joeyboygolf, please could you share your advice?
It would be much appreciated as i still need to repair my ones.
Also in your opinion, which is the better option?
Refoaming the beolab drivers or buying new drivers from b&o shop?
Many Thanks in advance
The original driver surrounds are made from a very flimsy rubber/urethane material. Replacement foam surrounds are very much stiffer and your speakers will have little or no bass! I have examples of refoamed 6000 drivers which were in a pair of speakers bought by me when I was in gullible mode!!! They sounded rubbish.
In my opinion, ALL the drivers MUST be replaced.
I believe that B&O advises that the speakers should be dismantled from the bottom up. ie Remove the amplifiers/power supply first and then the woofers. I prefer to start from the top.
Here is the advice I gave to Jimmy, sent by email but not private.
You need to remove the front panels starting with the top one.
First remove and disconnect the tweeter (2 screws)
Then remove the top panel (6 screws) by levering gently from the top of the panel. The sealing under the panel will act as a glue so expect some resistance.
Then remove the first woofer and disconnect it (4 screws) followed by the second woofer (4 screws).
The captive screw thread “widgets” may slide out of alignment but you can slide them back on re-assembly.
Reverse the procedure to rebuild.
You will probably find that the new woofers have been calibrated by B&O as +0.5dB and instructions are given to adjust the outputfrom the amplifiers accordingly. The process involves an audio signal generator which I do have.
However, in my opinion, adjustment is not neccessary and the small base boost evident on real listening is to be very much appreciated.
This is my opinion only and there will probably be those that disagree. It's a free country!!