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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012
Latest post 02-22-2012 5:33 AM by pauel. 99 replies.
02-17-2009 5:12 PM

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- LS28/GB
- Posts 2,002

I've wondered for a while if there are any other coffee addicts on the forum? If so, what equipment do you use at home to make your daily fix?
I upgraded from a Gaggia Baby to a La Pavoni Europiccola a couple of years ago, and after about a year of practice (!), can now pull decent shots (it's all about the tamping) and finally have cracked the milk wand and can froth the milk before it boils too quickly. I'm currently using a Gaggia MM burr grinder and get my beans from www.hasbean.co.uk. My girlfriend thinks it's all a load of tosh (she's from the north west and prefers tea), but I've always liked the challenge of operating a lever machine and getting it to produce something even drinkable (never mind the elusive 'God-shot').
Anyone else??
President, Beomaster 8000 Appreciation Society

- Joined on 12-17-2008
- Posts 589

You can count me as one. Just reading your post made me want to go and brew up a few cups.
Lucky me, I happen to live in a city that has two gourmet coffee roasters. It is a pleasure to walk into Staufs and ask what is fresh and have sales clerk point to a barrel of beans still warm from the roasting process.
Personally one of my favorites is Staufs own roasted American blend which is a blen of Hawaiian Puerto Rican and Costa Rican beans. I would put it in the slightly dark to medium roast range. Works well as a straight cup of joe but can also be used for a latte or espresso. I dont make espresso or latte at home I usually go out for that. At home I use a Mr. coffee and a cuisinart coffee mill.

- Joined on 12-22-2008
- Posts 82

i have tryed allsorts of coffee the best in a supermarket was lilly cafemachinatto
we now always buy freshly ground while u wait at a proper grocer the sumatra blend is a touch sweet its even better than blue mountain from whitards
as regards a machine i use standard expresso machine non pumped or alessi richard sapper pot lovely design takes ages to brew up
would like pumped machine but to pricey at present
total coffee addict it is such a joy and a real treat cant stand instant

- Joined on 04-24-2007
- London
- Posts 1,483

Double espresso for me, or lungo if in Italy.
An attractive piece in the kitchen and used everyday - Bodum press coffee maker.
PS. Happy Birthday John! 


- Joined on 03-29-2007
- Costa Del St Evenage
- Posts 4,855

When we do buy proper Coffee, we always go to Whittards. Most of thie though I do drink instant. Mostly I supose this is down to having a very small Kitchen. This means our Coffee maker has to live at the back of one of the cupboards.
For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals. Then
something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination. We
learned to talk and we learned to listen..

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- LS28/GB
- Posts 2,002

PS. Happy Birthday John! 
Thank you :)
President, Beomaster 8000 Appreciation Society

- Joined on 04-28-2007
- Hull UK (again)
- Posts 693

I've just started getting into 'real' coffee, and bought myself one of these:

Getting the hang of it slowly, though the built-in tamper is rubbish, so have a proper one on the way.
The problem is that whilst learning about making a decent espesso, you end up with a lot of 'rejects', albeit drinkable ones. Then you end up wide awake in bed at 0500... ask me how I know... 
Я люблю Банг и Oлуфсен

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- LS28/GB
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Ray - wait until your tamper arrives. It took me ages to work it out, but about 95% of a decent shot is in the tamping pressure. It must be firm, and try giving the tamper a little twist one way or the other as you finish, just to polish the grind up a little :)
President, Beomaster 8000 Appreciation Society

- Joined on 04-28-2007
- Hull UK (again)
- Posts 693

The tamper arived today, and already there is a definite improvement, though I know it will take me a while to get it right. The Europiccola is certainly tempting though... it appeals to the geek in me 
Я люблю Банг и Oлуфсен

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- LS28/GB
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The tamper arived today, and already there is a definite improvement, though I know it will take me a while to get it right. The Europiccola is certainly tempting though... it appeals to the geek in me 
It's a great machine - only took me three years to perfect!
President, Beomaster 8000 Appreciation Society

