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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012
Latest post 09-26-2011 10:28 AM by hackel. 85 replies.

- Joined on 05-19-2007
- Bergen, Norway
- Posts 54

Re: BeoSound 5 - First Impressions
The update was available this morning. Maybe they make updates available for different time zones at different times. I will give MP3 tag a try. Thanks.
One thing I noticed which the software update didnt fix is that I dont have visual feedback of the volume control. The blue line is there all the time (volume does change though when I move the wheel). Not a big issue, but wondering why this is. My BS5 is connected to my BV9. The dealers example worked fine. Also noticed that the system has randomly shut down (softly) twice since I got it. Hope this issue is cured with the new update.

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- In Transit
- Posts 441

Re: BeoSound 5 - First Impressions
This is because like all other B&O audio connected to a B&O TV, the audio is slave to the TV. Thus volume (and tone controls) are controlled via the TV. You can change BS5 volume at the wheel, but the feedback is from the TV screen.

- Joined on 03-01-2009
- Posts 14

Re: BeoSound 5 - First Impressions
I can confirm the issue with the volume control from Grieg, and I havo no TV connected at the moment.

- Joined on 05-19-2007
- Bergen, Norway
- Posts 54

Re: BeoSound 5 - First Impressions
The BM5 is connected to the TV, but using Netradio and Netmusic on the BS5 turns the Speaker 2 on and the TV, but not the screen. So I dont have feedback from the TV either.

- Joined on 04-16-2007
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- Posts 441

Re: BeoSound 5 - First Impressions
How this works depends I guess on the specs of the TV, the option settings and the AudioMaster setting on the BS5.
I am assuming you have connected the BM5 to the Bv9 with a masterlink connection?
That the TV is in V.opt 2 and the BM5 (&BS5) is on Option 0. This establishes a) remote control priority (i.e. the TV accpts the command) and b) that it becomes a master control for the line-level audio signal. This is distributed via Masterlink to the BV9 Powerlink output.
Thus, the BV9 controls volume and tone.
On my BV7-40, the vertical LED strip displays the source (N.Music or N.Radio) until there is a command for volume. Then it breifly (5 seconds) displays the volume. Perhaps the BV9 is not capable of this but I have seen a BV1 do similar with an on-screen box. Avants, BC1 and BV7's have off-screen LEDs.
If you connect your SP/Dif on the BM5 to a pair of BL5's, then the Powerlink controls the volume and tonal changes are removed altogether.

- Joined on 05-19-2007
- Bergen, Norway
- Posts 54

Re: BeoSound 5 - First Impressions
This is in response to Stefan who managed to get HD video working on the BS5. I have had mine for some weeks and everything now works fine. But HD video content does not. I transfered som WMV HD films in both 720p and 1080p and it skips and plays without sound in both resolution. So unfortunately not a HD video solution for now. Or have others, like Stefan, gotten this to work? Maybe another codec?

- Joined on 11-06-2008
- Albi (France)
- Posts 137

Re: BeoSound 5 - First Impressions
Hi guys,
Do you think it's normal to hack the BM5 to get basic functions found in any 250$ media center boxes ?
Don't you think that it's a beautiful product but with so poor functionnalities that it's quite impossible to buy such a thing with this software release ?
All you have to hope is a quick software update to get things working right in a regular way (not by hacking).

- Joined on 05-21-2007
- Denmark
- Posts 46

Re: BeoSound 5 - First Impressions
to plagente
I do not think you need to do any hacking if you use BM5 as it is supposed by B&O. I had my BS5/BM5 for two weeks now and I love it!
I use the system only as N.Music and N.Radio as my AV9000 can not at the moment control BM5.
I will newer use it to stream video, I got a Kiss VR558 for that and it works for me (of course with B&O remote).
So bottomline is that I think its great doing what it is supposed to do - nothing else and the first update adressed the things that anoyed me.

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Posts 653

Re: BeoSound 5 - First Impressions
My Beosound 5 was installed about 2 weeks ago and I love it just the way it is. The quality and design is outstanding. Fit and finish is first rate. I purchased it with intentions of using it the way it was described in the brochure as a music player.
I have an Apple TV which is in a cabinet for video rental.
I feel that I no longer have to buy CDs or DVDs because of all the download services that are available.
I should add a special thanks to PhilLondon for suggesting I use an Airport Express for the ethernet connection. This worked perfectly the first time during the installation of Beosound 5. This is the N version of AE running in the 5 ghz range so there will be no interference. Thanks PhilLondon!
Beosound 5 BL9 BC2 BL8000 Beovision 7 BL6002 BL11

- Joined on 03-01-2009
- Posts 14

Re: BeoSound 5 - First Impressions
I'm using the BS5 and BM5 without B&O speaker, thereby it is not possible to adjust the sound setting. The result, the sound is cruelly. The sound from my Ipod with MP3 songs is much more better than the sound from the BS5 with copies in lossless quality!
I'am absolute unsatisfied with the sound.

