Before you you eliminate your whole configuration, I would try to find the failure in your configuration file. You know, the configuration file is stored as ASCII file in XML format in the directory Clients\..
This XML file contains all informations of your configuration. Every time I had a serialization error, the failure included the line number of the configuration file. When I checked this in the XML file, mostly there was a conflict with bitmap which was not available anymore. Then I deleted this line and tried it again. So I could fix the failure, but I had to add this particular command again.
I invested several hours to understand the structure of this XML file. It is not so complicated. It is even possible to change commands in a way which is not possible with the config tool. For example: I could configure a command which sends one or serval IR commands and it also jumps one panel back or directly in the panel where you can choose a room.
If someone tries to edit the XML file, please do a backup before. So you could always go back to the latest configuration.
Best regards,