Hi hfat,
I have the same or at least similar problems. Without a connected Beo5, many of my created buttons and commands are revomed, when I load the old config file with the 4.11 software. On the other hand, the software creates all source buttons with all commands according to the configured devices.
I tried to save all my source buttons with all commands in the favourite list. Then I created a new configuration, defined all rooms (without any devices) and then I moved the source buttons from the favourite list to the new configurations. Actually this worked, but all manually added buttons in the `scene` are removed everytime I loaded the config file.
The solution is to connect the Beo5 before loading the config file. In this case, the software does not check the old config file and does not create anything automatically. So I`m able to change/remove/add commands and can load it to the Beo5.
This is a workaround I can live with.
Finally, there was one reason, why I moved to version 4.11. With 3.87 I had the problem with the backlight in very bright conditions. 4.11 has fixed this bug.