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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012
Latest post 11-24-2010 6:13 AM by bhollenberg. 28 replies.
04-20-2009 4:48 AM
- Joined on 05-19-2007
- Bergen, Norway
- Posts 54
Hi all,
I was wondering if anybody has gotten HD movies/films/tv-shows to work on the BM5. I tried wmv HD film clips and they do not play well. 720 skips and 1080 hardly at all. Does another codec work better perhaps? I ripped a DVD to wmv using DVDPE high-quality setting (2500 kbps) and this plays fine. Does anyone know the limit of quality the BM5 can play back? Any info appreciated.
- Joined on 04-16-2007
- 200 miles from Struer
- Posts 1,733
Re: HD film content on BM5
Yes, I tried two 720p HD Cinema trailors and it worked without problems.
More info:
- Joined on 04-16-2007
- 200 miles from Struer
- Posts 1,733
Re: HD film content on BM5
I got a lot of HD stuff from a friend. The movie trailers I tested were "King Kong" and "300" if I remember correctly. I copied the files directly into the PHOTO folder of my BM5. So the movies appeared in the PHOTO list, and I could start a movie just by pressing GO on the Beo4. Also rewind and fast forward work. Unfortunately the movies had no 5.1 sound, so I couldn`t test that. I looked for the files in the net for you but no success, sorry.
An mkv file I copied to the folder didn`t work...as expected.
- Joined on 05-19-2007
- Bergen, Norway
- Posts 54
Re: HD film content on BM5
I got SD movies to work. Strange that mind doesnt play HD. Would you (or anyone else with a BM5) mind trying some of the video previews from the site I mentioned above and see if they perform acceptably on your BM5? Thanks
- Joined on 04-16-2007
- 200 miles from Struer
- Posts 1,733
Re: HD film content on BM5
I downloaded "Mystery of the nile" 720p from the site you mentioned, copied the file to an USB stick and again copied it to the PHOTO folder on the BM Shares.
Works without problems including play-stop-rewind-forward. Picture-sound always in sync. Looks great on my BV7-40.
Hope this helps.
- Joined on 05-19-2007
- Bergen, Norway
- Posts 54
Re: HD film content on BM5
Mystery of the nile now suddenly worked OK on mine as well. The 1080 movies dont however. The Alexander trailer, Coral Reed Adventure and Rules of Attraction in 1080 either freeze or play and skip with no sound...so mine has a limit at least...
- Joined on 04-16-2007
- 200 miles from Struer
- Posts 1,733
Re: HD film content on BM5
I never tested full HD movies on the BM5. I will try that today when I`m back home.
Actually I got a TVIX 6500 for movies that I can recommend.
But may be one time there will be a BVM5 (Beovideomaster) ?? No rumours - I`m just dreaming.............
- Joined on 10-27-2007
- America
- Posts 1,595
Re: HD film content on BM5
Boot it in windows and use IE to go to the DIVX website and download the codec pack. Install it on the underlying computer then go back into BeoSound 5 mode. Now video should work brilliantly on the BeoMaster 5. Admittedly I have way more DVD rips than HD, but it all looks great.
I think the reason they don't officially support it is that most of the content you'd use this for is illegal. For now at least.
There is scarcely anything in this world that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a little more cheaply. The person who buys on price alone is this man's lawful prey. - John Ruskin
- Joined on 11-06-2008
- Albi (France)
- Posts 137
Re: HD film content on BM5
I think the reason they don't officially support it is that most of the content you'd use this for is illegal. For now at least.
You're so kind with B&O.
It is obvious that they don't support video because the BS5 is not well-finished and moreover is a strategic error : when they started to develop the BS5 they didn't saw the Audio/Video convergence. So they designed an Audio only product. Meanwhile the competitors were in the process of integrating Audio and Video in the same device.
Moreover the BS5 was mandatory for B&O in order to stay in the race. After 3 years of R&D the product was not realy terminated but they sold it because they absolutely need it from a financial point of view.
I'm waiting for MK III (at least) to buy it, when it will have the (basic) functions I'm looking for.
- Joined on 04-16-2007
- 200 miles from Struer
- Posts 1,733
Re: HD film content on BM5
Boot it in windows and use IE to go to the DIVX website and download the codec pack. Install it on the underlying computer then go back into BeoSound 5 mode. Now video should work brilliantly on the BeoMaster 5. Admittedly I have way more DVD rips than HD, but it all looks great.
I think the reason they don't officially support it is that most of the content you'd use this for is illegal. For now at least.
Thanks Trip for your advice. Are your DVD rips DVD iso and are you able to start the DVD rips from the PHOTO folder? (For the wmvs I got icons in the PHOTO lists).
And does the BM5 support DD/DTS 5.1 sound with the codec pack? I think the soundcard supports 5.1...
