4 hours
And it seems to have fixed the dark screen issue :)

- Joined on 04-18-2007
- Paris, France
- Posts 1,133

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
Thanks Weebyx! But... Sleep Timer and Auto standby is the same feature, isn't it?
Maybe you work at Apple : SW 9.01 has 100'000 new features! Unbelievable! Great! Amazing!

- Joined on 04-17-2007
- DK
- Posts 510

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
New SW for BS3 based tv's. SW 9.01a
Som enew features i discovered
* Sleep Timer(how it could take B&O 1 million years to implement that i dont know?) :)
* Naming of Sources, e.g DTV2 = "MediaCenter"
* "Game mode" under picture settings, don't know what it does.
* New DVB-HD logo instead of that hideous clock screen
* Auto standby feature, after 1,2,3 or 4 hours
And it seems to have fixed the dark screen issue :)
FYI renaming of sources was also available in 8.12a
Gamemode is because of some trouble gamers had on 200hz panels (soon to come MK V). Gamemode has been on BV 10 for some time now
EDIT: What is the dark screen issue you are talking about, cant seem to remember seeing anything about this :-)
BV7-40 MK IV, BL5´s, BL3´s, BL 3500, BL7-4, BS3000, BC 6-23, BV 1, BS3.

- Joined on 06-30-2008
- Denmark
- Posts 321

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
Thanks Weebyx! But... Sleep Timer and Auto standby is the same feature, isn't it?
Maybe you work at Apple : SW 9.01 has 100'000 new features! Unbelievable! Great! Amazing!
I wondered about the Sleep timer and Auto standby also, after having testet it, here is what i came up with.
Sleep timer, 15-30-45-60-90-120 minutes, after the selected time-1 minute has passed, a message is shown that the tv will shut down in 1 minute, and the user can press a button to extend this time by another 15(or what has been chosen) minutes.
Sleep timer will put the tv to stand by even if used within the 15 minutes og count down.
Auto standby, 1-2-3-4 hours, if the tv is on and hasn't been used for the selected period, the tv will turn off, if the tv has been used after 45 minutes and 1 hour is selected, the tv will reset the timer to another 1 hour before shutting down, so this i more a "i forgot to turn the tv off when i left the house" feature

- Joined on 06-30-2008
- Denmark
- Posts 321

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
FYI renaming of sources was also available in 8.12a
Gamemode is because of some trouble gamers had on 200hz panels (soon to come MK V). Gamemode has been on BV 10 for some time now
EDIT: What is the dark screen issue you are talking about, cant seem to remember seeing anything about this :-)
The dark issue was only on BV4/9 plasmas i guess, when the tv was turned on, the picture was very dark. This could only be solved by running ACM or placing a hand on the light sensor for about 8-10 seconds, and then the picture became normal and bright again.

- Joined on 03-13-2009
- Posts 82

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
mbee:Does somebody have other news about software? Changelog for BS3 v9.01, or news about the DVB dead on BV8/10 software 127? (I hope a new software will appear soon, as I have planned to make my BV8 updated)
My BV8-40 was updated 1 week ago to software 127, and nothing has happened to the DVB-HD tuner. Not yet anyway...
I'm having another problem since I updated the DVB-HD to 0.1.4.? (not the update). After 30 minutes of use, a fan (or something else) inside the TV or the DVB-HD module starts making a noise. It's not a high noise, but especially in the evening this becomes irritating, when I'm watching TV at low volume. And I can't ignore it... It's really frustrating. My dealer's technician has tried opening the TV two times, but it still keeps on making the noise.
Does any of you BV8-40 owners (or others) have similar problems?
I was the second place winner on the BeoWorld May 2009 Prize Draw!
Thanks to BeoWorld for a great site!

