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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 01-05-2009 3:50 AM by MGBGTV8. 203 replies.
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  • 12-21-2008 10:55 AM In reply to

    Re: Bang &amp; Olufsen sees FY loss on weak pre-Xmas sales


    Beovision 7-55 with Beolab 7-4, 9s and 4000s

    Beovision 10-40 with Beolab 1s and 6000s

    Beosound 1, 5, 2000, and 3000

    Beotime, Beotalk, Beocoms

  • 12-21-2008 10:57 AM In reply to

    Re: Bang &amp; Olufsen sees FY loss on weak pre-Xmas sales

    You could cut the sexual tension with a knife.

    There is scarcely anything in this world that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a little more cheaply. The person who buys on price alone is this man's lawful prey. - John Ruskin

  • 12-21-2008 11:03 AM In reply to

    Re: Bang &amp; Olufsen sees FY loss on weak pre-Xmas sales



    I see your point!


  • 12-21-2008 11:27 AM In reply to

    • Puncher
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    Re: Bang &amp; Olufsen sees FY loss on weak pre-Xmas sales



    I see your point!


    Generally speaking, you aren't learning much if your lips are moving.

  • 12-22-2008 12:25 PM In reply to

    Re: Bang &amp; Olufsen sees FY loss on weak pre-Xmas sales




    You dont need to explain it one more time it simply does not support it- but please carry on posting in the same way as it is great for amusement! - to some black will always be blue!

    There are indeed the marvels called stores and I made the judgement to purchase the later items but its only after spending a while with the product and then having direct comparisons running side by side ,as I have done, that I realised it was not up to the standard that the price would lead one to believe.

    As you quite rightly siuggest I should have been more aware of my demands and requirements and bought alternative products-  and that just what so many associates have done- voted with their feet in huge numbers.


    I am glad you are amused.  I also still do not know why you have repeatedly brought up the topic again in multiple posts of yours,  but since you did.....after not responding the first few times you raised the topic again, I will respond again  

    I am amused that you are unable to explain why the BS3 display under Sound System says the following when a Dolby Tru HD disc is played in a player with internal decoding, and thus is decoded into uncompressed multi channel PCM:


    Here is your chance...prove me wrong, I would welcome hearing the facts from you to show me I am wrong.....explain why the BS3 displays that in its sound menu if it is not receiving and outputting uncompressed PCM from the Blu-Ray player? What does it mean? Why did B and O program the sytem to include this particular display?  Is uncompressed multi channel PCM not high def Audio? I will be happy to explain to you how to bring this display up on your BS3 if you can't figure out how to on your own.

    Beovision 7-55 with Beolab 7-4, 9s and 4000s

    Beovision 10-40 with Beolab 1s and 6000s

    Beosound 1, 5, 2000, and 3000

    Beotime, Beotalk, Beocoms

  • 12-22-2008 1:14 PM In reply to

    Re: Bang &amp; Olufsen sees FY loss on weak pre-Xmas sales


    I thought Brits were known for their senses of humor! Puritanism and manufactured outrage is usually an American specialty!  

    There is scarcely anything in this world that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a little more cheaply. The person who buys on price alone is this man's lawful prey. - John Ruskin

  • 12-22-2008 1:30 PM In reply to

    Re: Bang &amp; Olufsen sees FY loss on weak pre-Xmas sales

    I think that's enough playground stuff now Trip. You're bringing the company you work for into disrepute. 


    President, Beomaster 8000 Appreciation Society

  • 12-22-2008 1:33 PM In reply to

    Re: Bang &amp; Olufsen sees FY loss on weak pre-Xmas sales

    Oh please! If there's one place for irreverence on this board it's Razlaw/355f fights! Without a little bawdy humor the boards might actually melt!  

    There is scarcely anything in this world that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a little more cheaply. The person who buys on price alone is this man's lawful prey. - John Ruskin

  • 12-22-2008 1:54 PM In reply to

    • Puncher
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    Re: Bang &amp; Olufsen sees FY loss on weak pre-Xmas sales

    Razlaw! He doesn't even want to go near his BeoSystem 3! It stands for the great injustice visited upon him by the Danish swine! Had we not bamboozled him out of his hard earned money he'd have a Pioneer Elite Kuro for each eyeball and a 14.4 (7.2 paraphonic) surround sound with true HD audio careening off the semen caked walls! We've robbed him of this heaven and now his walls are stained only with tears!

    Out of order - the man is entitled to his views - others agree with him. You don't, fair enough - that doesn't give you the right to hurl abuse in his direction.

