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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012
Latest post 01-30-2012 2:33 PM by mbee. 249 replies.

- Joined on 04-18-2007
- Paris, France
- Posts 1,133

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
Thanks Talisman, you're a king of software updates, I edited the first post.
Is the DVB HD update via USB stick available with BV8 40? I never saw any USB port on mine (but I have the DVB HD module installed...)

- Joined on 04-17-2007
- DK
- Posts 510

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
Hi all
Just had my BV 7 MK IV updated with latest build 8.12a.
I can confirm that audio over ML is now also delayed so my BL 3500 is now playing in perfect harmony with my Bl5´s.
HOWEVER... Only ML is delayed, not coaxial. SO when watching DTV or BD on your linkroom right next to your mainroom, there will still be a sounddelay. I am however not sure this can be corrected i any way. I still need to do further tests and will let you know as soon as i figure things out.
BV7-40 MK IV, BL5´s, BL3´s, BL 3500, BL7-4, BS3000, BC 6-23, BV 1, BS3.

- Joined on 10-02-2009
- Switzerland
- Posts 75

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
- What source you are listening/watching? Is ist TV analog oder DTV (both internal tuner) or is it connected on a HDMI?
- What do you mean by coaxial? Link-TV? In this case, i think this must be in that way. Because every display has it's own delay. The BV7-40 MK IV has 200ms. Another display has another delay. If you would delay for all 200ms and whatch Link-TV with a display other than 200ms you would have another issue.
I'm curious about your further tests:
internal/external sources
connected via HDMI, SCART, SPDIF other
Linkroom equipment
Is there an additional menu to adjust

- Joined on 04-17-2007
- DK
- Posts 510

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
Hi Richu and everyone else
Theese are my experiences so far.
Linkroom audio from Mainroom DTV and Mac Mini hooked up with sp/diff and DVI- HDMI no longer eccoes. Linkroom Video from Mainroom DTV or DVD/BD still eccoes in linkrooms. This should in my opinion also be fixed as this was never an issue on my 4 year old BV 7-32. I know it is due to digital processing and therefore cant quite be compared. However the BS3 downscales a BD movie, sends it back to my RF amplifier and sends it to my linkrooms IN SYNCH, meening that the sound and picture in linkrooms are in synch with each other, just not the mainroom. Would this be so difficult to fix? I guess the linkrooms are a bit ahead of the mainroom, so why not just make a customer menu setting called linkroom video delay for the customer to change for himself. I mean the delay should be different depending on how far away your linkrooms are etc. Ofcause, IF it is the other way around ,and linkrooms are behind mainroom it is a whole other difficult situation or what?
As you see above, i have yet to test if any sound is distributed from HDMI connected sources, i will try that when i get my PS3 back.
There does not seem to be an extra menu to adjust the delay settings, they are just the same as the initial delaysetting on the tv.
A little change is that you are now able to rename your connections so now my AV5 is called "Mac Mini", which looks cool on the vertical display
Anyway, still a huge improvement with linkroom AUDIO beeing i synch with mainroom.
Hopefully everyone else will also soon be able to enjoy this :-)
BV7-40 MK IV, BL5´s, BL3´s, BL 3500, BL7-4, BS3000, BC 6-23, BV 1, BS3.

- Joined on 10-20-2009
- Posts 245

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
Ehlerz:....hooked up with sp/diff and DVI- HDMI no longer eccoes.
I have my BM5 connected the same way to my BV7 - sp/diff and DVI-HDMI - so this is a very good reason to get the SW update.
Thanx a lot for your test, Ehlerz.
There is something about B&O.....

- Joined on 10-20-2009
- Posts 245

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
Ehlerz: Linkroom Video from Mainroom DTV or DVD/BD still eccoes in linkrooms.
Hi Ehlerz
What happens if you let the sound in the linkroom run thru the ML when watching DVD? That is selecting AV+DVD to get the sound over ML, then the sound is also in stereo. Do you still have sync of sound? But no sync between picture and sound?
There is something about B&O.....

