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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 03-04-2008 9:23 AM by timmer66. 7 replies.
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  • 03-02-2008 8:58 PM

    • timmer66
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    BG 4002 / MMC600 questions

    I just bought a BG 4002 with a MMC600 cartridge.  It arrived with the deck pieces, belts and platter removed, and after a bit of fiddling, I got it all assembled.  At first the tonearm would drop, and then scoot fast-forward across the record - much to my dismay.  Turning it on again in the evening, I noticed a light shining beneath the platter, so I took it apart again and discovered the mechanism that controls the forward movement of the tonearm.  In ten minutes it was back in play and after a few more minor adjustments, it's running top-notch, and sounds superb.  New belts should be here this week. 

     Now the questions:

    1)  How do it tell if this 1975 model has an AC or DC motor?

    2)  Could the quadraphonic feature be used with two amps and two sets of speakers (with the appropriate medium, of course)?

    3)  Is the MMC6000 a valuable cartridge, given that is sounds great, but have no idea what to compare it to?

    4)  Which Soundsmith cartridge would be it's closest match?

    5)   Why is the backside of the platter (when taken apart by removing the six screw) a mirrored surface with the black "spokes"?  (Is this a Jacob Jensen thing, or is there a functional purpose?)


    Thanks in advance!



  • 03-03-2008 2:13 AM In reply to

    Re: BG 4002 / MMC600 questions

    1.What type number is it? 550X = AC, 551X, SS2X = DC. There are a couple of very large capacitors in the AC version!

    2. Yes - but I don't think you will find it worth it. Or get a Beomaster 3400/6000 which gives you just that and an SQ decoder.  

    3. In good condition, my favourite! Rarely in good condition though.

    4. SMMC20CL - expensive!

    5. I take it you mean the subplatter? The top platter has the spokes so the arm recognises when a record is in place. The original 4000 had a strobe built into the subplatter and if you have an early 6000, I think this used the same subplatter. The marks are for the strobe, which your deck does not have!

  • 03-03-2008 11:54 AM In reply to

    • timmer66
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    Re: BG 4002 / MMC600 questions

    1) It's the 5503, so it must be AC.

    2) I thought it may not be worth the trouble.

    3) It's not bad, but not perfect, hence question 4

    4) Is the SMCC20CL+ worth the extra $$ over the SMCC20CL?

    5) Actually, the top platter comes off the subplatter with the 6 screws, and the back of it is mirrored with the strobe marks.  When it's fastened to the subplatter, the only mirrored surface it the opening in the center where it mounts on the spindle.  When I saw it was mirrored, my curiosity got the best of me and I had to take it apart to have a look.  I imagine it may be left over from the 4000?  A different subplatter may have been used with that model, allowing a strobe to be used from the underside.  


    Thanks for your input - it's appreciated!


  • 03-03-2008 12:22 PM In reply to

    Re: BG 4002 / MMC600 questions

    4. I don't know! I have a SMMC20EN which is very very good! I also have 4 or 5 MMC20CLs - and I think the SMMC20EN is better. I am very tempted to try! If Soundsmith want a review, I am free any time!! Laughing

    5. I am sure it will be from the 4000 - I have one of these and it sounds very similar. The platter of these decks are much heavier than the later ones. 

  • 03-03-2008 3:57 PM In reply to

    • yachadm
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    Re: BG 4002 / MMC600 questions

    I have the BG6000, type 5505.

    I have both the MMC20EN, which came with the turntable, and then I bought a SMMC20CL+.

    The reason I did this is because the MMC20EN, even though its sounds beautiful, cannot play Quadraphonic LP's properly.

    No question about it - if all you've got are Stereo LP's, the MMC20EN or SMMC20EN are more than just fine.

    If you've got Quad LP's (CD-4 Quadradisc), only the SMMC20CL+ will reproduce the encoded signal properly.

    Hope this helps.


    Learn from the mistakes of others - you'll not live long enough to make them all yourself!

  • 03-03-2008 5:37 PM In reply to

    Re: BG 4002 / MMC600 questions

    With stereo records, how does the SMMC20CL+ compare to the EN? The standard SMMC20CL will also play CD4 records.
  • 03-04-2008 5:51 AM In reply to

    • yachadm
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    Re: BG 4002 / MMC600 questions

    It's difficult to quantify in a Digital manner (0's or 1's).

    But were all analog fans, so here goes.

    The MMC20EN is a warmer, rounded sound, but still incredibly detailed.

    The SMMC20CL+ is sharper, even more detailed.

    For listening to stereo LP's, I like the MMC20EN very much, but that's my personal preference.

    For CD4 LP's, the 20CL(+) series is necessary.

    Anyway, IMHO, the best upgrade for this Type 55xx, is replacing all capacitors on the CD4 PCB (including Tantalums) with Wima MKS2 (for 0.22uF to 4.7uF) and Elna Silmic II for 10uF and above.

    That will improve the sound tremendously, no matter what cartridge you have, at a much lower cost.



    Learn from the mistakes of others - you'll not live long enough to make them all yourself!

  • 03-04-2008 9:23 AM In reply to

    • timmer66
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    Re: BG 4002 / MMC600 questions

    Thank you all for the information.  It looks like I will be shopping for a SMMC20EN for starters.  I do not own any quad lp's, but was curious. 

    Last night the diamond disappeared from the 33 year-old MMC6000, so it's glory days are over. 

    Has anyone heard of this mod?    I'm not sure I'd like the looks of it, but it does open up a wider selection of cartridges.




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