- Joined on 03-13-2009
- Posts 82

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
mbee:Does somebody have other news about software? Changelog for BS3 v9.01, or news about the DVB dead on BV8/10 software 127? (I hope a new software will appear soon, as I have planned to make my BV8 updated)
My BV8-40 was updated 1 week ago to software 127, and nothing has happened to the DVB-HD tuner. Not yet anyway...
I'm having another problem since I updated the DVB-HD to 0.1.4.? (not the update). After 30 minutes of use, a fan (or something else) inside the TV or the DVB-HD module starts making a noise. It's not a high noise, but especially in the evening this becomes irritating, when I'm watching TV at low volume. And I can't ignore it... It's really frustrating. My dealer's technician has tried opening the TV two times, but it still keeps on making the noise.
Does any of you BV8-40 owners (or others) have similar problems?
I was the second place winner on the BeoWorld May 2009 Prize Draw!
Thanks to BeoWorld for a great site!

- Joined on 03-13-2009
- Posts 82

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
mbee:Does somebody have other news about software? Changelog for BS3 v9.01, or news about the DVB dead on BV8/10 software 127? (I hope a new software will appear soon, as I have planned to make my BV8 updated)
My BV8-40 was updated 1 week ago to software 127, and nothing has happened to the DVB-HD tuner. Not yet anyway...
I'm having another problem since I updated the DVB-HD to 0.1.4.? (not the update). After 30 minutes of use, a fan (or something else) inside the TV or the DVB-HD module starts making a noise. It's not a high noise, but especially in the evening this becomes irritating, when I'm watching TV at low volume. And I can't ignore it... It's really frustrating. My dealer's technician has tried opening the TV two times, but it still keeps on making the noise.
Does any of you BV8-40 owners (or others) have similar problems?
I was the second place winner on the BeoWorld May 2009 Prize Draw!
Thanks to BeoWorld for a great site!

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Sweden
- Posts 305

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
Any BV10 owners who upgraded to 127 ???

- Joined on 04-17-2007
- DK
- Posts 510

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
I have had my BV 7-40 MK IV panel updatet to the MK V 200 Hz panel, and now i experience clouding issues. The BS3 software was updatet to 9.01 at the same time, so maybe not a panel issue. Has anybody experienced similar after updating their sw?
BV7-40 MK IV, BL5´s, BL3´s, BL 3500, BL7-4, BS3000, BC 6-23, BV 1, BS3.

- Joined on 05-09-2008
- Posts 213

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
The Mk V panel isn't LED, so the backlight should be consistent over the whole panel. Wouldn't really expect clouding issues, I would have thought.
Re the new software (and/or the problem you had a couple of pages back that Struer were going to test) - both you and I had the problem of audio over ML being quieter in the right channel in 8.12a. Has this been resolved?
My other major issue with 8.12a is speakers not turning on (mentioned earlier in the thread). This is reproducable 100% when the link TV is turned on to an external source (Sky HD) first, then the main TV. Speakers stay in standby. Has this been resolved?

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Toulouse, France
- Posts 321

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
Ok guys, time to bring your contribution on latest SW version of the BV7-32: which one is it??
I happen to have the latest BV7-32 (MkIV if I remember well, bought last christmas), and there's just one annoying thing: when I turn on the TV pressing DTV (all digital broadcasting now in France), there's no electronic curtain working on. And similarly, when I turn the TV off, no electronic curtain if I turn it off after DTV session (it's OK though for DVD or old regular "TV").
Could that have been fixed with a more recent SW version? Is that a bug just on my BV7?
Thanks for your input and sharing your experience,

- Joined on 04-17-2007
- DK
- Posts 510

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
The Mk V panel isn't LED, so the backlight should be consistent over the whole panel. Wouldn't really expect clouding issues, I would have thought.
Re the new software (and/or the problem you had a couple of pages back that Struer were going to test) - both you and I had the problem of audio over ML being quieter in the right channel in 8.12a. Has this been resolved?
My other major issue with 8.12a is speakers not turning on (mentioned earlier in the thread). This is reproducable 100% when the link TV is turned on to an external source (Sky HD) first, then the main TV. Speakers stay in standby. Has this been resolved?
Hi Csmager
I know it is not LED at that is why i am amazed the clouding effect is present. Regarding the speaker issue, this has been resolved. It had nothing with the softwareupgrade to do, instead a faulty ML junctionbox.
BV7-40 MK IV, BL5´s, BL3´s, BL 3500, BL7-4, BS3000, BC 6-23, BV 1, BS3.

