Hi Folks,
Does anybody have any experience with connection the BeoMedia 1 to an UPS?
In order to protect the harddrive, and Power supply (has reasently had to buy a pricey new one) I'd like to connetc the BM1 to my UPS (an APC CS-500VA) along with my NAS, but I'd like to herar any experience with this setup prior to doing so.
Beovision 10-40 DVB-T/C/S2, MX5500, BeoSat, MX4000, BeoMedia 1, BeoCord
VX7000, BeoSound Ouveture, BeoGram 3500, BeoLab 11, BeoLab 8000, BeoLab
3500, BeoVox CX30, BeoLink 1000, Beo4, Beo5, BeoSound 2, BeoCom 6000,
BeoCom 1401, BeoTalk 1100, Beolit 606