- Joined on 10-02-2009
- Switzerland
- Posts 75

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
Hi Richu and everyone else
Theese are my experiences so far.
Linkroom audio from Mainroom DTV and Mac Mini hooked up with sp/diff and DVI- HDMI no longer eccoes. Linkroom Video from Mainroom DTV or DVD/BD still eccoes in linkrooms. This should in my opinion also be fixed as this was never an issue on my 4 year old BV 7-32. I know it is due to digital processing and therefore cant quite be compared. However the BS3 downscales a BD movie, sends it back to my RF amplifier and sends it to my linkrooms IN SYNCH, meening that the sound and picture in linkrooms are in synch with each other, just not the mainroom. Would this be so difficult to fix? I guess the linkrooms are a bit ahead of the mainroom, so why not just make a customer menu setting called linkroom video delay for the customer to change for himself. I mean the delay should be different depending on how far away your linkrooms are etc. Ofcause, IF it is the other way around ,and linkrooms are behind mainroom it is a whole other difficult situation or what?
Hi Ehlerz
I think I see the issue.
When you get audio in the linkroom from DTV/DVD, then the sound will be delayed with the SW update before sent over via ML. (that's great and that's what I expected from B&O last october and they told me that it would never work and I bought an external sound delay...)
When you get audio and video in the linkroom from DTV/DVD/DVD, then the audio and video will go both via the RF amplifier over the coax cable. Now your BV7-32 in the linkroom has to make its own sound delay to create the picture in the meantime. This is not new and nothing has been changed here. It seems, that the BV7-32 has a smaller sound delay than the BV7-40. Hence, the sound (and the picture) in the linkroom will be a little bit earlier than in the mainroom. This behaviour shouldn't be changed because the RF amplifier doesn't know which TV you will connect on the other side of the cable.
As beolion suggests, you could force the linkroom-TV to get the sound from the ML. Then the sound in the linkroom will be in sync with the mainroom but not in sync with the picture in the linkroom, unless both TV's have the same sounddelay but then you just could use the standard config (as you do now).
Can you confirm, that your DTV is an external settop box and you have not connected the analog signal from the settop box to the BV7 (with a SCART or L/R cinch)?

- Joined on 04-17-2007
- DK
- Posts 510

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
Hi Ehlerz
What happens if you let the sound in the linkroom run thru the ML when watching DVD? That is selecting AV+DVD to get the sound over ML, then the sound is also in stereo. Do you still have sync of sound? But no sync between picture and sound?
Hi Beolion
But will this not just give me the sound and NO picture? IF it does, the sound is in synch with mainroom, but i cant get a picture at the same time, can i?
BV7-40 MK IV, BL5´s, BL3´s, BL 3500, BL7-4, BS3000, BC 6-23, BV 1, BS3.

