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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 07-14-2008 8:02 PM by dylan. 6 replies.
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  • 07-14-2008 4:38 AM

    • Dave0280
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    Help and advice on possible Beo5 purchase

    Hi all - have been in negotiations with my local dealer to purchase a Beo5 but am confused as to their answers.

    My setup is an Avant connected to a Virgin media V box connected to a DVD recorder - all working fine.

    My qu was 'will the Beo5 control my V box, TV and possibly sony DVD recorder?' the answer was:

    '...this is possible but as your Avant only has one IR output you would need a splitter and 2 cables which would come to around £75 in total.....Do you have a serial number for the Avant? We would also need to re-programme the Avant for the set top box control which is a £60 call out....'

    Why would they need to reprogramme it as it works fine at the moment and what is this about the IR output? They have not got back to me so thought you guys in your inifinte wisdom would be of more help. Cheers - Dave.

    Dave - Birmingham, UK
  • 07-14-2008 5:31 AM In reply to

    • dylan
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    Re: Help and advice on possible Beo5 purchase

    If the DVD player and virgin box are already connected and controllable with your Beo4 then, unless I'm being dim, you should have no problem. If however you're using the boxes own remotes then you may need a STB-C upgrade if they aren't already on your list of supported models (from memory go to [setup] [connections] choose eg [AV] then [ok} or something similar to see current list). Don't pay the money for the splitter/IR-blaster (as I did for my BV3) - I'm reliably informed they are available for a tenth of the cost of the B&O version from Maplins etc.


    BS3200 BV7 BV3 BL8000 BG4000 BL4500 PC2 BG5500 MX4002

  • 07-14-2008 5:34 AM In reply to

    • YannChris
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    Re: Help and advice on possible Beo5 purchase


    These answers seem to be OK on the technical side.

    You will need a splitter to get 2 IR eyes that will be stuck on your STB and DVD Recorder.

    You need to update your Avant with the latest STB control ICs. The serial number will be useful to check that your Avant can be upgraded.

    Note that this upgrade will enable you to control your V box and DVD with your Beo4 as well as with Beo5.

    I cannot give you any advice on the commercial side, as I have no idea of what are the prices in the UK.

    Two details before you make your decision:

    - Check that your peripheral devices are on the latest STB list for Avant,

    - Remember that Beo5 is a bit tricky to program, that programming is usually not done for free... and that the software is "officially" not available for end-users.

    So my advice is to go a bit further in the negociations with your dealer, to be sure that you will be able to get the best of the Beo5.





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  • 07-14-2008 7:49 AM In reply to

    • Dave0280
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    Re: Help and advice on possible Beo5 purchase

    Thanks for the info - I'm using seperate remotes for the V box and DVD recorder so may need the upgrade!! What specifically is the IR box I need - which hopefully I can source from Maplins and save a few quid!! Been quoted £375 for the remote to include programming but with the other bits it is £510 so starts to take it into 'do I really need this' territiory!!
    Dave - Birmingham, UK
  • 07-14-2008 8:34 AM In reply to

    Re: Help and advice on possible Beo5 purchase

    The 'box' is a board integrated into the Avant. Maplins is out I am afraid!

    Why do you want a Beo5? I would suggest that I would get the STB-C fitted but use a Beo4. I think you would find that this offers plenty. Also not sure about the advice you have been given. I think you need a STB-C to control the V box and a DVD controller to work the DVD.  

  • 07-14-2008 4:59 PM In reply to

    • YannChris
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    Re: Help and advice on possible Beo5 purchase

    I agree with Peter.

    I would go first for a TV upgrade, as STB-C + Beo4 work as a charm.

    Then decide if you really need a Beo5 and in which conditions you will be able to keep it up to date (software).

    As it comes to STB-C and DVD controller, a new software for STB-C has been released a few weeks ago.

    Apple and Sony devices (PS3) were added to the list.

    This is why you need to check with your dealer if your external sources are supported by this software.

    The DVD controller is also an option, but you will also have to check if your DVD recorder is supported.


    Ne pas s'en faire et boire frais!

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  • 07-14-2008 8:02 PM In reply to

    • dylan
    • Top 500 Contributor
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    Re: Help and advice on possible Beo5 purchase

    My advice about Maplins was just for the IR blaster - the wire which goes from socket in back of the TV to transmit the IR signal to the front of the V Box - this can be got for a few quid from eg Maplins. I would agree with the above otherwise - I am about to go down the Beo5 route but solely because I have a multiroom setup and I love a gadget. I am quite happy otherwise with the control the Beo4 gives me of my Topfield PVR via Beo4.


    BS3200 BV7 BV3 BL8000 BG4000 BL4500 PC2 BG5500 MX4002

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