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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 11-08-2008 6:50 AM by beoberlin. 55 replies.
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  • 11-05-2008 5:09 PM In reply to

    Re: Anyone in Göteborg for the presentation of the BS5 ?

    Can anyone have link with pictures ?

    when your Black Label begin to taste like juice just take shot or two of Absinthe and after that quench with some vodka, if you still feel juice like take beer with grappa !

  • 11-07-2008 2:23 AM In reply to

    • hebo
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    Re: Anyone in Göteborg for the presentation of the BS5 ?

    Before we can enjoy the report and pic from Lee, here is my observations on the navigation.

    The Beosound 5 do not have a touchscreen. The size of the screen - my guess 13-15 inch  (my wild guess)

    You simply navigate with two aluminium rings and one aluminium handle/knob. 

    There are tree buttons on top of the big wheel  <   > and GO. 

    With the knob you select N.MUSIC, N.RADIO, SETTINGS ect and ARTIST, COVERS, and so on

    With the ring on top you scroll in the selected area

    and with a ring at the side (like a photolens irisring) you adjust the volume.

    And as we said earlier, it took not many sek before you got the hang on the navigation. 



  • 11-07-2008 5:12 AM In reply to

    Re: Anyone in Göteborg for the presentation of the BS5 ?



  • 11-07-2008 5:53 AM In reply to

    • 9 LEE
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    Re: Anyone in Göteborg for the presentation of the BS5 ?



    BeoWorld - Everything Bang & Olufsen

  • 11-07-2008 6:15 AM In reply to

    Re: Anyone in Göteborg for the presentation of the BS5 ?

    I couldnt erase my post so i had to edit to a j...



  • 11-07-2008 6:34 AM In reply to

    • tIRED
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    Re: Anyone in Göteborg for the presentation of the BS5 ?

    I'd like to shed a little light..

    I was on the presentation in Malmö last night and the event was nice (with food, drinks, Eric Gadd and the works..). I'm a pretty "deep into it" BO-guy with a system costing about 100.000 USD (multiple TVs, speakers, links etc.).

    My oldest and "most likely to replace"-item is an Overture-unit. I currently have and Apple AirPort Express connected to in and we have link-speakers (or main units) in all 7 rooms at home. Today I typically switch on my notebook (in the room where I currently reside) and browse and play music with Itunes (linked back to that rooms speakers). Not a big Apple fan but I fancy iTunes as a piece of usable software. Easy access to music stores and easy import of my CD-based music. The music library resides on a USD100 500Gb NAS-device which is placed in a closet. My wife and my kids also have access to this library. It's the "familiy"-library you could say. Containing some 25.000 songs..

    If I were to switch to the new BS5-setup I see the following problems that I would need to address:

    - How would I browse in my music library from any other room (that the room in which I place the BS5) I simply cant keep track of 25.000 songs in my head.. A 2-way remote solution is a must for this type of system.. Not available and not planned (according to the Bo people last night)
    - Where would I place my BS5? It need Masterlink (which is in every room) and wired ethernet (a must) (which I don't have in every room and not near a Masterlink-socket anywhere).. The BM5 (which has these connections) look exacly like a BM1 and does need to be in a cabinet. So, installation of cabinet must be a part of this installtion as well..
    - How do I feed my music into the system (I certainly don't want to create another music library). No apparent answer here...
    - What about all the music I've purchased on iTunes. This doesn't go in the BS5 unless I go back to the iTunes Store and buy new versions of everything "without the DRM". This alone would cost my hundreds of USD..
    - Where is the FM-radio (the BS5 only has internet-radio). The tip they gave me. Keep the Overture.. !?
    - No obvious way to play CDs (must be imported on your computer and then moved to the BS5-system before you can play them).. Way to go! My parents (also substatial BO-customers for some 30 years) aren't exacly living on that planet..

    Given these "obstacles". Will it perform better or smarter than my current (4 year old) Overture+AirportExpress solution I've created for a couple of hundred bucks.. No.. It will perform differently but not better.

    Apart from this the userinterface would make the engineers at Apple laugh their pants of. This is just software and can be fixed though..