- Joined on 05-19-2007
- Bergen, Norway
- Posts 54
Re: HD film content on BM5
How did the full-HD test go with you? Anybody else tried it?
- Joined on 04-16-2007
- 200 miles from Struer
- Posts 1,733
Re: HD film content on BM5
sorry about my late reply. I tested "Stormchasers 1080p" this morning. Picture was ok but with interrupting sound. Had a look at the DIVX codec pack, Trip mentioned - DIVX 7 - but didn`t load it to the BM5. I tried to play some mkvs via windows media player with the DIVX codec pack, with no good results. Picture didn`t work properly. Pic - sound not in sync. Not really usable....
- Joined on 04-14-2007
- South West, UK
- Posts 2,360
Re: HD film content on BM5
Boot it in windows and use IE to go to the DIVX website and download the codec pack. Install it on the underlying computer then go back into BeoSound 5 mode. Now video should work brilliantly on the BeoMaster 5. Admittedly I have way more DVD rips than HD, but it all looks great.
If that's the case, wouldn't installing QuickTime enable support for .m4v (or whatever they are called) videos from the iTunes store?
I'll try installing DivX and QuickTime at the weekend.
- Joined on 06-11-2008
- Denmark
- Posts 9
Re: HD film content on BM5
Has someone had success with installing the DivX7 Codec on BM5?
And are there any problems to be concerned about when doing this?
- Joined on 05-23-2008
- Posts 156
Re: HD film content on BM5
I've got many DVD from iso, so with .IFO extension and I didn't manage to start it from the PHOTO directory.
There is one folder for one film and another folder 'VIDEO" for the file .IFO.
In the Directory PHOTO, I can't see any the folder where there is my DVD, any the file .IFO.
So impossible for me to see my film.
Does anyone manage to see a DVD film based on a ripped' ??
BV7-40, BL9, BL4000, BL2000, BV6-26, Beosound 5, Avant70
- Joined on 04-16-2007
- In Transit
- Posts 441
Re: HD film content on BM5
May be I'm just a little bit too conservitive but I'm worried.....
I mean, people on this forum are trying to run programs and files on what B&O has clearly stated is a BeoSound/Beomaster i.e. a MUSIC machine. People are expecting this to work in ways it was never intended nor designed to do. Adding additional programs into the Windows background without expansion. No wonder there are crashes, poor start-ups etc...
Sure, I have no-doubt that there are machines out there that can do all of this and more for a fraction of the price. I just wonder why people try on this product. Were you mis-sold on the capabilities of this machine?
I hope it works-out for all those experimenters out there with $6,000 of PC. Braver than I!
- Joined on 05-23-2008
- Posts 156
Re: HD film content on BM5
You're right, I've got a PC for that, it's just for fun.
BV7-40, BL9, BL4000, BL2000, BV6-26, Beosound 5, Avant70
- Joined on 02-04-2008
- Cambridgeshire
- Posts 219
Re: HD film content on BM5
I've got many DVD from iso, so with .IFO extension and I didn't manage to start it from the PHOTO directory.
There is one folder for one film and another folder 'VIDEO" for the file .IFO.
In the Directory PHOTO, I can't see any the folder where there is my DVD, any the file .IFO.
So impossible for me to see my film.
Does anyone manage to see a DVD film based on a ripped' ??
My BeoMaster5 in service mode plays any format now perfectly M4V, VOB, VTS_01_1, you name it but itn B&O mode none of the movie files that were placed in the Photos folder appear in the list just like hackel.
Come on you computer Geniuses please help, its only a Bill Gates XP box after all!!
- Joined on 07-24-2007
- Posts 10
Re: HD film content on BM5
Okay, here is a solution. First of all it´s right that BM5 is only for playing n.music, n.radio, photo and web. But B&O also say that it can play video and only very few formats. So go to the service mode, visit divx.com and install the free divx codec. And don´t install anything else. Then you install the free video converter Handbrake from this site http://handbrake.fr/downloads.php on another computer, not the BM5. In this program you can convert all kind of videofiles, dvd and so on. Transfer the video files to the photo folder in the BM5 and play the video files on your tv.
Another tip is that you can stream movies from the internet, try cdon.com. So now you kan rent movies from the internet.
I hope you can use this info. Remember if anything goes wrong B&O will not support you. You have to fix it yourself. You can allways make a recovery. So now it´s up to you.
Remember, don´t install any programs on the BM5, you can end up with a system that is slow and don´t perform very well when you play music og radio.
- Joined on 02-04-2008
- Cambridgeshire
- Posts 219
Re: HD film content on BM5
Transfer the video files to the photo folder in the BM5 and play the video files on your tv.
Another tip is that you can stream movies from the internet, try cdon.com. So now you kan rent movies from the internet.
Thanks for that, but why aren't our videos showing up in the Photos section? Andy ideas