    Generally speaking, you aren't learning much if your lips are moving.

  • 12-22-2008 2:03 PM In reply to

    Re: Bang &amp; Olufsen sees FY loss on weak pre-Xmas sales

    There you go. As you can see I've retracted any and all levity. Return to your knitting ladies.

    There is scarcely anything in this world that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a little more cheaply. The person who buys on price alone is this man's lawful prey. - John Ruskin

  • 12-22-2008 2:07 PM In reply to

    Re: Bang &amp; Olufsen sees FY loss on weak pre-Xmas sales

    What?  No levity? All sense of humor gone? How terribly dull.   Sad

    Beovision 7-55 with Beolab 7-4, 9s and 4000s

    Beovision 10-40 with Beolab 1s and 6000s

    Beosound 1, 5, 2000, and 3000

    Beotime, Beotalk, Beocoms

  • 12-22-2008 2:09 PM In reply to

    Re: Bang &amp; Olufsen sees FY loss on weak pre-Xmas sales

    Sorry Razlaw, but it appears that we've happened on a vicar's tea party. We have to take people's sensitivities into account while they trash us on our own front lawn!

    There is scarcely anything in this world that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a little more cheaply. The person who buys on price alone is this man's lawful prey. - John Ruskin

  • 12-22-2008 2:12 PM In reply to

    Re: Bang &amp; Olufsen sees FY loss on weak pre-Xmas sales

    I would have to agree with you on that point Trip. I think you and I have both had the occasional piece of abuse hurled at us with no one coming to our aid.

    Beovision 7-55 with Beolab 7-4, 9s and 4000s

    Beovision 10-40 with Beolab 1s and 6000s

    Beosound 1, 5, 2000, and 3000

    Beotime, Beotalk, Beocoms

  • 12-22-2008 2:19 PM In reply to

    Re: Bang &amp; Olufsen sees FY loss on weak pre-Xmas sales

    Maybe we've got it all wrong! Maybe there are dozens of fervent Bang & Olufsen supporters over on!

    Trying to defend Bang & Olufsen on Bang & Olufsen forums populated by Bang & Olufsen fans has proved to be somewhat of a fool's errand. I only frequent one other forum and the thought of it devolving into such a drumbeat of negativism seems unlikely. In fact, most boards consider such posters "trolls" and tend to rally for their disappearance. Here it's like Stockholm Syndrome. 

    I even started my own thread as to what I think are the major flaws in the current strategy and what I would like to see on the way forward, but some would rather argue the same tired points and then tsk-tsk me like old women when a little bawdy humor is injected to get a laugh.  

    There is scarcely anything in this world that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a little more cheaply. The person who buys on price alone is this man's lawful prey. - John Ruskin

  • 12-22-2008 3:30 PM In reply to

    • 355f
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    Re: Bang &amp; Olufsen sees FY loss on weak pre-Xmas sales




    You dont need to explain it one more time it simply does not support it- but please carry on posting in the same way as it is great for amusement! - to some black will always be blue!

    There are indeed the marvels called stores and I made the judgement to purchase the later items but its only after spending a while with the product and then having direct comparisons running side by side ,as I have done, that I realised it was not up to the standard that the price would lead one to believe.

    As you quite rightly siuggest I should have been more aware of my demands and requirements and bought alternative products-  and that just what so many associates have done- voted with their feet in huge numbers.


    I am glad you are amused.  I also still do not know why you have repeatedly brought up the topic again in multiple posts of yours,  but since you did.....after not responding the first few times you raised the topic again, I will respond again  

    I am amused that you are unable to explain why the BS3 display under Sound System says the following when a Dolby Tru HD disc is played in a player with internal decoding, and thus is decoded into uncompressed multi channel PCM:


    Here is your chance...prove me wrong, I would welcome hearing the facts from you to show me I am wrong.....explain why the BS3 displays that in its sound menu if it is not receiving and outputting uncompressed PCM from the Blu-Ray player? What does it mean? Why did B and O program the sytem to include this particular display?  Is uncompressed multi channel PCM not high def Audio? I will be happy to explain to you how to bring this display up on your BS3 if you can't figure out how to on your own.


    For a start it is not listed in the specs- please make B&O aware of their failings to produce accurate specification sheets- obviously they really dont know what their products are capable off- look at any other manufactueres specs- it clearly states what it will support.

    I am expereinced enough to know if I am getting HD audio or not and I can confirm without any doubt the BS3 does not support it.

