Well, I have to say the Avant 32 is one of the best things I've ever bought! Looks great, fantastic picture quality, and the only problem was it nearly killed three of us getting up the stairs to my friend's first floor flat where I'm staying at the moment... got to get it down again in a couple of weeks!
And things were much simpler once I'd bought a Beo4 remote off eBay.
Even the DVD1 seems to work pretty well, it hasn't had any trouble at all playing DVDs although it does seem to be a bit fussy about which CDs it'll play. Some of them just come out as low-level fuzz. But as I've got other places to play CDs so it doesn't really matter.
And I've just bought an MX1500 off eBay for £20. I know it's basically a Phillips, but it looks nice and I need a bedroom TV for the new flat...
Anyway, I do have another question. The video part of the Avant seems to be seized up. It'll take tapes in and out and will fast forward but doesn't seem to want to play. I hardly ever watch VHSs these days, and I can always connect another player up to it. But might it be fixable?
I'm guessing really that the size and weight of the entire thing makes taking it to any sort of engineer much more trouble than it's worth...