These answers seem to be OK on the technical side.
You will need a splitter to get 2 IR eyes that will be stuck on your STB and DVD Recorder.
You need to update your Avant with the latest STB control ICs. The serial number will be useful to check that your Avant can be upgraded.
Note that this upgrade will enable you to control your V box and DVD with your Beo4 as well as with Beo5.
I cannot give you any advice on the commercial side, as I have no idea of what are the prices in the UK.
Two details before you make your decision:
- Check that your peripheral devices are on the latest STB list for Avant,
- Remember that Beo5 is a bit tricky to program, that programming is usually not done for free... and that the software is "officially" not available for end-users.
So my advice is to go a bit further in the negociations with your dealer, to be sure that you will be able to get the best of the Beo5.
Ne pas s'en faire et boire frais!
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