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- London
- Posts 2,545

Re: BeoSound 5 - First Impressions
I think there is a specific problem with your setup, the sound should be perfect.

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- In Transit
- Posts 441

Re: BeoSound 5 - First Impressions
I agree,
I think playing lossless wma file the sound is as good as CD. Very smooth, very B&O sound. Furthermore, I would state that the BS5 is a very good machine to operate and is no way fatally-flawed. I have suggested items which I personally would like to see in the machine which are in the main operability-based issues rather than technical issues. These issues are a function of what the designeds of the BS5 feel is important for the product and have so designed it to be like that. Argue what you will on the rights and wrongs but that is how it is. They may add further functionality during the life of the product, they may not.
Finally, as with all purchasers of B&O products who intend to install the product into their own non-B&O setup, then beware and do your due diligence beforehand. B&O has a long history of doing things their way, supporting their own systems rather than the generic audio/visual crowd. For what it is worth, I have a 100% integrated B&O setup and it works flawlessly and I have no complaints and I would happliy compare it to any other system to see/hear the overall difference.

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Posts 653

Re: BeoSound 5 - First Impressions
My system works perfectly and does indeed sound better than my Beocenter 2.
I looked at the instructions and at least on the American version, there is only a SPDIF connector which is actually meant for the Beolab 5 but I suppose can connect to a digital amplifier or digitally powered speakers. Do you connect to a B&O Television and then have your speakers connected to the TV? I am assuming you would then have to adjust the sound from the TV.
I would complain to your dealer to get the problem solved. My Beosound 5 was the first one they installed so they had 2 guys doing the install which was perfect.
Beosound 5 BL9 BC2 BL8000 Beovision 7 BL6002 BL11

- Joined on 03-01-2009
- Posts 14

Re: BeoSound 5 - First Impressions
Hi at all,
my dealer and me had figured out the problem! It was my power amplifier (10 years old), he could not work with the signal from the BM5 the right way. I have changed the old to a new integrated amplifier where my speakers are connected to, and the sound is now perfect.
It takes a times to get the system running as it should, but now I'm nearly happy with the system.

- Joined on 10-09-2007
- Sweden
- Posts 108

Re: BeoSound 5 - First Impressions
Koning, I had the BS9000 before and the BM5 sound is much richer and clearer on my BL8000s. Now I can here parts that I didn´t heared before. Brgds Ingvar
Collector since 1996, BS5/BM5, BL3*4, BL11, BEO6, BV10-46, BL2000, MX4002, Beocom6000, Beotalk1200

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- France
- Posts 612

Re: BeoSound 5 - First Impressions
One question for the owners of the A9 Keyring :
I read that the Keyring works with BS5, it turns it OFF.
But, does it turn the BS5 ON when we press Audio ?

- Joined on 04-01-2007
- Clitheroe, Lancashire, UK
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Re: BeoSound 5 - First Impressions
Pressing Audio on the A9 sends the same signal as pressing Radio on a Beo4, so I guess not, as BS5 doesn't have Radio, only NRADIO. NRADIO is the same signal as Phono.
I have an A9, so will give you a definate answer in about twenty years when I can afford BS5.
Andy T.

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- France
- Posts 612

Re: BeoSound 5 - First Impressions
One question here :
Is it possible to add "manually" the cover of an album or a song with BeoPlayer ?
I went to my dealer and try BS5 and the copy function with his laptop.
The BeoPlayer did not recognize my album (no title or cover...).
We tried with WMP and same outcome.
We tried iTunes, it was OK, but iTunes doesn't take WMA Lossless.
So, we tried in BeoPlayer the "Update info and cover" (right click) but it doesn't do the trick.
We could add infos manually but not the cover, for instance, upload an image of the cover found on the net.
Do you know what is the best solution ?

