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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 04-22-2007 6:48 PM by soundproof. 2 replies.
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  • 04-22-2007 4:24 PM

    • PD
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    Design ideas - from whence does the inspiration come?

    Well as we know, the Beolab 9 is lighthouse based, the Beolab 5 stems from the (human?!) Dalek in a washing machine point of view & when I picked up my Earset 2 yesterday (yay!!), the whole look of the unit, the way the wall mount fits together & the overall look of the charger/case when closed put me firmly in mind of something constructed from Lego...

    Anyone have any comments on this or other product inspirations?

    PD "The difference betwixt erotic & kinky is that betwixt using a feather & using a chicken..."

  • 04-22-2007 6:04 PM In reply to

    • 9 LEE
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    Re: Design ideas - from whence does the inspiration come?

    Well, we all know where Torben came from!


    Laughing Laughing Laughing




    BeoWorld - Everything Bang & Olufsen

  • 04-22-2007 6:48 PM In reply to

    Re: Design ideas - from whence does the inspiration come?

    Both the BL9 and BL5 was "inspired" by function. Quite simply the optimum shape for these loudspeakers -- the oval of the BL9 and the circular shape of the BL5 is the result of a conscious attempt at avoiding standing waves within the cabinets, distorting the sound. The tapering is due to the hardest working and largest drivers being placed at the bottom, with the smaller drivers and tweeters going above that again.

    The fact that the speakers resemble a Dalek, or a lighthouse, is just visuals. (Though B&O did make a point of it in Portugal, for the dealer meetings last year, where the BL9s were introduced with a helicopter flight towards a lighthouse).
    A major point was made of the fact that the BL5s were the first speakers from B&O to have been shaped by function, rather than the shape being presented to the engineers as a challenge to fit the technology inside.

     Lego for Earset 2? Not sure -- again I think function is playing a trick. They use the circular "casing" to hide the circuitry and batteries -- and it serves the additional function of covering the entrance of the ear, in order to blanket extraneous noise while you're listening.

    Lewis was inspired to create the shape of the BC2 by a sculpture he saw in Italy ... that I know for certain.

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