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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 07-30-2007 6:38 AM by The Stig - ver. 1.7. 19 replies.
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  • 07-27-2007 9:38 PM

    Mind warp for Beolinkers...

    Hi guys...i've been working on something here that i'm trying to's the situation..

     On Floor 1..i've got a BS9000 linked to an active room with Masterlink....

    On Floor 2 i've got a Beocenter 9500 linked to a passive with Powerlink (correct yes?)

     I know i can do the following... run a Power link from Floor 1 to FLoor 2 and vise versa.... THus allowing me to click AUX. input from either system and get the sound to the other system..

    BUT...what i want to do is it's a bit tough to bend your mind around at first...

    1) Take the Beocenter 9500 on Floor a Powerlink to a MCL 2 AV...

    2) Run an IR eye to theMCL 2AV

    3) Connect the optional imput Powerlink (or is it AUX.) of the MCL 2AV to a ML / MCL converter....

    4) Connect the Masterlink of the ML / MCL converter to the Floor 1 Masterlink system....


    When standing at the MCL 2 AV IR eye....and I can obviously control the Beocenter 9500...yes??

    BUT...when you switch the MCL 2AV to the optional input....(where it's linked through the ML / MCL converter)....

    Could I (through the IR eye of the MCL 2 AV) control the Masterlink (beosound 9000) system on Floor 1???????????



  • 07-28-2007 1:06 PM In reply to

    Re: Mind warp for Beolinkers...

    any ideas??? anyone tried anything like this??
  • 07-28-2007 1:11 PM In reply to

    • Ignace
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    Re: Mind warp for Beolinkers...

    any ideas??? anyone tried anything like this??

    Somehow, the Powerlink doesn't seem right. (using it "2-way")

    There is a way however to have multiple Masters in a setup.

    I'm sure Ulf (likafreak) or someone else can tell you more about it ! Smile 


  • 07-28-2007 1:15 PM In reply to

    Re: Mind warp for Beolinkers...

    Interesting - but not sure the MCL2AV will work out the Aux input - but would be interesting to find out!
  • 07-28-2007 1:17 PM In reply to

    Re: Mind warp for Beolinkers...

    MUTIPLE MASTERS IN A SYSTEM.......EXACTLY......what i'm looking for...anyone....????
  • 07-28-2007 1:50 PM In reply to

    • Ignace
    • Top 25 Contributor
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    Re: Mind warp for Beolinkers...

    MUTIPLE MASTERS IN A SYSTEM.......EXACTLY......what i'm looking for...anyone....????

    On Ulf's homepage (in German) :

    select Bang&Olufsen,  

    2 Audiomaster im Linksystem



  • 07-28-2007 2:02 PM In reply to

    Re: Mind warp for Beolinkers...

    Thanks Ignace...just visited the page.... Is it possible to get an english translation of this page regarding 2 masters in a system>?????  Even with this's a bit difficult to determine how to do this and how it would practically work???

    THanks, Keith

  • 07-28-2007 7:52 PM In reply to

    Re: Mind warp for Beolinkers...


    I think I would use a beolink active (in option 4) from BS to the the BC (Ir eye in same room as BC). And then connect powerlink from the active to the aux on BC. then all you have to do is select "Aux" and "link" "radio" or "CD" to play from the BS (preset vol. at a high level on beolink acktive)...

    never used a Mcl/av so can't help you whit that...Wink

  • 07-28-2007 8:09 PM In reply to

    Re: Mind warp for Beolinkers... run a Masterlink cable from the BS9000 to the room with the BC9500 and the Active Kit,...connect the Masterlink to the Active Kit....

    ahhhh i think i understand...the BC9500 just thinks it has a AUX imput at line level (as the beolink active is at high level)....and then just adjust the final volume with the BC9500...

    yes??  thanks..

    i was just hoping to be able to have some type of full that when I was in a separate Passive link room that linked to the BC9500....that I could remote through the IR eye of the passive...connect in and run the BC9500 and also the Beosound 9000...

  • 07-28-2007 8:33 PM In reply to

    Re: Mind warp for Beolinkers...

    Yes it's just like that.

    it's maybe also possible to connect them together with a beolink converter and set the BC in option 5, then when you press "link cd or radio" to the BC it will use cd/radio from the BS. but it's still only one way. and maybe the BC is to old to have this function and maybe not at all in the passive link room (in the other setup it just uses Aux)..

  • 07-28-2007 11:19 PM In reply to

    Re: Mind warp for Beolinkers...

    I really appreciate the help on the options...I really don't know anything about option setting....

    I want to try to connect the Beosound 9000 and the Beocenter 9500 togther with a converter ....

    Do you think this will work???

  • 07-29-2007 7:17 AM In reply to

    Re: Mind warp for Beolinkers...

    I have never tray it, It's all about the BC9500 begin able to go in Option 5. it will work the author way aruond with BS9000 in option 5 but then all your ML link rooms will used the BC9500 and not at all BS9000...
  • 07-29-2007 12:24 PM In reply to

    Re: Mind warp for Beolinkers...

    Hi if I try to connect the BC9500 to the Beosoune 9000 with a ML / MCL converter....then I need to put the BC 9500 into OPTION 5...yes????


  • 07-29-2007 4:21 PM In reply to

    Re: Mind warp for Beolinkers...

    Nop.. With a "Beolink converter" (Masterlink to Datalink) not a "ML/MCL converter" (Masterlink to Master control link) Sad
  • 07-29-2007 4:24 PM In reply to

    Re: Mind warp for Beolinkers...

    I thought MCL and Datalink were the same???

  • 07-29-2007 4:37 PM In reply to

    Re: Mind warp for Beolinkers...

    No Master control link is the passive link that comes from the BC9500, to the passive link room  Hmm
  • 07-29-2007 4:47 PM In reply to

    Re: Mind warp for Beolinkers...

    Hi the BC9500 has BOTH the Datalink and the MCL????
  • 07-29-2007 4:50 PM In reply to

    Re: Mind warp for Beolinkers...

    yes datalink is used to connect it to a tv. and mcl for link audio. you con read about MCL ind the handbook Here
  • 07-29-2007 11:48 PM In reply to

    Re: Mind warp for Beolinkers...

    YES....I see what you mean...On the back of the Beocenter there is a "TV/AUX" 

    connection that say's it's for "Bang & Oulfsen TV or other auxiliary equipment"

    That is Datalink yes???    SO....connect that to a CONVERTER....which converts to ML and then connect this to the main system....yes??


  • 07-30-2007 6:38 AM In reply to

    Re: Mind warp for Beolinkers...

    Yes then it maybe will work, so you can get sound from the bs9000. when the BC is in option 5 or 6 (if it can go in to this option)..
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