I BuyItNow'd a Beocenter9000 w/Beolink1000 - all functions in good working order. Now I read of the special CD issues with this system, and am having thoughts. I realize only I, myself, can answer should I, etc. but it's a beautiful iconic piece and looks great. I also worry about shipping. tho I see the seller ships lots of audio pieces and musical equipment.
Well just needed to vent, am a a little aprrehensive due to the cost and shipping concerns. not sure what they are worth but I figured the remote was worth $100 anyway, and since it's described as 'working well' the seller has good feedback and hopefully would make good on his description. I'm a longtime ebayer and understand most risks. I just haven't bought B&O items and paid $500, ugh. I love the piece tho and maybe breakthru parts will become available by some crafty person if needed down the road. thanks.
this seller sells quite a few B&O items, and had a BM4500 and BG4500CD on too but I think he cancelled it when I bought the 9000 very quickly after he posted both as BINs.. I think he feels he posted too low on the 4500set for $579US ??