The BV7 only has a Beolab 7-2 connected at the moment. I thought I could connect a couple of passive speakers via a powerlink to the beolink passive to function as rear speakers.
If I was outside I could then move these speakers out an have audio from the BM5 (connected to the Beolink passive by ML). I am trying to optimize the use of the speakers.
If you connect a BeoLink Passive to the "Front-PL-Out" and
a second BeoLink Passive to the "Surround-PL-Out" you'll get a
Dolby System with BLB7-2 beeing the "Center" and
"Passive-Speakers" beeing the "Front" and the "Surround" speakers.
You'll need 2 PL-Cables to connect both "BeoLink Passive" or "ML/MCL Converter"
(a ML/MCL-Converter is identical to a BeoLink Passive - but IR Receiver
and IR Cable are not provided)
To use the speakers temporarily "outside" you need a ML-Cable, Power, IR-Cable
and eventually speaker wires prepared at/for the "outside place"
To get a flexible "on the fly solution" I'd recommend the use of a ML-Distributon Box
and ML-Cables of the required length.
When you want "outside music" you'll have to disconnect your "Rear BeoLink Passive"
from the PL-Cable (coming from your TV) and connect it at the other place to the ML-cable
as well as to IR-sensor- and speaker-cables.
at the same time a "BeoLink Passive" should only be connected
EITHER to PL (from TV)
OR to ML (MasterLink-Network)