- Joined on 04-17-2007
- DK
- Posts 510

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
Hi Richu and everyone else
Theese are my experiences so far.
Linkroom audio from Mainroom DTV and Mac Mini hooked up with sp/diff and DVI- HDMI no longer eccoes. Linkroom Video from Mainroom DTV or DVD/BD still eccoes in linkrooms. This should in my opinion also be fixed as this was never an issue on my 4 year old BV 7-32. I know it is due to digital processing and therefore cant quite be compared. However the BS3 downscales a BD movie, sends it back to my RF amplifier and sends it to my linkrooms IN SYNCH, meening that the sound and picture in linkrooms are in synch with each other, just not the mainroom. Would this be so difficult to fix? I guess the linkrooms are a bit ahead of the mainroom, so why not just make a customer menu setting called linkroom video delay for the customer to change for himself. I mean the delay should be different depending on how far away your linkrooms are etc. Ofcause, IF it is the other way around ,and linkrooms are behind mainroom it is a whole other difficult situation or what?
Hi Ehlerz
I think I see the issue.
When you get audio in the linkroom from DTV/DVD, then the sound will be delayed with the SW update before sent over via ML. (that's great and that's what I expected from B&O last october and they told me that it would never work and I bought an external sound delay...)
When you get audio and video in the linkroom from DTV/DVD/DVD, then the audio and video will go both via the RF amplifier over the coax cable. Now your BV7-32 in the linkroom has to make its own sound delay to create the picture in the meantime. This is not new and nothing has been changed here. It seems, that the BV7-32 has a smaller sound delay than the BV7-40. Hence, the sound (and the picture) in the linkroom will be a little bit earlier than in the mainroom. This behaviour shouldn't be changed because the RF amplifier doesn't know which TV you will connect on the other side of the cable.
As beolion suggests, you could force the linkroom-TV to get the sound from the ML. Then the sound in the linkroom will be in sync with the mainroom but not in sync with the picture in the linkroom, unless both TV's have the same sounddelay but then you just could use the standard config (as you do now).
Can you confirm, that your DTV is an external settop box and you have not connected the analog signal from the settop box to the BV7 (with a SCART or L/R cinch)?
Hi Richu
Actually there is no delay on my older linkroom tv´s. BC 6-23 and a BV1. When i had my 7-32 as mainroom tv, everything was in synch regardless of video OR sound, because none of the tv´s had a delaysetting. When watching a mainroom videosource in a linkroom even though my new 7-40 tv delays sound to mainroomspeakers, my mainroom tv still figures out to send sound and picture to linkrooms in synch with each other, just not in synch with the mainroom. B&O hence should ALSO delay the video signal from the mainroomtv to the RF amplifier. It does not matter if you have 3 different linkroomtv´s as they should ALL be delayed the same (give or take a few milisec depending on distance). WHEN you then only watch analog tv in your linkrooms, without the source coming from the mainroom tv, the signal comes directly from the wall output to the RF amplifier and there will STILL be synch between sound and picture, but offcause not with mainroom, because of analoge vs. digital signals. SO, it should absolutely be possible over ML to watch a dvd in synch on all your linkroom tvs at the same time, because you used to be able to do that five years ago...!! And i just checked, my linkrooms are a bit ahead of the mainroom, and everything is in synch in each room, just not with eachother. SO i just cant imagine that it is not possible to delay the coaxial output on the bv 7-40 with 250 milisec or so, end that way make everything PERFECT.
My DTV is not an external box, it is the inbuild DVB-HD module. My Mac mini however is, and no, it is soundwise only connected with sp/diff AND the sound is in synch in linkrooms.
BV7-40 MK IV, BL5´s, BL3´s, BL 3500, BL7-4, BS3000, BC 6-23, BV 1, BS3.

- Joined on 10-02-2009
- Switzerland
- Posts 75

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
Hi Ehlerz
I don't think it's because of the distance (unless you have a villa with more than 50m distance).
By how much should then the Video (and audio) be delayed in your opinion (BTW, it takes a lot of memory and processor to delay a full hd picture)?
You mean it should delay the same as it does for the audio on ML. But then as I described above, the delayed video and audio arrives at the link-TV at the same time when it is played in the mainroom. Now when you have a BV7-40 as a link-TV, this 7-40 has to delay the sound while creating the picture. Then 200ms later the 7-40 link-TV would play the sound and the picture. But this is 200ms later than in the mainroom (and in fact 400ms later than from the wall).
It seems, that all your other TV's either have that very fast picture processor to not having to delay the sound or their picture is not in full sync with the sound.
The sound delay is needed to give the picture processor time to create the picture.
I fully understand what you would like to have, but I think that there is no solution to fit all the different needs.