- Joined on 08-28-2007
- Nottingham
- Posts 628

I love coffee!
I have use the nespresso capsules, I am on my second machine I started with a Gaggia automat had that for 5 years and now have a siemans machine. I loved the gaggia it was a stunning piece!
I like the consistency of the nespresso capsules your always guarantee'd a great cup of coffee, Although i have been toying with a bean to cup machine. Purely down to cost as i am spending £50 a month on capsules!
I have also got into double expresso's thats all I drink now

- Joined on 04-18-2007
- Posts 220

I drink way too much coffee, mainly Lungos now though
I have 2 Nespresso (Magimix Concept & Krups Esenza) machines at home, a professional at work.
I love its simplicity and most important its consistency, I have burnt too many espressos!!!
Generally some interesting machine designs and I was invited to a research group last year..... Great Customer Service!

- Joined on 08-28-2007
- Nottingham
- Posts 628

I drink way too much coffee, mainly Lungos now though
I have 2 Nespresso (Magimix Concept & Krups Esenza) machines at home, a professional at work.
I love its simplicity and most important its consistency, I have burnt too many espressos!!!
Generally some interesting machine designs and I was invited to a research group last year..... Great Customer Service!
so which is your favourite blend??

- Joined on 04-18-2007
- Posts 220

I drink way too much coffee, mainly Lungos now though
I have 2 Nespresso (Magimix Concept & Krups Esenza) machines at home, a professional at work.
I love its simplicity and most important its consistency, I have burnt too many espressos!!!
Generally some interesting machine designs and I was invited to a research group last year..... Great Customer Service!
so which is your favourite blend??
I mainly drink Ristretto (black) for Espresso and Vivalto (the light blue - now metallic light blue) for Lungo..... I'll always give the special blend a whirl as well.....

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Neuchatel, Suisse
- Posts 552

You might try a burr grinder for expresso settings, with medium roasted beans that aren't oily. It makes for a much better cup.
B & O Blend:
90 % Arabica ( using Santa Clara Cafe expresso beans )
10 % Mokka ( Yemeni )
Ground on medium setting using a Gaggia MF grinder. Tamp and " polish " well as mentioned above.
I used to make this in 1 K bags for one of the B&O store owners, who enjoyed it. He said it gave the expresso a taste of chocolate, but without chocolate. This gave me a chance to see the new products, and discuss the news of the day.
Funny, but I always exited with a purchase in a B&O bag . . . . .

- Joined on 03-17-2009
- Posts 85

Double espresso for me, or lungo if in Italy.
Sorry, too strong for me. I can't take that much acid, especially Italian beans, which have quite a reputation in the states for being strong and acidic.

- Joined on 03-17-2009
- Posts 85

When we do buy proper Coffee, we always go to Whittards. Most of thie though I do drink instant.
I have recently become a convert to instant. Kavacoffee has low acid instant, which is actually better than most coffee shop coffee.
Best coffee that I've ever had was from stumptown coffee in Portland, OR. Strong, but so smooth that I preferred to drink black (normally I put a lot of sugar and cream).
It was only $1 only 2 years ago, but que was almost 5 minutes in 0800.

- Joined on 08-28-2007
- Nottingham
- Posts 628

burantek:Xmas is coming. Was considering a Bosch Tassimo for myself. Any experience?
It all about the cost of the capsules for me, I bought a bean to cup machine a gaggia titanium in the end! I was spending to much on capsules ( £50 a month)

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- LS28/GB
- Posts 2,002

I'd invest in a decent grinder and a good machine if I were you Jeff. The pod machines don't let you fine-tune the grind etc., so are pretty poor in terms of what you actually end up with in the cup. If you can devote the time to master using one, I'd still recommend a La Pavoni Europiccola. I serviced my 15 year old unit a year or so ago, and trust me when I say these things are built to last!
President, Beomaster 8000 Appreciation Society