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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 11-08-2008 6:50 AM by beoberlin. 55 replies.
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  • 11-07-2008 6:58 PM In reply to

    • SWISS_2
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    Re: Anyone in Göteborg for the presentation of the BS5 ?

    Pastes from above:


    here is my observations on the navigation.

    The Beosound 5 do not have a touchscreen. The size of the screen - my guess 13-15 inch  (my wild guess)

    You simply navigate with two aluminium rings and one aluminium handle/knob. 

    There are tree buttons on top of the big wheel  <   > and GO. 

    With the knob you select N.MUSIC, N.RADIO, SETTINGS ect and ARTIST, COVERS, and so on

    With the ring on top you scroll in the selected area

    and with a ring at the side (like a photolens irisring) you adjust the volume.

    And as we said earlier, it took not many sek before you got the hang on the navigation. 



    This and the other statements listed above are very useful and important imfortaion to keep.

    I would suggest again that the Beoworld monitors start a Beosound 5 forum topic ( similar to the Beoport and PC section ) to file this information away for memebers to refer to.

  • 11-07-2008 7:34 PM In reply to

    Re: Anyone in Göteborg for the presentation of the BS5 ?

    Hey gents,

    It sounds like everyone had a good time at the event and most were impressed. Good to hear!

    I wanted to clarify a few technical details as it sounds like you were given a less technical introduction to the product and I can tell that people have many technical questions to be answered.

    1. Tired asked about his existing HD and how it would integrate were he to indulge in a BeoSound 5. Quite easily, actually. The BeoMaster 5 is loaded through one or more editing PCs, just like a BeoMedia 1. As with my BeoMedia 1, it not only feeds my link system, but acts as Network Attached Storage. What would happen in your case is that you'd set iTunes to locate your music file on the BeoMaster 5 and leave it over night. By morning the content will be on the BeoMaster 5 and you can safely re-purpose your hard drive. You will be able to access it just as you did before, since the BeoMaster 5 is a Net-Aware product.

    2. It can be fitted with a wireless card just like the BeoMedia. This should make wiring and locating it a bit easier for some.

    3. I believe photo & video were brought up. To clarify, it will handle both, but only on the TV side of it. These modules will be launched after the main audio concept, i.e. when it launches in the BeoVision 9 and BeoVision_. This will allow the BeoSound 5 to be located in a room without a TV and for the browsing to be completed on a TV where applicable.  This will be particularly good since the video output is significantly higher on the BeoMaster 5. Watching all of my torrent files on the BeoMedia was very enjoyable, but I would have loved better video quality.

    4. As for the form factor, I'm pretty happy with the BeoMedia cabinet. It's funny that we compare it with devices like the AppleTV, which are quite petite. Earlier today I burnt my wrist on an AppleTV when I was adjusting a cable on the back of a cable box. Maybe if it was larger and contained a fan I wouldn't have been subject to such torment! It's not that I wouldn't welcome a smaller cabinet, I just look at the compromises in all my super small Apple products (my MBAir, AppleTV, etc.) and notice that they all have issues with overheating. I'd rather that issue be sorted out before B&O get into the one-upsmanship of cabinet reduction. Besides, if I don't have an extra .75 square foot to spare, I'm probably not buying B&O to begin with!

    5. The three cables may seem awkward now, but this is what's going to allow the system to integrate into large custom jobs (our current focus) with ease. I can't tell you what a nightmare proprietary cables like the BeoCenter 2 cable are to run 100ft behind a wall. Having standard cables will allow a larger variety of placement and even accomodate multiple head units to a single master to make the BeoSound 5 an ideal full house solution. If there was a single umbilical, it would cause any number of headaches in our increasingly "custom" business.

    6. It is pure mechanical sex. 

    7. As I mentioned with placement, I have installed plenty of BeoCenter 2s near seating groups instead of across the room. At its current size, you wouldn't lug it around anyway (it must weigh just over 10 pounds due to its base), so it may as well live on the coffee table. Now I'm not saying this will work for everyone, but it's an easy enough thing to do if you don't mind a little light construction!