    What does the system actually do? It plays mp3:s and some internet-radio. Nothing more.. (at least nothing they would tell about)...

    Some hard facts: The screen is not touch (I was hoping for multi touch like the iPhone, that would be futuristic, like BO wants to be..), it's 10-5". The top wheel browse though albums/srtists/songs. The "underneth lever" adjusts which functions the top wheel browse threough.. The bottom "lens-like wheel" adjusts volume.. The unit is table mount of wall mount. Wallmount seems like the way to go.. No obvious "good looking" way to cable to the BM5-unit (except tubs inside the wall, which is somewhat of a project). The BM5-unit look much like th BM1-unit. Same formfactor. 3 cables between the units. HDMI (for display), USB for control and one separat for power. Has digital audio out as standard (for use with Beolab5s, only). Comes with 500Gb of storage. One BS5 can only connect to one BM5 (you cannot bring your BM5 to someone elses BS5, they are "paired" 1 to 1). You cannot connect multiple BS5:s to a single BM5 (which would have been one nice way to work out the "navigations from another room-issue). Comes with a Beo4 remote. Can be operated with a Beo5 (with no apparent advantage)

    Price - €5000..

    I came there yesterday "wanting" to update my audio-master in my system. I left very disapointed. In my case money is not a problem. I simply don't want one anymore. Especially not a €5000. Sorry B&O. Going digital doesn't seem thath easy at all.. :)

    /tIRED (of my corrupt $100.000 setup)
    Filed under:
  • 11-07-2008 7:27 AM In reply to

    Re: Anyone in Göteborg for the presentation of the BS5 ?

    @ tIRED: Thanks for your report. Sounds just exactly like I feared it to be. Or even worse. Why one needs 3 cables between 2 "paired" units is beyond my understandig. Sad.

    Kind regards, beoberlin 

  • 11-07-2008 7:30 AM In reply to

    Re: Anyone in Göteborg for the presentation of the BS5 ?

    "It plays mp3:s and some internet-radio."

    Hmm... dissapointing.

    It does not handle pics or video files?

    I will go to the Stockholm event, and it will be interesting to see how they sell and justify this solution.





    Happy owner of: BV10, 2 x Beocom 2, Beocom 6000, Beocenter 2, Beolab 3, Beolab 2000, Beo4, Beolab 11

    1:st prize winner Beoworld January Price Draw.

  • 11-07-2008 7:56 AM In reply to

    Re: Anyone in Göteborg for the presentation of the BS5 ?

    Hi tired, 

    Maybe im wrong on this but: I have heard from reliable sources (B&O) that multiple BeoSound 5 to one BeoMaster 5 would be a focus area in the near future. They said it, like it was only a future SW update away..

    You werent fascinated with MOTS way to listen to music? If i had 25000 songs i would welome this feature..

    This "without the DRM" problem; isnt this normal procedure? As far as i know you cant use ANY Apple ITunes store bought music any where else than Apple...

    I hope that they make s musicsystem that suits your needs better in the near future..



  • 11-07-2008 8:12 AM In reply to

    Re: Anyone in Göteborg for the presentation of the BS5 ?


    "It plays mp3:s and some internet-radio."

    Hmm... dissapointing.

    It does not handle pics or video files?

    I will go to the Stockholm event, and it will be interesting to see how they sell and justify this solution.


    The BS 5 doesn't, but the BM 5 does (via your TV)


    Just because it's mellow it doesn't mean it's less evil....
  • 11-07-2008 9:04 AM In reply to

    Re: Anyone in Göteborg for the presentation of the BS5 ?

    Keep the Overture.. !?

    Is Ouverture compatible with N.MUSIC?? I did not think so.

    But it was a whish from myself that you could keep both in the same system. I had a word with a dealer and he also was hoping that people with existing Beosound would not have to get rid of them to buy a Beosound5, otherwise nearly no existing customer would buy one, as no one would want to get rid of their much loved older system.

    Something not to forget, for those who have a Beo TV, and a DVD player, if you only have a Beosound 5, and want to play the odd CD, just put it in the DVD player.