    Please tell me what third part porduct you are connecting to the BS3 in order that the BS3 will output hidef audio-

    You mentioned previously that you were using a panasonic product?? is that correct?? made in china by who??!

    Please give me the model number of the third party product -and the HDCP protocols simply do not operate in the way they should.

    This is not necessarily the fault of our beloved B&O - But the result im afraid is that hidef audio is NOT supported- I dont need to check if my display read muti channel PCM- to tell if i have it or not.

    Facts are facts, and you simply dont want to accept them-

    Obviously, you are from the USA and I deal with many customers from there, with very similar attitudes I might add.

    In any event, clearly for you the B&O brand is moving ahead which Im very pleased about- in the UK however we are seeing a picture of colla[psing dealers everywhere- with many more to come, which rather makes me think B&O have not got it right despite  uterances to the contrary on every post thats made by the only 2 individuals on the planet that believe B&O are on the right track- trip and raz.- keep up the good work- its precisely that attitude thats got B&O in the position it is today- and thats why most of my associates have bought Pioneer in houses that would  otherwise full of B&O product.

  • 12-22-2008 3:49 PM In reply to

    Re: Bang &amp; Olufsen sees FY loss on weak pre-Xmas sales

    Trip - time and again it has been you who have consistently over-stepped the mark in terms of derogatory personal comments on this board, and I'm surprised that you have neither been flamed by others nor censored by the mods. In my opinion you've got away for far too long with skirting very close to or over the line in terms of offensive posts, and to me the fact that you are (or claim to be - as you won't say where you're based) a B&O dealer just makes things worse. I wonder what line Struer would take should they know some of the snide personal remarks you have made about others on this forum were? 


    President, Beomaster 8000 Appreciation Society

  • 12-22-2008 3:58 PM In reply to

    • moxxey
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    Re: Bang &amp; Olufsen sees FY loss on weak pre-Xmas sales


    abuse hurled at us with no one coming to our aid.

    I don't think you know what 'abuse' is. Look it up in the dictionary and give us the quotation. Funny how you think you've been singled out for this 'abuse'. Narrow-mindedness of your territory, I'm afraid.

  • 12-22-2008 4:47 PM In reply to

    Re: Bang &amp; Olufsen sees FY loss on weak pre-Xmas sales




    You dont need to explain it one more time it simply does not support it- but please carry on posting in the same way as it is great for amusement! - to some black will always be blue!

    There are indeed the marvels called stores and I made the judgement to purchase the later items but its only after spending a while with the product and then having direct comparisons running side by side ,as I have done, that I realised it was not up to the standard that the price would lead one to believe.

    As you quite rightly siuggest I should have been more aware of my demands and requirements and bought alternative products-  and that just what so many associates have done- voted with their feet in huge numbers.


    I am glad you are amused.  I also still do not know why you have repeatedly brought up the topic again in multiple posts of yours,  but since you did.....after not responding the first few times you raised the topic again, I will respond again  

    I am amused that you are unable to explain why the BS3 display under Sound System says the following when a Dolby Tru HD disc is played in a player with internal decoding, and thus is decoded into uncompressed multi channel PCM:


    Here is your chance...prove me wrong, I would welcome hearing the facts from you to show me I am wrong.....explain why the BS3 displays that in its sound menu if it is not receiving and outputting uncompressed PCM from the Blu-Ray player? What does it mean? Why did B and O program the sytem to include this particular display?  Is uncompressed multi channel PCM not high def Audio? I will be happy to explain to you how to bring this display up on your BS3 if you can't figure out how to on your own.


    For a start it is not listed in the specs- please make B&O aware of their failings to produce accurate specification sheets- obviously they really dont know what their products are capable off- look at any other manufactueres specs- it clearly states what it will support.

    I am expereinced enough to know if I am getting HD audio or not and I can confirm without any doubt the BS3 does not support it.

    Please tell me what third part porduct you are connecting to the BS3 in order that the BS3 will output hidef audio-

    You mentioned previously that you were using a panasonic product?? is that correct?? made in china by who??!

    Please give me the model number of the third party product -and the HDCP protocols simply do not operate in the way they should.

    This is not necessarily the fault of our beloved B&O - But the result im afraid is that hidef audio is NOT supported- I dont need to check if my display read muti channel PCM- to tell if i have it or not.

    Facts are facts, and you simply dont want to accept them-

    Obviously, you are from the USA and I deal with many customers from there, with very similar attitudes I might add.