- Joined on 04-17-2007
- DK
- Posts 510

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
Hi Ehlerz
I don't think it's because of the distance (unless you have a villa with more than 50m distance).
By how much should then the Video (and audio) be delayed in your opinion (BTW, it takes a lot of memory and processor to delay a full hd picture)?
You mean it should delay the same as it does for the audio on ML. But then as I described above, the delayed video and audio arrives at the link-TV at the same time when it is played in the mainroom. Now when you have a BV7-40 as a link-TV, this 7-40 has to delay the sound while creating the picture. Then 200ms later the 7-40 link-TV would play the sound and the picture. But this is 200ms later than in the mainroom (and in fact 400ms later than from the wall).
It seems, that all your other TV's either have that very fast picture processor to not having to delay the sound or their picture is not in full sync with the sound.
The sound delay is needed to give the picture processor time to create the picture.
I fully understand what you would like to have, but I think that there is no solution to fit all the different needs.
Hi again, i am not talking about delaying a HD picture, but the equivalent downscaled to SD as the tv already does. Be aware that I am only talking about the old ML system and coaxial distribution, not the future CAT7 solution. SO here is an example. In my case, the linkroom tv´s has no independent delay, because they cant receive digital signals out of the box, and hence does not have to process anything. SO here, the RF output from my mainroom should be the same as the audiodelay to mainroom speakers. IN your case, or the case you describe, be aware that when you use a newer 10-40 as linkroom tv, you will set this up with the delay that suits your DIGITAL DVB-HD input that needs processing just like your mainroom tv. BUT when you watch say a DVD source from your mainroom, this signal is not digital anymore, but downscaled, hence your linkroom tv will NOT need to process it, AND not need to delay the sound. I don't know if the delay settings on the tv´s only apply when the signal is digital, otherwise when you receive the synched SD signal from your mastertv, your linkroom tv will delay the sound, and then make sound and picture unsynced. but if it only applies to digital signals, you will not have a problem on your 10-40 either. IF it delays everything, regardless of digital or analogue, it should be possible to set two different delays, one for analogue (0 ms) and one for digital. SO yes there might be some work in making it work, but i really do not think or hope it is impossible. Has anyone else god an opinion on this, i mean it will definitely be solved when CAT7 is introduced, but what about us with older Linkroom tvs? It would be wise to introduce RF out delay for older linkroom tv´s, while owners of newer tv´s will rely on the CAT 7 distributing everything digitally and process the signals in every room independently.
What do you guys think, am i totally wrong in pointing this issue out?
P.s: Maybe we should start another thread about this issue as i am sure a lot of others could benefit from this as well :-)
BV7-40 MK IV, BL5´s, BL3´s, BL 3500, BL7-4, BS3000, BC 6-23, BV 1, BS3.

- Joined on 05-09-2008
- Posts 213

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
All signals are processed, not just digital ones.
Any LCD/Plasma TV has a 'digital' display. Some have a variety of picture processing (such as the pixelworks chip in the BS3) that clean up or enhance the picture. Everything and anything's going to go through this - analogue will need to be sampled digitally, and digital just fed straight in. These take time, hence the sound delay.
It's not really possible to know what delay the TV accepting the RF input is going to suffer.
To be honest, I solved this by turning the delay to 0 on my BV7. I must be totally blind or oblivious, but I can't even see the sync difference.

- Joined on 04-17-2007
- DK
- Posts 510

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
Hi csmager
Ok, admittedly it might not be as easy as first anticipated :-). However, can you guys live with this??? i absolutely can not in the long run.
Wow, sounds great that your delaysettings are so minimal, unfortunately it varies from provider to provider and I have to set my audiodelay to 250 ms for the sound and picture to be in synch. That, unfortunately is very noticeable in my linkrooms :-(
But i am happy for you, you dont even need the 8.12a update then :-)
BV7-40 MK IV, BL5´s, BL3´s, BL 3500, BL7-4, BS3000, BC 6-23, BV 1, BS3.

- Joined on 04-18-2007
- Denmark
- Posts 177

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
Hi Ehlerz
What happens if you let the sound in the linkroom run thru the ML when watching DVD? That is selecting AV+DVD to get the sound over ML, then the sound is also in stereo. Do you still have sync of sound? But no sync between picture and sound?
Hi Beolion
But will this not just give me the sound and NO picture? IF it does, the sound is in synch with mainroom, but i cant get a picture at the same time, can i?
You'll have to use LINK+<Video source> to get picture via the RF and sound via the ML.