    8. It is specifically designed NOT to play a CD. The idea behind this product is to serve a defined customer profile, whereas the BeoSound 3200 and the BeoSound 4 were more migratory products. There is always a point at which you cast off the old media. If our systems still had cassette decks, we'd be laughed at. CDs are becoming tapes as we speak. If you still want to play them, we have 4 beautiful audio systems for you. It is likely that some customers of a certain age will not migrate to the digital media world. We'll continue to support them for years to come. Also, don't forget that you can integrate the BeoSound 5 into a setup with another BeoSound thanks to Option Programming. This would give you the best of both worlds. 

    Hopefully this clears some things up. I'm sure we'll all love being able to get our hands dirty when these arrive in shops. 




    There is scarcely anything in this world that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a little more cheaply. The person who buys on price alone is this man's lawful prey. - John Ruskin

  • 11-08-2008 2:44 AM In reply to

    Re: Anyone in Göteborg for the presentation of the BS5 ?



    2. It can be fitted with a wireless card just like the BeoMedia. This should make wiring and locating it a bit easier for some.

    If the B&O provided card is 802.11g and you (plan to) own faster 802.11n then I suggest you use and recent Airport Express. Connect a Ethernet cable between the Airport Express and the BM5 and it will bridge your wifi network, but faster. You can also use the Audio jack to an AUX in, like this you have both the BM5 solution and the Apple solution.


    3. (...) These modules will be launched after the main audio concept, i.e. when it launches in the BeoVision 9 and BeoVision_. (...)


    Physical modules? I did not completely understand this point 3. Will they release smaller "Beosound 5" type modules that can be fitted in link room?


    6. It is pure mechanical sex. 


    I hear one of the wheel has a tab and allow you to chose the mode. When used from the remote, can you overide the mode? Are we using N.RADIO and N.MUSIC from the remote to operate the BS5? I suppose we will be using PC when we want to use the TV side as you call it. Is the TV interface better than the current BM1? Can it be used from a link TV, when the BM5 is connected to a Master TV? 


    Also, don't forget that you can integrate the BeoSound 5 into a setup with another BeoSound thanks to Option Programming. This would give you the best of both worlds. 


    Will it need a N.MUSIC compatible Beosound? 


    Hopefully this clears some things up. (...)


    Yes, thanks Trip! 



  • 11-08-2008 6:11 AM In reply to

    • tIRED
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    Re: Anyone in Göteborg for the presentation of the BS5 ?

    Hello Trip!

    Thanks for your input. This is interresting on several points as it differs greatly from what was said at the show. I was especially interrested in your "point 1". I asked several times about this (as that would be a good solution for me). The answer I got from several BO-representatives was "No. The units (BM5 and BS5) are uniqly paired (with digital keys, etc.) and cannot be paired or communicative with anything else (for copyright reasons). You cannot use the internal harddrive in the BM5 for general network/storage pruposes like with the BM1." (and this is a qoute, even though not exact in wording).

    Your "point 3". On this they said it would perform exactly like BM1 (the hardware is already there, it has DVI-D and component video (R,G,B) output "out of the box". He said it "propably" had "better resolution output" than BM1. I don't know exactly what BM1 does in terms of resolution but I imagine it does 1920*1080 so I dont see how and why this would need to be better (since no one could display it anyway). It does _not_ play videofiles.. I specifically asked. It is a music system. Clearly stated and restated several times.

    On you "point 5" I (actually) totally agree. However it raises the (unavoidable) need for "digging in the walls" at istallation time. I'm no big fan of visible cabling and I've already spent a fortune on putting all cabling (custom custom custom) inside the stone walls in the buiding I'm in (originally built in 1895). I find this one of the main things if you want to go with this type of equipment and style. You want it to look like is does in you average B&O catalouge (our home has actually been in a couple of those.. :).

