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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 10-25-2007 4:47 PM by Santiago. 17 replies.
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  • 10-16-2007 3:45 AM In reply to

    Re: Set top box controller with the Beo-5!!

    You can change channels on Satellite for any STB.

    The bottomline is if you can do something, anything with a Beo4, then you can do it with the Beo5 if correctly programmed.

    If you need to do several key strokes on the Beo4 to achieve an action, that same command can be done with one button click on the Beo5

    Regards Keith....

  • 10-16-2007 4:03 AM In reply to

    • Jandyt
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    Re: Set top box controller with the Beo-5!!

    Can you wait for three days, Ed?TravelParadiseYes -  thumbs upBeerDrinks

    Andy T.

    Poor me, never win owt!

  • 10-16-2007 4:21 AM In reply to

    • Jandyt
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    Re: Set top box controller with the Beo-5!!

    Dashing off to work now. Maybe I can help you this evening.

    Andy T.

    Poor me, never win owt!

  • 10-19-2007 7:34 AM In reply to

    Re: Set top box controller with the Beo-5!!

    With my STB I was (with the Beo4) able to zap up/down channel with the combination <GO> + <UP> or <GO + <DOWN>.. But it seems that the UP/DOWN function is somewhat hardcoded in the Beo5... anyone else had the same problem?



    The race for quality has no finish line- so technically, it's more like a death march.

  • 10-19-2007 9:49 AM In reply to

    Re: Set top box controller with the Beo-5!!

    First I have to say that the bottom "Hard keys" are programmable by your dealer as well as the screen icons, however most dealers so far appear not to touch them and with good reason because of the considerable combinations using the arrow keys alone its easy to make a mistake.

    But the bottomline is that ANYTHING you can do with a BEO4 with one or more key strokes can be achieved with just one key stroke on the Beo5 using a macro. I would suggest that you do NOT have the so called "Hard Keys" changed , but you get your dealer to add an UP/Down button on the "Scene" screen for your STB using the following IR macro commands:-

    First command is GOTO

    Second command is STEP_UP or STEP_DW



    Regards Keith....

  • 10-19-2007 1:48 PM In reply to

    Re: Set top box controller with the Beo-5!!

    My beo5 is setup to send Go + UP and down on the hard key's works all most fine. it only works in sub folders under DTV..

    Command used on mine PLAY + step_up

  • 10-19-2007 3:18 PM In reply to

    Re: Set top box controller with the Beo-5!!

    My beo5 is setup to send "green" and "yellow" on the << and >> hard key's, and works fine. it only works in sub folders under CD for the BS9000 which now works in the way I love Smile

     But this procedure seems not to work with my HDR2 Confused hard keys << and >> always do "previous" and "next", and not  "RW" "FF" like others products (DVDs and CDs) so I'm still forced to use the beo5 colour hard keys (green - yellow) Sad

    Maybe there is a special combination of beo4 commands to achieve this function...Hmm or it's simply a bug? Unsure


  • 10-20-2007 4:25 AM In reply to

    • Chris
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    Re: Set top box controller with the Beo-5!!

    I was planning to visit my dealer today to take a look at this little new gadget. I know myself very well (so as my dealer), but after reading all the threats I better wait a bit longer, till all bugs are gone from the Beo5.

    I better go for a Beer this afternoon.

    Yes, I kown my spelling is horrible… Huh?

  • 10-22-2007 7:35 AM In reply to

    Re: Set top box controller with the Beo-5!!

    Having just spent the weekend delving into the mystries of the Beo5 configuration tool, I can see that the Beo5 is going to cause lots of headaches for dealers.
    The software is a little idyosyncratic. The "foot-fall" effect B&O want in dealers shops will become a long queue as more and more people want ever more complex macros and the fact that a GBP400 remote just has to operate and look perfect.
    The macros which can be assigned to the Beo5 are essentially "step-up", "step-down", "go/play", "stop/pause/exit" anyway. The coloured buttons are on the same basis. however, I can see real issues when dealers try to program customers macros - especailly on link or AV applications. True, the Beo5 can do all that a Beo4 can do but because the Beo4 is "locked" and tested to death, it works or at least works when we program it with out finger inputs. The Beo5 will be programmed to a strict macro.
    A great remote but probably too flexible for its own good.
  • 10-22-2007 4:45 PM In reply to

    Re: Set top box controller with the Beo-5!!

    My beo5 is setup to send "green" and "yellow" on the << and >> hard key's, and works fine. it only works in sub folders under CD for the BS9000, which now works in the way I love Smile

     But this procedure seems not to work with my HDR2 Confused hard keys << and >> always do "previous" and "next" recordings, and not  "RW" "FF" like my other B&O products (DVD and CD) so I'm still forced to use the color beo5 hard keys (green - yellow) Sad

    Maybe there is a special combination of beo4 commands to achieve this function...Hmm or it's simply a bug? Unsure

    Please, does someone can help me with this issue? any ideas... a hint ?

    For info: the HDR2 is connected to the avantDVD via "VTAPE" scart. 

    Thanks in advance. 


  • 10-23-2007 7:00 AM In reply to

    • Gerd
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    Re: Set top box controller with the Beo-5!!

    It's not a bug, it's a feature! According to the user manual you have to press
    green or yellow in order to RW or FF.  

  • 10-23-2007 9:12 AM In reply to

    Re: Set top box controller with the Beo-5!!


    It's not a bug, it's a feature! According to the user manual you have to press
    green or yellow in order to RW or FF.  

    Hi Gerd,

    I know it, but I'm not talking about that.

    Also the BS9000 works exactly in the same way, using the yellow and green keys for FF and RW, but I've asigned those "command colors" to the >> and << beo5 hard keys, if you know what I mean Wink


  • 10-25-2007 3:48 PM In reply to

    • Gerd
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    Re: Set top box controller with the Beo-5!!

    OK, I understand.

    Maybe because HDR2 is a OEM product, not B&O genuine?

    What's the actual IR command for those keys now?

  • 10-25-2007 4:47 PM In reply to

    Re: Set top box controller with the Beo-5!!


    Maybe because HDR2 is a OEM product, not B&O genuine?

    What's the actual IR command for those keys now?

    HDR2 is a genuine B&O product.

    The IR commands now are : "0:000:VTR:CNTL_WIND" & "0:000:VTR:CNTL_REWIND"
    and when I use the commands "0:000:VTR:WIND" & "0:000:VTR:REWIND" I get the same result :"next" and "previous" recordings Super Angry

    but never "Wind" and "Rewind" Sad

    I think the problem is clearly located in the hard keys Beo5 "re-configuration".


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