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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 03-02-2009 9:23 AM by nico vercammen. 5 replies.
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  • 02-26-2009 4:59 AM

    some BEO5 config problems


    I'm the happy owner of a beo 5 remote and downloaded also the config tool.
    My dealer gave me the config they made for it so i can adapt it for my own needs.
    I want to tune it for my domotica system (domintell) addressed via a Lintronic box.
    all this is working fine and easy to configure.

    i have/had some problems :

    1) the dealer configured the BV9 with beomedia an hd-disk recorder + telenet cable receiver.
        the cable receiver is addressed via v-aux and not via DTV.
        (no problem for the beo 5, but we also use beo4 in the house, so it should be better connected on the DTV button.
        I saw that you can not choose DTV button in this setup for the external digital receiver when you choose the european version
       of the BV9). When i choose the BV9-US version i can connect it to DTV, so problem solved, but it is rather strange that you can not
       do it with the european BV9 ....

    2) the config file i received does not have all the logo's in it.
        I see in the xml file, they are pointed in the directories, a bit stupid for me, because the config file only works 100 % if you have all
       logo's with the same name on the right place...
       an enhancement could be to make a separate file with all logo's in at the moment the config file is generated.

    3) everytime when i change a connected device, for example i change or add a DVD player, it deletes completeley the config made for other
        buttons .... this is really annoying... Is this normal ? I guess i'm doing something wrong ?

    4) I used the telenet digital receiver setup, I created a new screen for all the channels and added some logo's.
         THe IR code needed for the telenet box for the "channel up" button is "PLAY + channel UP"
        When I'm in the channel screen, the channel up key is sending another code (standard IR TV channel up)
        I changed this also to "PLAY + channel up" and this works fine,
       So i can change channels with this key when i'm on the screens with all the logo's.
       When i do the same for channel down it does not work, it still is sending the old IR code.
       When i opened the xml file, i  saw that for that key stroke, there were two settings ...
       the old one and the new one i created.
       So i think this is a small bug ? Anyway when i deleted the old line manually in the xml file it accepted my line
      and it worked.


  • 02-26-2009 7:00 AM In reply to

    • KibitoCH
    • Top 500 Contributor
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    Re: some BEO5 config problems

    Hey there

    1) You might have the internal DVB Module active, wich will be reserved for DTV (inside the Beo 5 tool, not in your Beovision 9)


    If this is not the case, right click the STB you want to change the Source for and choose DTV:

    2) Yup it's not wise as a Dealer to make your own Logo Directories. It will screw the config up when someone else is working with it. You have to make a new Logo List at the Product Page and do it from scratch. Changing Logo's can screw up the whole configuration.

    3) That's normal. Best thing is to careful select all Products and choose their Source. Then add the Logo List and then never go back to the Products page, so the automatic configuration doesen't kick in anymore. Meaning the next time you wan't to alter something, directly jump to the Edit Tab.

    4) I diden't completly understand that one Wink But glad you solve'd it.

  • 02-26-2009 1:36 PM In reply to

    Re: some BEO5 config problems

    thanks for the reply !

    still one thing not very clear ..

    if you add a new product, then all created buttons, macro's etc have to be redone ?
    I added several extra menu's, but they all disappear if i just add a new product ...
    Is there a way to avoid this ?
    or to save all these extra settings ?

  • 03-01-2009 4:27 AM In reply to

    • KibitoCH
    • Top 500 Contributor
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    Re: some BEO5 config problems

    it might, a bit hard to say without seeing what you do.

    small tip never delete anything, just make it invisible. the tool doesen't like when you delete things that were created automatically.

  • 03-02-2009 4:32 AM In reply to

    Re: some BEO5 config problems


    small tip never delete anything, just make it invisible. the tool doesen't like when you delete things that were created automatically.

    That's the key. All automatically created buttons (by the Beo5 Config tool) that you have later edited will be overwritten when you add new equipment. Workaround is either to create new buttons or add the functionality to a copy of the XML file of the product you want to extra functionality for.


  • 03-02-2009 9:23 AM In reply to

    Re: some BEO5 config problems

    yep, ik think you are right !
    I started to look more closely into the xml files and it isn' to hard to change some things.
    Is there an overview for all the commands possible, or a syntax overview  ?


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