- Joined on 10-20-2009
- Posts 245

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
frankmj:You'll have to use LINK+<Video source> to get picture via the RF and sound via the ML.
All I do in my linkroom if I want to watch DVD is to press DVD and then I get the sound and picture via the RF. If I then afterwards press AV+DVD on my Beo4, then the sound comes from ML, and the picture still comes from RF. But I wonder if the sound and picture will be in sync with the SW 8.12 then.
There is something about B&O.....

- Joined on 04-17-2007
- DK
- Posts 510

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
Hi Beolion
I think the sound and picture will no more be in synch if you do that. But again, why would anyone want picture from RF and sound from ML at the same time, when the synched sound is also distributed via RF?
I will have to test that later today, but i am convinced that EVERYTHING over ML is delayed. So IMO, B&O has solved the synch issue in audio linkrooms, but not video linkrooms...
BV7-40 MK IV, BL5´s, BL3´s, BL 3500, BL7-4, BS3000, BC 6-23, BV 1, BS3.

- Joined on 05-09-2008
- Posts 213

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
Rf = Mono. ML = balanced stereo. One very good reason!

- Joined on 05-09-2008
- Posts 213

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
Rf = Mono. ML = balanced stereo. One very good reason!

- Joined on 03-27-2007
- sweden
- Posts 1,032

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
I have now also sw 8.12 on my BV9....thanx GBG....the curtain was fast before, but now!!...it´s very slow!!!
ok it´s little better then before....nice that you can rename source....but when I press on my BV9(let´s say DTV) that I rename to "canadigital" it shows that first but then before picture comes it display DTV also...[:'(]
these danish guys......
what hardware do you need for HD in linkroom?except running CAT7 cable??

- Joined on 04-21-2007
- Frinton-on-Sea, Great Britain
- Posts 37

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
Can anyone please help? I have a 7-40 MkII, type 9354. Apparently the software level is 7.0.
Is this the latest software update for this type, or are there later ones? If so, would you please advise the subsequent updates for this model.
Very many thaks,

- Joined on 10-20-2009
- Posts 245

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
talisman:The latest BV8/ BV10 software 2010-05-03 :
* Beovision 10-40/46 (Type 9570,9565) latest software = Build 109e
* Beovision 8-40 (Type 9560) latest software = Build 109e
* Beovision 8-32 (Type 9551) latest software = Build 137
* Beovision 8-32 (Type 9550) latest software = Build 137
* Beovision 8-26 (Type 9500) latest software = Build 137
Hi I have the 8-32 (Type No. 9550), where can I see the SW version. When I go into Service Menu, I have: PW328 = 34.23a FEP = 33.30i STB = 05.27b System Module = 32.30n
There is something about B&O.....

- Joined on 03-27-2007
- sweden
- Posts 1,032

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
if you have that typenr it seems that you have MKI...!?
No HD?

- Joined on 03-27-2007
- sweden
- Posts 1,032

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
talisman:The latest BV8/ BV10 software 2010-05-03 :
* Beovision 10-40/46 (Type 9570,9565) latest software = Build 109e
* Beovision 8-40 (Type 9560) latest software = Build 109e
* Beovision 8-32 (Type 9551) latest software = Build 137
* Beovision 8-32 (Type 9550) latest software = Build 137
* Beovision 8-26 (Type 9500) latest software = Build 137
Hi I have the 8-32 (Type No. 9550), where can I see the SW version. When I go into Service Menu, I have: PW328 = 34.23a FEP = 33.30i STB = 05.27b System Module = 32.30n
PW328 = 34.23a 34.23f FEP = 33.30i 33.30c STB = 05.27b System Module = 32.30n 32.30y

- Joined on 10-20-2009
- Posts 245

Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!
We purchased 2 new white 8-32 in dec. 2008 and in the manual it says HD ready, so I believe it is. I have no idea what the difference is between the two 8-32 versions.
There is something about B&O.....