    In any event, clearly for you the B&O brand is moving ahead which Im very pleased about- in the UK however we are seeing a picture of colla[psing dealers everywhere- with many more to come, which rather makes me think B&O have not got it right despite  uterances to the contrary on every post thats made by the only 2 individuals on the planet that believe B&O are on the right track- trip and raz.- keep up the good work- its precisely that attitude thats got B&O in the position it is today- and thats why most of my associates have bought Pioneer in houses that would  otherwise full of B&O product.

    As usual you completely failed to answer my question and once again apparently fail to admit the the BS3 display indicates it is both reciving as input and outputting PCM. My question to you again is

    What does it mean when the BS3 display says "INPUT FORMAT: MULTICHANNEL PCM       OUTPUT FORMAT: MULTICHANNEL PCM SPEAKER 5" if it does not mean is is receiving and outputting uncompressed PCM.

    I will answer your question, Sony BDP-S300 Blu Ray player with firmware version 4.40, which includes the added functionality of decoding internally Dolby Tru-HD, a function that was not on the player at the time I purchased it.

    Additionally, the BV7 display  displays the exact same wording when a disc such as 3:10 to Yuma containing an uncompressed PCM track is played.

    Why are you so fixated on spec sheets? I was a member of a Volkswagen Phaeton forum for some time when I owned a Phaeton. There was actually an entire thread there devoted to functions people found on their Phaeton that were not listed in the specs or in the owner's manual, yet were clearly there. Facts are facts.

    The BV7 says what it is doing and you can't explain it apparently other than to try to ignore it.

    Beovision 7-55 with Beolab 7-4, 9s and 4000s

    Beovision 10-40 with Beolab 1s and 6000s

    Beosound 1, 5, 2000, and 3000

    Beotime, Beotalk, Beocoms

  • 12-22-2008 4:59 PM In reply to

    Re: Bang &amp;amp; Olufsen sees FY loss on weak pre-Xmas sales


    • B&o bottle opener
  • 12-22-2008 5:15 PM In reply to

    • 355f
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    Re: Bang &amp; Olufsen sees FY loss on weak pre-Xmas sales




    You dont need to explain it one more time it simply does not support it- but please carry on posting in the same way as it is great for amusement! - to some black will always be blue!

    There are indeed the marvels called stores and I made the judgement to purchase the later items but its only after spending a while with the product and then having direct comparisons running side by side ,as I have done, that I realised it was not up to the standard that the price would lead one to believe.

    As you quite rightly siuggest I should have been more aware of my demands and requirements and bought alternative products-  and that just what so many associates have done- voted with their feet in huge numbers.


    I am glad you are amused.  I also still do not know why you have repeatedly brought up the topic again in multiple posts of yours,  but since you did.....after not responding the first few times you raised the topic again, I will respond again  

    I am amused that you are unable to explain why the BS3 display under Sound System says the following when a Dolby Tru HD disc is played in a player with internal decoding, and thus is decoded into uncompressed multi channel PCM:


    Here is your chance...prove me wrong, I would welcome hearing the facts from you to show me I am wrong.....explain why the BS3 displays that in its sound menu if it is not receiving and outputting uncompressed PCM from the Blu-Ray player? What does it mean? Why did B and O program the sytem to include this particular display?  Is uncompressed multi channel PCM not high def Audio? I will be happy to explain to you how to bring this display up on your BS3 if you can't figure out how to on your own.


    For a start it is not listed in the specs- please make B&O aware of their failings to produce accurate specification sheets- obviously they really dont know what their products are capable off- look at any other manufactueres specs- it clearly states what it will support.

    I am expereinced enough to know if I am getting HD audio or not and I can confirm without any doubt the BS3 does not support it.

    Please tell me what third part porduct you are connecting to the BS3 in order that the BS3 will output hidef audio-

    You mentioned previously that you were using a panasonic product?? is that correct?? made in china by who??!

    Please give me the model number of the third party product -and the HDCP protocols simply do not operate in the way they should.

    This is not necessarily the fault of our beloved B&O - But the result im afraid is that hidef audio is NOT supported- I dont need to check if my display read muti channel PCM- to tell if i have it or not.

    Facts are facts, and you simply dont want to accept them-

    Obviously, you are from the USA and I deal with many customers from there, with very similar attitudes I might add.

    In any event, clearly for you the B&O brand is moving ahead which Im very pleased about- in the UK however we are seeing a picture of colla[psing dealers everywhere- with many more to come, which rather makes me think B&O have not got it right despite  uterances to the contrary on every post thats made by the only 2 individuals on the planet that believe B&O are on the right track- trip and raz.- keep up the good work- its precisely that attitude thats got B&O in the position it is today- and thats why most of my associates have bought Pioneer in houses that would  otherwise full of B&O product.

