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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 02-10-2012 10:33 PM by Vienna. 5 replies.
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  • 02-10-2012 1:44 AM

    Connect BeoPort to masters

    Hi Beophiles. I have just moved my Beoport from my office/Macbook into my loungeroom which has a BV10 and BC2 and MacMini Server. I want to connect the Beport to the MV10/BC2 and use BM-Link for Net Music/Net Radio while using Front Row for video stuff. I don't want to use my iPhone to control everything because I go away often and would take the iPhone with me, and I like the programmability of my Lintronic box together with Beo4. How do I physically get the N.Music/N.Radio from my MacMini via the BeoPort to my system (running BL 4000 and 6000's)? I want to keep the BeoPort so I have control of Net Music from other rooms.

    The way I have it operating now is:

    PC (soft button) activates the BV10 and MacMini and Beo4 controls everything via Lintronic

    N.Music (soft button) activates BM-Link on MacMini/BC2 but no audio as I don't know where to connect the MacMini 3.5mm audio out. Does it go into the Socket Unit of the BC2?

    Ideally I'd like for the BV10 to come on with Net Music so that I can see album covers etc.

    Lastly, I would use Front Row for music there are two complications 1. It doesn't allow for Link music and 2. the latest iTunes does not support Front Row (which is no longer available on Lion but I managed to install it).

    If you have made it this far and have not dozed off then perhaps you have a solution for me.

    Thanks. eric

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  • 02-10-2012 9:48 AM In reply to

    • scott451
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    Re: Connect BeoPort to masters


    this sort of thing can be blindly complicated sometimes...

    the audio out from the mac goes to the audio in on the beoport.

    unless you have a mac mini with hdmi out and running os 10.7.2 in which case the audio out will be disactivated when hdmi is connected.

    lots of posts on this on the beo-mac section of the forum.

    look into linkplayer as well.


    - scott

  • 02-10-2012 10:02 AM In reply to

    Re: Connect BeoPort to masters

    Hi Eric, nice avatar icon btw!

    In the Mac forum on the site you will find a rich collection of topics on various options to confuse you :-)

    Some of your requirements can not be met - for example [N-MUSIC] showing cover art on the BV10.

    But first let's get the BeoPort connected.

    Eric Philips:
    N.Music (soft button) activates BM-Link on MacMini/BC2 but no audio as I don't know where to connect the MacMini 3.5mm audio out. Does it go into the Socket Unit of the BC2?

    The Mac's 3.5mm audio out should go to the BeoPort's audio in, and then you connect the BeoPort to the BV10 and the BC2 via a MasterLink cable.

    You probably already have a MasterLink junction box (or the Lintronic) so that should be easily accomplished.

    You will now have N.Music/N.Radio accessible in all rooms - but no cover art.


    Now some questions to make sure this all hangs together:

    • have you installed the BeoPort's IR eye ?
    • does the BC2 have any speakers attached, or are they driven via the BV10 ?
    • what OPTION settings have you got for the BC2 and the BV10 at this stage ?
    • what hardware generation of the MacMini do you have ?
    • what update level of LION do you have ?
    • how have you connected the MacMini's video signal to the BV10 ?
    • does your BV10 have a free HDMI port ?


    To meet make sure the BeoPort works properly and meet some of your other requirements I need to understand these answers.


    In brief, as a replacement to FrontRow and in order to answer the cover art question, I think I am going to need to introduce you to LinkPlayer, but let us get the basics working first.



    First B&O (1976) was a Beogram 1500 ... latest (2011) change has been to couple the BL11 with the BL6Ks *sounds superb*

  • 02-10-2012 8:47 PM In reply to

    Re: Connect BeoPort to masters

    Thanks for the advice. In the interim I did what I had done earlier and simply connected the Mini and Beoport with a 3.5mm audio cable and hey presto, sound! Don't know why it didn't work before. Now to the other issues.

    1. N.Music and N.Radio are working fine but of course, as you suggest, I can't use the BV as a monitor to find music more easily. More on LinkPlayer later, which I assume will overcome this problem.