  • 11-07-2008 10:47 AM In reply to

    • moxxey
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    Re: Anyone in Göteborg for the presentation of the BS5 ?


    The BM5 (which has these connections) look exacly like a BM1 and does need to be in a cabinet.

    Pardon? I have a Mac Mini from 2005 which is about 20cm-ish wide. It is very capable of spooling audio and non-HD video. If in 2009 - when the BM5 is due for release - B&O are still producing a computer the size of an old 1990's desktop PC?

  • 11-07-2008 11:07 AM In reply to

    Re: Anyone in Göteborg for the presentation of the BS5 ?

    B&O are still producing a computer the size of an old 1990's desktop PC?

    B&O uses the same form factor as Beovision 9 have a space for the Beomedia 1 and the Beomaster 5 will fit in there.


  • 11-07-2008 12:08 PM In reply to

    • Puncher
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    Re: Anyone in Göteborg for the presentation of the BS5 ?


    B&O are still producing a computer the size of an old 1990's desktop PC?

    B&O uses the same form factor as Beovision 9 have a space for the Beomedia 1 and the Beomaster 5 will fit in there.


    To Moxxey's point, a small "box" would have been much more attractive for the few people who don't have a BV9 - for those that do, I'm sure B&O could have stretched to some sort of spacer arrangement without increasing the umpty thousand pound asking price by too much!

    Generally speaking, you aren't learning much if your lips are moving.

  • 11-07-2008 12:31 PM In reply to

    Re: Anyone in Göteborg for the presentation of the BS5 ?

    The worst problem is just like what I thought it would be. No wifi = limited access to current music library. What is B&O thinking? Have they even tried using other music servers that are available themselves? Maybe they thought we will can just connect it to the Airport Express's ethernet connection? But will it be able to parallel the music in the computer's music library?
  • 11-07-2008 12:35 PM In reply to

    Re: Anyone in Göteborg for the presentation of the BS5 ?

    Ok yeah this is a real killer both in gadget but also point of view...

    All I can say dont judge it before you have seen and try it

    I love Apple and iPhone nice interface etc etc

    BUT BS5 is expanding interface and use....

    I have iPhone and I like it BUT it get grease

    BS5 does not....

    I think that you pilot it even faster than a touchpanel

    Why have B&O make this panel no touch

    Ofcourse they want a product that always is as a "hotelroom" when you check in.....cleanWink

    my two kronors.....Yes -  thumbs up

  • 11-07-2008 12:42 PM In reply to

    • moxxey
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    Re: Anyone in Göteborg for the presentation of the BS5 ?


    B&O are still producing a computer the size of an old 1990's desktop PC?

    B&O uses the same form factor as Beovision 9 have a space for the Beomedia 1 and the Beomaster 5 will fit in there.


    I don't care in the slightest about the BV9. I have a BC2 and the socket box is huge - almost a metre wide. Any designer in 2009 should be able to design and produce a box that can manage and spool audio no more than 15cm wide. It needs to be cutting edge. Where are we supposed to hide the BM5 if you do not own a BV9 (ie. the majority of users)?

    It's amazing how we justify this kind of design. It's rather pathetic, really. Most of the logic should be handled behind the BS5 screen, whilst the BM5 should be little more than an external stackable/connectible hard drive.....and we know how small external hard drives can be designed.

  • 11-07-2008 12:47 PM In reply to

    Re: Anyone in Göteborg for the presentation of the BS5 ?


    B&O are still producing a computer the size of an old 1990's desktop PC?

    B&O uses the same form factor as Beovision 9 have a space for the Beomedia 1 and the Beomaster 5 will fit in there.


    I don't care in the slightest about the BV9. I have a BC2 and the socket box is huge - almost a metre wide. Any designer in 2009 should be able to design and produce a box that can manage and spool audio no more than 15cm wide. It needs to be cutting edge. Where are we supposed to hide the BM5 if you do not own a BV9 (ie. the majority of users)?