    As usual you completely failed to answer my question and once again apparently fail to admit the the BS3 display indicates it is both reciving as input and outputting PCM. My question to you again is

    What does it mean when the BS3 display says "INPUT FORMAT: MULTICHANNEL PCM       OUTPUT FORMAT: MULTICHANNEL PCM SPEAKER 5" if it does not mean is is receiving and outputting uncompressed PCM.

    I will answer your question, Sony BDP-S300 Blu Ray player with firmware version 4.40, which includes the added functionality of decoding internally Dolby Tru-HD, a function that was not on the player at the time I purchased it.

    Additionally, the BV7 display  displays the exact same wording when a disc such as 3:10 to Yuma containing an uncompressed PCM track is played.

    Why are you so fixated on spec sheets? I was a member of a Volkswagen Phaeton forum for some time when I owned a Phaeton. There was actually an entire thread there devoted to functions people found on their Phaeton that were not listed in the specs or in the owner's manual, yet were clearly there. Facts are facts.

    The BV7 says what it is doing and you can't explain it apparently other than to try to ignore it.



    Very strange given that you espouse the quality and technical abilities of  B&O products that you  have chosen quite simply one of the worst blue ray players on the planet to partner it with- in the BDP 300.- the last of the slow loaders-  Yes the firmware update did allow it to decode internally from I understand 5 months ago ( v 4,0 on) and it sends that via HDMI

    But I can tell you that the hdcp handshake does not complete in the panasonics or the sonys to enable full hidef audio to be outputted from the BS3-

    it is indeed an 'interesting view' that B&O choose to keep what is avery important  sellling point completely silent- lest it result in greater sales perhaps ??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-

    Perhaps thats whats wrong with B&O - they keep the most important features secret! Raz you are the only one that can 'unlock' the success of B&O it would seem- keepup the good work


    happy xmas!

  • 12-22-2008 5:29 PM In reply to

    Re: Bang &amp; Olufsen sees FY loss on weak pre-Xmas sales

    Is this the end of this thread?  I hope so.

    Beosound 5 BL9 BC2 BL8000 Beovision 7 BL6002  BL11 


  • 12-22-2008 5:40 PM In reply to

    Re: Bang &amp; Olufsen sees FY loss on weak pre-Xmas sales

    Me too!

    If you two want to continue these boring rants why not do it by PM and save the rest of us from reading the same old stuff over and over again.

    Regards Graham

  • 12-22-2008 5:42 PM In reply to

    Re: Bang &amp; Olufsen sees FY loss on weak pre-Xmas sales


    My favorite article so far is "Liquid Assets" from Vogue


     Typical Vogue and other "lifestyle" BS magazine junk... 



    BLab5, BLab5000, BLab8000, BV10, BS9000, BS3, Beo5, Beo4, BLink1000, BLink5000, BLink7000, A2, A8, Form2




  • 12-22-2008 5:42 PM In reply to

    Re: Bang &amp; Olufsen sees FY loss on weak pre-Xmas sales

    Sorry for my part, chaps. Sometimes the above cartoon is all to accurate!

    There is scarcely anything in this world that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a little more cheaply. The person who buys on price alone is this man's lawful prey. - John Ruskin

  • 12-22-2008 6:07 PM In reply to

    Re: Bang &amp; Olufsen sees FY loss on weak pre-Xmas sales




    You dont need to explain it one more time it simply does not support it- but please carry on posting in the same way as it is great for amusement! - to some black will always be blue!

    There are indeed the marvels called stores and I made the judgement to purchase the later items but its only after spending a while with the product and then having direct comparisons running side by side ,as I have done, that I realised it was not up to the standard that the price would lead one to believe.

    As you quite rightly siuggest I should have been more aware of my demands and requirements and bought alternative products-  and that just what so many associates have done- voted with their feet in huge numbers.


    I am glad you are amused.  I also still do not know why you have repeatedly brought up the topic again in multiple posts of yours,  but since you did.....after not responding the first few times you raised the topic again, I will respond again  

    I am amused that you are unable to explain why the BS3 display under Sound System says the following when a Dolby Tru HD disc is played in a player with internal decoding, and thus is decoded into uncompressed multi channel PCM:


    Here is your chance...prove me wrong, I would welcome hearing the facts from you to show me I am wrong.....explain why the BS3 displays that in its sound menu if it is not receiving and outputting uncompressed PCM from the Blu-Ray player? What does it mean? Why did B and O program the sytem to include this particular display?  Is uncompressed multi channel PCM not high def Audio? I will be happy to explain to you how to bring this display up on your BS3 if you can't figure out how to on your own.


