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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 03-29-2008 11:32 AM by stefan. 1 replies.
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  • 03-28-2008 9:20 PM

    Ridax's iPod Dock... :-)

    Probably a very dumb question... :)

    I intend to buy an iPod dock kit from Ridax, and I am just wondering where you plug it in? 

    I have a BC2300 and an Avant on one room, and a system 3500 in the other which I am going to link together. I want the iPod to sit in a cradle next the the system 3500. Where does it plug in? A. Aux? Tape 2? etc Also, for linking the products, would I need two 1611 beolink converters (one for each stereo), or could I get away with splicing the mcl together pre converter, if that makes sense!

    Obviously it is a bit of a strange linking arrangement, two mcl hifi's into an ml TV!

     Any advice appreciated :)

  • 03-29-2008 11:32 AM In reply to

    • stefan
    • Top 50 Contributor
    • Joined on 04-16-2007
    • 200 miles from Struer
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    Re: Ridax's iPod Dock... :-)

    Two audiomasters (BC 2300, BM 3500) in a linksystem won`t work, and none of your audiosystems can work as a link-product. Connect the ridax dock station to the TAPE2 socket of the BM 3500. You can now control it in mode N.MUSIC with Beo4. If you have an MCL 2A connect it to the BM 3500 SPEAKER 2 sockets, place the IR eye in the main room (the BC2300-Avant room) and program LINK-Option 4. You can now control the BS 3500 from the main room via LINK commands. To get sound from BS 3500 to BC 2300 connect the TV/AUX out socket to the AUX in socket of the BC 2300. Pressing A.AUX in the main room should bring the sound from BS 3500 to BC 2300. Pressing L.-N.MUSIC (or LINK - SHIFT - A.TAPE on BL 1000) let you control the dock-station.

    BTW: the ridax-dock-station is a great product. I have one in a link room directly connected to an MCL 2 AV. Just plug in your ipod and this will start the amplifier, the speakers and - of course - the music.Press STANDBY and everything shuts down - incl. ipod.

    Hope this helps.


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