- Joined on 04-21-2007
- Stockholm, Sweden
- Posts 63

Re: BeoSound 5 - First Impressions
When having Beoplayer/Beoport in the Album view, simply drag and drop a coverart .jpg from the folding containing it and drop it on the "blank" album icon i Beoplayer/Beoport.
Check out the built in Guide for the product, I am not at home at the moment but I seem to remember that it is refered to in the Guide as "Adding missing cover art"

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Posts 653

Re: BeoSound 5 - First Impressions
When having Beoplayer/Beoport in the Album view, simply drag and drop a coverart .jpg from the folding containing it and drop it on the "blank" album icon i Beoplayer/Beoport.
Check out the built in Guide for the product, I am not at home at the moment but I seem to remember that it is refered to in the Guide as "Adding missing cover art"
This is correct. I just tried it. After you drag in the album art, you will get a message at the top indicating the album art is being updated. For the album being updated, the red square around the music selection changes back to white.
I have a question. I am more used to iTunes and apple lossless. What kbps should I expect for windows lossless. I ripped a cd in windows lossless but the kbps was over 4000. Is this correct? If so, I will fill up that 500 gb disk quickly. Thanks.
Beosound 5 BL9 BC2 BL8000 Beovision 7 BL6002 BL11

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- France
- Posts 612

Re: BeoSound 5 - First Impressions
Thanks a lot guys ! 
i'm ready to take my BS5 this saturday !

- Joined on 04-18-2007
- Paris, France
- Posts 1,133

Re: BeoSound 5 - First Impressions
linder:I have a question. I am more used to iTunes and apple lossless. What kbps should I expect for windows lossless. I ripped a cd in windows lossless but the kbps was over 4000. Is this correct? If so, I will fill up that 500 gb disk quickly. Thanks.
There is no real difference in size between files in wma Lossless and in Apple Lossless, the bitrate you saw was just a display error, maybe.

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Posts 653

Re: BeoSound 5 - First Impressions
Thanks for the information. I was looking at it incorrectly. I have started ripping using Microsoft lossless. I find the sound is wonderful on Beosound 5. I have also found that Beoplayer is better to use than Beoconnect which I was doing because I have a Mac. I have loaded Windows XP on my MacBook Air using VMware Fusion. It was an experience doing that but it all works well now. Okay I am ripping a disk twice to Beosound 5 using Windows and then to iTunes apple lossless. This is a little extra work but I really like the Beosound 5. I was a Bang & Olufsen fan long before being an Apple fan!
Beosound 5 BL9 BC2 BL8000 Beovision 7 BL6002 BL11

- Joined on 07-03-2007
- Posts 28

Re: BeoSound 5 - First Impressions
Returning to the first impressions on the BeoSound / BeoMaster 5 combo package...
Beomaster 5 seems to be a revamped Beomedia (which has twice the memory and CPU power and an updated Windows XP embedded platform - ie. it now has SP2). The other enhancements are a refined soundcard (48KHz), a built-in power supply and: the option to control the unit via a wired remote control dubbed BeoSound 5. The issue with the BeoSound / BeoMaster package is that it is focused on price first, then looks and functionality last. If you decide to purchase the BeoMaster by itself (most useful to those with a BV9 set) you don't get the somewhat useful MOTS feature (which is only enabled when the BeoSound 5 is connected to the BeoMaster unit). If you purchase the complementing BeoSound 5 unit to improve the overall appearance, gain the MOTS function and a better navigational means for your music collection then you can only control the system unidirectionally (i.e. only from the BeoSound 5). The BeoSound and BeoMaster have somewhat independant software programs. Namely, if the BeoSound 5 is the main controller (as opposed to the BeoMaster - which has an navigational interface similar to the BeoMedia but with album covers this time) the BeoMaster software is "disabled" but an album cover is displayed on your TV set as an extension of the BeoSound user interface. Some control can be gained by using the Beo4 or Beo5 remote controls but nothing spectacular (jump to next song and re-seed the MOTS with a new song being the main functions achieved via the remote control). Given the album art displayed on the TV is a UI extension from the BeoSound 5 no dim can be achieved on the TV. That is, you cannot enable the screen dim or black out feature previously supplied by the BeoMedia (adn available with the BeoMaster if connected by itself). If such function was somehow enabled the BeoSound screen will also be affected thus making it a nuisance. So, in the event you are setting up your system in "AM 0" mode with the speakers connected via the AV system (and not directly hooked up to the BM5) you may find there are certain deficiencies in the current version/s of the software which IMO were introduced by the focus on price (e.g. you can't upgrade the BeoMedia, you need the BeoMaster "advanced digital platform" and an external USB-based unit called BeoSound which brings in the MOTS functionality but... forget about the navigational aspect the BeoMaster provides in conjunction with a remote control, just walk to the BeoSound everytime you want to browse for another album cause you can do with the excercise and, while at it, we'll display the album cover on your plasma in case you eyesight doesn;t cater for the smaller version displayed on the BeoSound LCD, and burn-in the coverframe and soundtrack symbols on your TV screen if you decide to leave the music on for a few hours).
Lokk forward to the refined software version.