Hey Harry
I'm not sure what you mean by "I just removed all entries and after reentering it stays working." Is that the answer to my problems and what do you mean with that?
Excuse, should heave expressed myself a bit clearer. What I did I was removing the user credentials for automatic logon and the netwerk connection to the BM5 in Finder. Just to make sure the system did not recognise the connection automatically.
Today I have installed BeoConnect (Version: 1.22.01) on a clean iMac to test things out.
The installation just went fine. The software detected in "manageed products" the BM5 which I added to the product list. After double clicking on this new entry, I was asked to provde the password. Everything worked thereafter... With one observation. In the finder I have now 2 entries, one named Beomaster5, the other the IP address. Opening "Beomaster5" in the finder worked well, he logged in automatically (user: BM-USER) and showed the shared directory (BM-SHARE$). Full access.
When logging in via the IP adress, thinks went less smoothly. Again loging worked automatically, user-id is BM-USER, however no shared directory. If I discoonect, no IP addressed mentioned anymore in the finder and Beomaster5 disconnected as well (as expected). Hoewever if I log on again in the BM5, no shared directory anymore and B&O icon greyed as well. (your & mine issue :-). If I disconnect and reconnect via CMD+K (with SMB://), things work fine again but now the shared directory isonly available via the IP address.. Athough using CMD+K is much of an hassle, creating a connection goes autmatically as I have userid/password stored.... on the other hand it is indeed not satisfactury, hence I just filed a question with B&O. Will keep you posted.