Hi all,
this is my setup: the beovision 3 and the beosound 9000 are in the living room. The beosound 4 is in an linkroom configured with Audio Option 6. In the Beosound 4 is a DAB Module fitted. There is nothing else in the linkroom. The Beovision 3 has the Surround Sound Module fited. There are two Beolab 4000 connected to the Surround Sound Module. The Beovision has been configured with Video Option 2. The Beosound 9000 has been configured with Audio Option 0. There is also a Beoport connected to a Mac Mini in the living room. All devices are connected via Masterlink.
Here is my question: Is it possible to listen to the DAB program from the Beosound 4 from the link room in the livinig room? If it is possible, can somebody tell me which options i have to use and which commands i have to commit?
It is possible to listen to the 6 CD´s from the Beosound 9000 in the linkroom via the LINK command. It is also possible to listen to the radio program fromt he Beosound 9000 in the linkroom via the LINK command. It is not possible to listen to radio nor the CD from the linkroom on the Beosound 9000 via the LINK command. I can use N.MUSIC and N.RADIO in both the living room and linkroom.
Thanks a lot for your help.
Best regards