    On your "point 8" I dont agree. I have loads of CDs and, yes I can manage to use the supplied software but my wife cannot and my parents (if they ever where to buy a BS5-setup) definently cannot. You can argue they are not the target group. Sad in that case. I though "the future" was for everyone.. I'd like to hear our sales rep. explain to my father (62 years old) that "this is nothing for you. You are simply to old.. Stick with what you have beacuse from now on it's all digital and that's for the youngsters.." That's not going to help B&O in terms of customer satisfaction and reputation.. Another perspective would be - both mom and dad love thier iPods which they use on a daily basis during walks..They started out with B&Os version (the old, round one) but when they saw my younger brother's iPod it was love at first sight.. :)

    B.t.w. Please excuse the bad english in my last post. I was in a hurry at work.. :(

    /tIRED (of my corrupt $100.000 setup)
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  • 11-08-2008 6:26 AM In reply to

    Re: Anyone in Göteborg for the presentation of the BS5 ?


    1. Tired asked about his existing HD and how it would integrate were he to indulge in a BeoSound 5. Quite easily, actually. The BeoMaster 5 is loaded through one or more editing PCs, just like a BeoMedia 1. As with my BeoMedia 1, it not only feeds my link system, but acts as Network Attached Storage. What would happen in your case is that you'd set iTunes to locate your music file on the BeoMaster 5 and leave it over night. By morning the content will be on the BeoMaster 5 and you can safely re-purpose your hard drive. You will be able to access it just as you did before, since the BeoMaster 5 is a Net-Aware product.

    You suggest bm5 acting as a standard NAS. Than what´s the point of the beoconnect software (described in here: Imho a special data transfare software wouldn´t be needed, if bm5 would act as a NAS. Transfering data would be a simple drag-and-drop-job. I´m asking because if bm5 would act as a NAS (what I´m hoping for), than you could define the path to the music library in itunes to bm5 from the very start and one wouldn´t need to maintain and syncing 2 libraries (1 on the pc and 1 on bm5).

    Kind regards, beoberlin 

  • 11-08-2008 6:50 AM In reply to

    Re: Anyone in Göteborg for the presentation of the BS5 ?

    k for everyone, but it's an easy enough thing to do if you don't mind a little light construction!

    8. It is specifically designed NOT to play a CD. The idea behind this product is to serve a defined customer profile, whereas the BeoSound 3200 and the BeoSound 4 were more migratory products. There is always a point at which you cast off the old media. If our systems still had cassette decks, we'd be laughed at. CDs are becoming tapes as we speak. If you still want to play them, we have 4 beautiful audio systems for you. It is likely that some customers of a certain age will not migrate to the digital media world. We'll continue to support them for years to come. Also, don't forget that you can integrate the BeoSound 5 into a setup with another BeoSound thanks to Option Programming. This would give you the best of both worlds. 

     Sorry, I don´t agree on this. B&O always was about integration. They even advertise bs5 "bringing together the past and the future". I can´t see this in this conept. It´s just about digital media, the future and not about the past. No cd, no analogue radio, no dab (I know it´s quite dead in most parts of europe except UK). To listen to these types I need an additional bs. I don´t like this idea, especially since imho it could get a little crowded in one´s living room with over present B&O products. Clearly the soon to be released design doesn´t allow to play cd, but I think to exclude it from the start is a major fault. I was ready to get rid of my old bs9000 and buy bs5, but now have to keep the old one. And I don´t think the 2 do well together in terms of design. I wouldn´t even ask for ripping capabilities in bs/bm5, as ripping via a pc with quality encoding options (think lame) is probably better anyway (remember poor bs4). But the simple abilty to play cd and radio should have been part of the concept to keep just O-N-E system on your desk. With a pure digital product I don´t think they are likely to attract existing, older customers. With an integrated solution these customers could still use their existing media while slowly migrating to new ones. And a new, younger customer is surely not willing to buy 2 audio systems at once, just because the Danes think it should be this way. At the moment I would not buy.

    Just my 2 cents.

     Kind regards, beoberlin 

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