- Joined on 05-09-2008
- Posts 213

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
Evidently just a huge coincidence then - I'll now actually bother getting out the multimeter and see where there's a hole in my circuit...

- Joined on 04-20-2007
- Milton Keynes, England
- Posts 962

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
The Mk V panel isn't LED, so the backlight should be consistent over the whole panel. Wouldn't really expect clouding issues, I would have thought.
Re the new software (and/or the problem you had a couple of pages back that Struer were going to test) - both you and I had the problem of audio over ML being quieter in the right channel in 8.12a. Has this been resolved?
My other major issue with 8.12a is speakers not turning on (mentioned earlier in the thread). This is reproducable 100% when the link TV is turned on to an external source (Sky HD) first, then the main TV. Speakers stay in standby. Has this been resolved?
Hi Csmager
I know it is not LED at that is why i am amazed the clouding effect is present. Regarding the speaker issue, this has been resolved. It had nothing with the softwareupgrade to do, instead a faulty ML junctionbox.
Hi has anyone else noticed this as my MK4 will be updated tommorow to the latest software version and delievered to me.
Beovision 7 MKIV (Blu Ray) Beolab 9 Beolab 6000 Beo 4 Beocenter 9300 Apple TV SKY HD Optoma HD65 Projector Lintronic TT455-RT-238 Beovision 3 MKII

- Joined on 04-17-2007
- Posts 120

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
I have had my BV 7-40 MK IV panel updatet to the MK V 200 Hz panel, and now i experience clouding issues. The BS3 software was updatet to 9.01 at the same time, so maybe not a panel issue. Has anybody experienced similar after updating their sw?
So, it is possible to upgrade the TV by dismantling it and just replacing the LCD panel inside! That's good to know! Is it expensive? How much time this operation takes (dismantling the TV, removing the chassis and the old panel, putting the new panel in place and reassembling the set) ? Does the upgrade requires some printed circuit boards to be replaced as well or the Beosystem 3 has all the required computing power to drive a 240 Hz panel without a hardware upgrade?

- Joined on 04-17-2007
- DK
- Posts 510

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
I have had my BV 7-40 MK IV panel updatet to the MK V 200 Hz panel, and now i experience clouding issues. The BS3 software was updatet to 9.01 at the same time, so maybe not a panel issue. Has anybody experienced similar after updating their sw?
So, it is possible to upgrade the TV by dismantling it and just replacing the LCD panel inside! That's good to know! Is it expensive? How much time this operation takes (dismantling the TV, removing the chassis and the old panel, putting the new panel in place and reassembling the set) ? Does the upgrade requires some printed circuit boards to be replaced as well or the Beosystem 3 has all the required computing power to drive a 240 Hz panel without a hardware upgrade?
Hi Jean
The update was part of an agreement i made with my dealer because of a faulty Mk IV panel in the first place.
Replacing was done by the dealer and took approximately 4 hours in my own home (First time the dealer tried swapping out panels so i guess it would be a lot quicker for an experienced technician). I dont know anything about the price of the update as it was part of the service as mentioned above. Both panel and PIM modul has to be changed for it to work.
BV7-40 MK IV, BL5´s, BL3´s, BL 3500, BL7-4, BS3000, BC 6-23, BV 1, BS3.

- Joined on 04-17-2007
- DK
- Posts 510

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
Hi has anyone else noticed this as my MK4 will be updated tommorow to the latest software version and delievered to me.
To my best knowledge, the fault has nothing to do with the softwareupdate. I guess i have a faulty replacement panel :-(
BV7-40 MK IV, BL5´s, BL3´s, BL 3500, BL7-4, BS3000, BC 6-23, BV 1, BS3.