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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012
Latest post 05-02-2007 7:27 AM by benjnz. 20 replies.
04-18-2007 4:51 PM

- Joined on 04-18-2007
- Posts 4

I have been told by my dealer that the 'about to be available' UK Freeview module for the BV7 (and possibly others?) REPLACES the existing analog tuner. Thus the set becomes Freeview only. Anyone confirm this? If so, I cannot see it being very poular until we want to be (or have to be) totally dependant on Freeview!

- Joined on 04-18-2007
- Posts 4

Thanks for the clarification. An addition seems much more likely. I heard it costs 350 UKP - if so, what does it do that a (much) cheaper external box would not do?
Keith Saunders

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Technical Advisor, Little Ann, Hampshire, UK
- Posts 3,810

I agree that it being fully intergrated is a major appeal. I saw in in action a few weeks ago and it does appear to work fine with the HDR2. In the UK the release of the module has been put back by 2 months apparantly by a technical problem linked to the UK market only. As Peter says it is in addition to the analogue tuner and goes in place of the old Sat module, hence why it can be fitted to Avant DVD. I will be adding to my Avant when my dealer is able to provide it to me. Keith..

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- London
- Posts 2,545

moxxey:I wonder if this comes as standard with a new BV7?
Yes, they are in production already. This was announced by a Beo person in the last wednesday chat. P.

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- London
- Posts 2,545

moxxey:No, I meant 'as standard as a no-cost option', or does the Freeview module cost extra on top of a basic BV7?
From what I understand, it will come "as standard"... that does not mean the "standard price" will not be changed ;-)

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- London
- Posts 90

That's fantastic news. They are starting to look like better value for money. Now all I am waiting for is a full HD panel they makes SD signals still look okay.

- Joined on 04-19-2007
- Posts 27

This sounds like what I have been looking for!! But for that price of 350 GBP then I might just stick with seeing if they are gong to update the STB software to add my Humax box to it!
History - it's just one thing after another!

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- London
- Posts 90

As far as I could tell it means that you don't have to have another piece of hardware and a few cables clutering behind your BV. Oh and of course another remote to deal with in most cases. Yes this picture quality it excellent but it still difficult to justify the price when you have a perfectly functioning external box.

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Posts 92

Peter:It is an addition not a replacement. Plugs in as a module like the module in the Beosystem 3. Also fits the BC6-26" and the Avant DVD and BV3. Very expensive!!
Just bringing up this thread as I wanted to clarify this how the module (presumably DVB-T) will work in practice - if we know yet - with a couple of questions. I have a BV3 with a STB controlling a Sky satellite box. 1) Would the DVB-T module be in place of a STB (and so operated by pressing SAT on a Beo4), or can it be in addition, replacing the analogue tuner, and so operated by pressing TV on a Beo4. 2) For the BV7, when it gets upgraded with a beosystem3, I think we know that we can choose to have an in-built digital tuner (rather than analogue that will be turned off soon), but can this be as well as a STB controlled box (eg Sky in the UK) - if this is the case, would the DVB-T module be controlled by TV on the Beo4 (possibly with a name change), and the STB controlled satellite box by SAT? My plan is that if I upgrade my BV3 to a BV7 I'd want the BV7 to have a future-proof digital tuner, but in addition to a Sky box. I would then probably add a DVB-T to the BV3 as a second TV so interested how it would work.
Cheers Justin

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Posts 92

Thanks for clarifying Peter - looks like an upgrade to a Beo5 is the most fun route. Re the Beo5, do the different sources you wish to have just appear on the touch sensitive screen (a bit like the iPhone will work).

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Auckland NZ
- Posts 392

Peter:The return of the sheep! I had missed you! Still proud of my New Zealand blood! How many channels - and how many not limited to Rugby and ovine interests? 
*chuckles* and there's me an old Durham boy too  I must say I'm so impressed with our Freeview offering, the giddy heights of Flossy1, Flossy2, Flossy3 AND Shrek1.  No but really it's the equally amazing TV1, TV2, TV3, C4 & Maori TV - wow what an expansive choice 
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