There is many info on this topic on this forum.
If you don't know anything about tv technology than don't try it yourself but in short i'd advice you to establish if it is really the tube (which indeed is actally always the case) and than try to ''clean'' it with glowing and tapping, which doesn't cost more than time and nothing gained, nothing lost :).
Actually it is very well possible to fix the problem in this way (but not always !!), i've done so several times and i'm not the only one.
If the problem isn't too bad yet (not like your's if i look at your photo) it may temporary help to change the G2 a bit but i'm sure that it's temporary and will still not produce a good picture.
I can't read the type number of your Avant, if it's 81xx it's 50Hz and not worth replacing a tube, for the 100Hz models tubes are here and there new / new old stock for sale and very cheap now these days (100-150 euro), only B&O charges still ridiculous prices for exactly the same tubes...