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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 09-14-2008 5:50 PM by Dillen. 1 replies.
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  • 09-14-2008 2:14 PM

    Beogram 3000--belt too big? fussy motor? transport securing screws?

    Hi Everyone,

     I am a first-time turntable owner who just bought a Beogram 3000 Type 5231 turntable. It's not working, and I have a number of observations to share that might clue someone in on how it can be repaired. :)

     1) The tonearm cues correctly, but the platter does not engage. We (me and roommates) believe this to be because the motor mechanism is the main problem.

    2)  We took the platter off, and the belt was completely slack. It is way too big to fit tightly over the drive shaft and the platter wheel (not sure if these are the correct terms..).

     3) The motor worked on "automatic 7" but not "10" or "12." That is, with the platter off, we observed the drive shaft spinning on 7 only.

    4) We observed the "note" on the sticker that's visible when the platter is removed, and followed the directions to turn the transport securing screws all the way to the left, and this causes the platter wheel and stylus to become extremely bouncy--to the point where the needle nearly touches the surface underneath it while in resting mode. Is this the correct setup for playing my music (when the rest of the issues get resolved)?

    Thanks so much for any advice you can offer, and I apologize if my terminology is not proper. :)



  • 09-14-2008 5:50 PM In reply to

    • Dillen
    • Top 10 Contributor
    • Joined on 02-14-2007
    • Copenhagen / Denmark
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    Re: Beogram 3000--belt too big? fussy motor? transport securing screws?

    Hi Brian,

    Welcome to Beoworld !  Yes -  thumbs up

    The automatic position will turn on the motor and rotate the platter for cleaning records.

    For playing a record, you will have to choose the correct size (7, 10 or 12) and press LIFT (which, in case the lettering has worn off or the alu bright is missing, is the center button, between the two size setting prongs).

    The belt will go around the subplatter and the pulley wheel, the belts tension will pull the idler wheel close to the motor pulley, establishing physical contact between the motor pulley and the rubber idler wheel.

    The "bouncyness" is correct but the arm will not rest the needle on the aluminum surface in rest mode. That the needle rides this low indicates that the arm is in play mode - to be lowered on the record. Make the platter rotate and lift the tonearm gently in over the platter towards the center, until it lifts up and swings the arm home by itself.

    Not your fault at all but generally posts like this ... and radio speakers presenting Wham! as oldies... well, am I the only one feeling old ?  Laughing


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