    It's amazing how we justify this kind of design. It's rather pathetic, really. Most of the logic should be handled behind the BS5 screen, whilst the BM5 should be little more than an external stackable/connectible hard drive.....and we know how small external hard drives can be designed.


    dont buy it then

    simple as that


  • 11-07-2008 1:12 PM In reply to

    Re: Anyone in Göteborg for the presentation of the BS5 ?

    Isn't that failry counterintuitive though? Clearly, from the restrictions of the BS5, some potential customers may decide not to upgrade.

     Not sure that is the most long-term efficient marketing solution (not that I know much about marketing).

    Seems to me that you don't want to alienate faithful customers by producing an item that is unuserfriendly.

    clearly, the advice that was given "keep the ouverture" doesnt bid well for the BS5.


  • 11-07-2008 2:41 PM In reply to

    Re: Anyone in Göteborg for the presentation of the BS5 ?


    The BM5 (which has these connections) look exacly like a BM1 and does need to be in a cabinet.

    Pardon? I have a Mac Mini from 2005 which is about 20cm-ish wide. It is very capable of spooling audio and non-HD video. If in 2009 - when the BM5 is due for release - B&O are still producing a computer the size of an old 1990's desktop PC?

    It's the curse of being in bed with tired, old Microsoft, Moxxey.

  • 11-07-2008 3:13 PM In reply to

    Re: Anyone in Göteborg for the presentation of the BS5 ?


    I came there yesterday "wanting" to update my audio-master in my system. I left very disapointed. In my case money is not a problem. I simply don't want one anymore. Especially not a €5000. Sorry B&O. Going digital doesn't seem thath easy at all.. :)

     I totally agree !!!

    I think people will buy it but much less than other B&O products and than for B&O they put to much money to develop something that people who really like their products and money is no object would not buy it..... not good strategy in my opinion....

    So B&O please continue to make the best speakers and audio-video products.... dont go digital..... (especially with  premium  price  tag )

    when your Black Label begin to taste like juice just take shot or two of Absinthe and after that quench with some vodka, if you still feel juice like take beer with grappa !

  • 11-07-2008 3:16 PM In reply to

    Re: Anyone in Göteborg for the presentation of the BS5 ?

    I juts hope that B&O has "flat" (for under carpet routing) cables for attaching BS5 to BM5.

    I want a floor or table stand for my BS5!


  • 11-07-2008 3:40 PM In reply to

    • nlb
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    Re: Anyone in Göteborg for the presentation of the BS5 ?

    This all proves one simple point. B&O should stick with making loudspeakers and forget the rest. Forget TV, Forget Hi Fi. It's a very different world now Mr B&O, have you even noticed, I think you have been sleeping in the corner!
  • 11-07-2008 5:05 PM In reply to

    • moxxey
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    Re: Anyone in Göteborg for the presentation of the BS5 ?


    dont buy it then

    simple as that

    Mr Anderson, we're all passionate here about B&O. However, if you can't face negativity or a debate about the product, then why bother remarking that we shouldn't buy the product, simply as we don't want to make do with a huge Beomaster 5? I'm sorry that you believe that the design of the Beomaster 5 suits you're requirements, thus shouldn't be any smaller.

    I, like many others on here, *want* to buy a Beosound 5, but the lack of two-way remote and the size of the Beomaster 5 makes it far less compelling, so far.

  • 11-07-2008 5:46 PM In reply to

    • dp
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    Re: Anyone in Göteborg for the presentation of the BS5 ?


     1. If you have a Beovision 7 TV and you hardly ever play CDs as you download most things then Bm5 & BS5 should be right up your street. Pop your CD in the TV and go or let BS5 intelligently make up an endless playlist.

    2. If you still love your CDs and own any B&O (or non-B&O TV) then hook up a BM5 plus a Beosound 4 or Beocentre 2. On screen interface of all your digital music plus the functions of CD, old style radio.

    3. If you love you iPod and apple spend your £/$/Euro's in a neater way - instead of a £15K budget for a £8.5K BV7-40 HD-TV, £4K BS5 digital interface hifi thing, and £3-5K BL3/BL9speakers...

    ... install a multi-room Apple set-up with BL5's in your main room and a couple of BL3's in other rooms for the same price!

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