    2. Should I connect the BV10 and control panel of BC2 with an optical cable?

    3. I can't simultaneously run analog and HDMI audio from the Mini, right? Once I plug the cable into the headphone socket I disable HDMI (or is it vice versa). If so, then I can't seamlessly jump from N.Music to Front Row.

    4. Link Player. Gggrrr! I'ver had it on my iPhone and iPad and Macbook for over a year but they never speak to each other via my Cisco wireless router, they constantly search for a signal, despite the phone and iPad being connected to the wireless network OK.

    BTW I have the latest Lion and Mini and I am not using a IR eye for BP. Speakers are plugged into the TV. TV is on Opt 0 and Video on Opt 2 (or perhaps it is the other way round!)

    Thanks for the avatar comment. B&O in Denmark gave me that BS2 to take to the North Pole in 2002. They were just about to release it and actually put it through some cold tests before sending it to me in Australia. I took it to the North Pole when I skied there from Russia. The reflection is of me and my friend at the pole. The pic and an article on the trip featured in the B&O Australia magazine in 2002. The BS2 was a great piece but I ended up selling it a couple of years ago. I now guide ski expeditions to both the North and South Poles, with an iPod!




  • 02-10-2012 9:03 PM In reply to

    Re: Connect BeoPort to masters

    Eric Philips:
    B&O in Denmark gave me that BS2 to take to the North Pole in 2002.

    Its big advantage (at that time) was no moving parts to freeze up !  I probably still have that article in my B&O collection ! I still have my BS2 even though I never use it ... certainly would never offload it, too many good memories.

    Eric Philips:
    4. Link Player. Gggrrr! I'ver had it on my iPhone and iPad and Macbook for over a year but they never speak to each other via my Cisco wireless router, they constantly search for a signal, despite the phone and iPad being connected to the wireless network OK.

    I have never had that level of problem ! Do you have a very complicated home network ? Is it worth considering replacing the CISCO - or perhaps borrowing something from someone and trialing that ?

    Eric Philips:
    3. I can't simultaneously run analog and HDMI audio from the Mini, right? Once I plug the cable into the headphone socket I disable HDMI (or is it vice versa). If so, then I can't seamlessly jump from N.Music to Front Row.

    Correct, that "feechure" was introduced by Apple with an LION "upgrade" in the fourth quarter - you may have seen my post warning about the consequences of the upgrade, and my latest update saying that the upgrade to the upgrade has not improved the situation

    Eric Philips:
    2. Should I connect the BV10 and control panel of BC2 with an optical cable?

    I don't know :-) not my area of experience / knowledge

    Eric Philips:
    1. N.Music and N.Radio are working fine but of course, as you suggest, I can't use the BV as a monitor to find music more easily.

    I find the iPad's Apple REMOTE App is the best control for searching and organising playlists

    Not sure if LinkPlayer's broadcasting of the song meta data would show up on the BC2, they do on my BS4 which provides a level of monitoring, but I prefer the iPad approach

    Eric Philips:
    In the interim I did what I had done earlier and simply connected the Mini and Beoport with a 3.5mm audio cable and hey presto, sound!

    This bit I don't understand ... except you must have had the BeoPort connected to the MasterLink already ... right ?

    Eric Philips:
    Thanks for the advice

    My pleasure.


    I must admit that I am no longer certain as the best way to proceed during this period of flux with B&O, Apple and now even Google starting up in the home entertainment space.

    I find I am using my Apple TV more and more, and relying on WiFi more and more, and as a consequence my LinkPlayer usage is dropping off as I move towards Airplaying everything everywhere.

    It may be that the ATV is the better solution for you and that Airplay from iTunes to the ATV / BV10 and simultaneously send the iTunes analogue signal via LinkPlayer / BeoPort / ML / Link Rooms.

    First B&O (1976) was a Beogram 1500 ... latest (2011) change has been to couple the BL11 with the BL6Ks *sounds superb*

  • 02-10-2012 10:33 PM In reply to

    • Vienna
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    Re: Connect BeoPort to masters

    Eric Philips:
    . Should I connect the BV10 and control panel of BC2 with an optical cable?

    Neither the BV10 nor the BC2 offer optical in or outputs.
    But you can connect both units via a SPDIF = RCA to RCA
    coaxial digital (cinch) cable.  

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