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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


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  • Does connecting the headphone jack on a Beocenter 9500 turn the speakers off?

    Hello, I'm new to the forums and B&O products. I recently started this path by getting a good deal on a Beosound 1 and was amazed by the quality and features of such a small little unit. I am interested in getting started on a basic setup and don't have a lot of money. So, I was looking at...
    Posted to Forum by macjonny1 on 11-09-2009
  • B&O System speaker cable advice sort

    Hi, I wondered if anyone can advise me on the best cable to connect Red Line passive speakers to a Beosystem 8500 ? I have some original old B&O leads with fixed two pin plugs but the legnth is a bit short, alternatevly I have some massive flat heavy duty core cables that could potentially be terminated...
    Posted to Forum by BeoMatt on 05-07-2009
  • Beocentre 9500 CD Lens problem

    My beocentre 9500 cannot read CD / sometimes play with click sounds after servicing for 20 years. I sent it for B&O service and I was told that the CD lens is getting old and cannot be replaced coz' no parts are available now. Anyone know if this can be fixed apart from B&O service ? Many...
    Posted to Forum by woobenedict on 05-05-2009
  • Beogram CDX 2 CD Player

    Hi I am looking to purchase a CD player which is compatible with a Beocenter 4000 and wondered if anyone knew if the CDX2 was compatible? If not, can anyone recommend anything else? Many thanks Deb
    Posted to Forum by brookeda on 12-02-2008
  • Beocenter 9000 connectivity

    I am considering buying a Beocenter 9000, and I have two questions. First, will my Beogram 4002 (with built-in quad decoder) plug into it? I realize it won't have remote capability, but will the 4-channel circuitry interfere? Would I simply leave it set on 2-channel? Second, I see the Beocenter 9000...
    Posted to Forum by timmer66 on 03-14-2008
  • BeoCenter 7700 TT speed changes

    I have had a BeoCenter 7700 for about three years, and when I bought it, I replaced all the belts. Just in the last few months, the speed changes from 33 to 45 in the middle of a record. If I press 33 it changes back and stays there. This happens about three or four times a week, while I use the turntable...
    Posted to Forum by timmer66 on 03-04-2008
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