    For a start it is not listed in the specs- please make B&O aware of their failings to produce accurate specification sheets- obviously they really dont know what their products are capable off- look at any other manufactueres specs- it clearly states what it will support.

    I am expereinced enough to know if I am getting HD audio or not and I can confirm without any doubt the BS3 does not support it.

    Please tell me what third part porduct you are connecting to the BS3 in order that the BS3 will output hidef audio-

    You mentioned previously that you were using a panasonic product?? is that correct?? made in china by who??!

    Please give me the model number of the third party product -and the HDCP protocols simply do not operate in the way they should.

    This is not necessarily the fault of our beloved B&O - But the result im afraid is that hidef audio is NOT supported- I dont need to check if my display read muti channel PCM- to tell if i have it or not.

    Facts are facts, and you simply dont want to accept them-

    Obviously, you are from the USA and I deal with many customers from there, with very similar attitudes I might add.

    In any event, clearly for you the B&O brand is moving ahead which Im very pleased about- in the UK however we are seeing a picture of colla[psing dealers everywhere- with many more to come, which rather makes me think B&O have not got it right despite  uterances to the contrary on every post thats made by the only 2 individuals on the planet that believe B&O are on the right track- trip and raz.- keep up the good work- its precisely that attitude thats got B&O in the position it is today- and thats why most of my associates have bought Pioneer in houses that would  otherwise full of B&O product.

    As usual you completely failed to answer my question and once again apparently fail to admit the the BS3 display indicates it is both reciving as input and outputting PCM. My question to you again is

    What does it mean when the BS3 display says "INPUT FORMAT: MULTICHANNEL PCM       OUTPUT FORMAT: MULTICHANNEL PCM SPEAKER 5" if it does not mean is is receiving and outputting uncompressed PCM.

    I will answer your question, Sony BDP-S300 Blu Ray player with firmware version 4.40, which includes the added functionality of decoding internally Dolby Tru-HD, a function that was not on the player at the time I purchased it.

    Additionally, the BV7 display  displays the exact same wording when a disc such as 3:10 to Yuma containing an uncompressed PCM track is played.

    Why are you so fixated on spec sheets? I was a member of a Volkswagen Phaeton forum for some time when I owned a Phaeton. There was actually an entire thread there devoted to functions people found on their Phaeton that were not listed in the specs or in the owner's manual, yet were clearly there. Facts are facts.

    The BV7 says what it is doing and you can't explain it apparently other than to try to ignore it.



    Very strange given that you espouse the quality and technical abilities of  B&O products that you  have chosen quite simply one of the worst blue ray players on the planet to partner it with- in the BDP 300.- the last of the slow loaders-  Yes the firmware update did allow it to decode internally from I understand 5 months ago ( v 4,0 on) and it sends that via HDMI

    But I can tell you that the hdcp handshake does not complete in the panasonics or the sonys to enable full hidef audio to be outputted from the BS3-

    it is indeed an 'interesting view' that B&O choose to keep what is avery important  sellling point completely silent- lest it result in greater sales perhaps ??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-

    Perhaps thats whats wrong with B&O - they keep the most important features secret! Raz you are the only one that can 'unlock' the success of B&O it would seem- keepup the good work


    happy xmas!

    The Sony was purchased some time ago.

    I assumed you would be unable to articulate an explanation of the PCM language, but had hoped I was incorrect. I will take your inabily to address it is a tacit acknowledgement that the BV7/BS3 does indeed output uncompressed PCM.

    Interestingly, if the Sound System menu is left on at the beginning of a Blu-Ray, the input and output formats will change when for instance previews or advertisements etc are not high def.....i.e. it will show Dolby or other non-PCM type format and then when the main feature begins it will switch to the PCM display.

    Again I will extend the offer to you to explain how to  operate it so that you can see the PCM language that your BS3 will display.

    With that I will end the discussion.  I will take your silence on the PCM question to be your final word and what I have said as my final word.

    Beovision 7-55 with Beolab 7-4, 9s and 4000s

    Beovision 10-40 with Beolab 1s and 6000s

    Beosound 1, 5, 2000, and 3000

    Beotime, Beotalk, Beocoms

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