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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012
Latest post 11-17-2011 4:45 AM by folkdeejay. 73 replies.

- Joined on 05-07-2009
- Netherlands
- Posts 2,201

Gone now, sorry, must have been a cheater!
B&O item 1, B&O item 2, B&O item 3,...................B&O item 735
Beovirus? What's that?

- Joined on 02-07-2008
- Posts 359

Bitter towards Beoworld? Why? For commenting on a forum post where someone wants to know if there is a special way to open a cardboard box?
Find it highly amusing. The things you are trying to bring up are long in the past. I spoke with Lee earlier on Wednesday to assist in resolving an issue which won't be made public on this forum anyway, please don't try and create the ill-feeling you are accusing me of intending to do so.
Read the posts please.
You know nothing about me but instead seek to get your tuppence worth in, well done. You have never met or spoken with me, if you want to make personal remarks on this basis then is says more about you than it does about me.
As one contributor posted, I apologised for causing any offence and tried to be helpful, but good on you for jumping in and making yourself look foolish.
Back to the original post I made - why would anyone buy a sync cable if not using with a third party amp?
I have no hidden agenda unlike others trying to demean my posts.
@Jonathan - the only way in which I questioned the authenticity of the purchase (not the correct term but lets go with it) was on the basis of the information provided and the apparent neglect of the supplying Dealer who failed to install and configure very expensive speakers. My first port of call, if buying Beolab 5, would be directly to the Dealer. Still find it highly strange, sorry for having this impression.
If the post below seems small-minded, arrogant, offensive etc. etc. then I really can't understand why. Perhaps such comments say more about the mindset of some users of this forum than they do about me. Thanks for the balanced comments, particularly from Leslie.
I stick be every word below.
Since most-informed users of this forum agree that if you are buying 18000 euro speakers - way above the price (4000 Euros overpriced at least) they are available for elsewhere brand new or otherwise - then the supplying Dealer should have installed and if not, been supportive with the setup and configuration of Beolab 5.
Even should no other user have agreed with me, I would still argue this point. I am quite happy to try and make amends with any advice you need on setting your speakers up, especially if using pre-outs with a third party amp (which would be the only reason you have a sync cable is my understanding).
Just because I found it amusing you were seeking advice about opening a Beolab 5 box doesn't warrant the comments you are making.
EdouardG asked the correct questions and you have ignored those to date - without knowing what you are connecting Lab 5's to - and it seems without RCA cables (if the sync cable has been supplied for purpose) - then you will get nowhere. Personally I am highly suspicious of a pair of speakers supplied as they are, seemingly without manuals, with this configuration of cables. Is there a serial number under either large rim? If new, it should start at the very least with a 225xxxxx in my view.

- Joined on 05-03-2007
- Melbourne, Australia
- Posts 1,164

...@Jonathan - the only way in which I questioned the authenticity of the purchase (not the correct term but lets go with it) was on the basis of the information provided and the apparent neglect of the supplying Dealer who failed to install and configure very expensive speakers. My first port of call, if buying Beolab 5, would be directly to the Dealer. Still find it highly strange, sorry for having this impression....
Since most-informed users of this forum agree that if you are buying 18000 euro speakers - way above the price (4000 Euros overpriced at least) they are available for elsewhere brand new or otherwise - then the supplying Dealer should have installed and if not, been supportive with the setup and configuration of Beolab 5.....
.... Personally I am highly suspicious of a pair of speakers supplied as they are, seemingly without manuals, with this configuration of cables.
If you'd like to question my command of the english language, then with what term would you deem appropriate in this example? You write that you are 'highly suspicious of a pair of speakers supplied as they are'. This would allude to you thinking these particular speakers are stolen, or that Maab has acquired said speakers from an unsatisfactory source; thereby testing the authenticity of the speakers. You even tried to supply a partial serial number to 'authenticate' the items. Why should you be the person to point the finger? Do you seriously doubt Maab's veracity? Do you happen to know the full dealings between Maab and the Dealer?
Why do you wish to point out that you find this thread not to your liking? Would it not be preferable to say nothing at all? I think most people that are members of Beoworld would prefer not to hear of your dislike; rather, they would prefer to hear words of encouragement.
And to this end, I think it would be preferable that you keep it this way. Try to adhere to the saying 'If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all'.
My B&O: 2009 Catalogue and Pricelist

- Joined on 02-21-2007
- *Moderator* Leeds, Yorkshire
- Posts 4,045

Bitter towards Beoworld? Why?
I know why you are bitter towards Beoworld - as do you. Following this post I will not reply to any more of your remarks on this or any other subject & will only intervene with any of your posts when it is deemed that you have overstepped the published posting guidelines. Believe me your belittlement of Maab & other members has stretched these guidelines to the very limit & in my opinion already overstepped them. However the moderating team as a whole are a lot more tolerant than myself.
As I said in my previous post, you are best left to dig your own grave which you seem to be doing at an alarming rate.
The use of metaphors should be avoided like the plague. They're like a red rag to a bull to me.

- Joined on 02-07-2008
- Posts 359

Jonathan - whatever people may wish to read or to assume from my postings the fact is that these speakers were delivered to the customer by the Dealer with a sync cable (still nobody has questioned why this was supplied) and it seems without any configuration support or installation on the part of the Dealer. I still think this is unacceptable and in the alternative highly suspicious - not on the part of the buyer, but the seller.
I am entitled to express any opinion I like if it is not offensive or abusive. Others agreed and expressed surprise also.
If the speakers were new then the serial numbers certainly should have indicated a 2011 year of manufacture. This was to assist the customer at the end of the day.
I really have no idea why you make reference to 'dislike' but assume this just follows on from other baseless comments - if you want me to encourage when there is little or no reason to encourage in this particular thread, I am sorry but I won't bow. I raised pertinent questions and attempted to assist. I find sycophantic posts and a 'jump on the bandwagon' mentality amusing and offensive both at the same time.
Leslie - bang on, hit the nail on the head - thanks. For the record, as I have always stated, the new Beoworld is a massive improvement on the old one, what I object to is that it is now commercially run to benefit Lifestlye-AV and is no longer independent. As long as every member is clear and accepts that then fair enough, I have never tried to inject any ill-feeling into this forum - that my opinions may differ from others is no basis for the personal remarks and unfair comments that people seem happy to make, no doubt encouraged by the other posts.

- Joined on 04-14-2007
- South West, UK
- Posts 2,360

To the OP (Maab) I would strongly suggest ignoring anything Ian G.... - sorry - King of Snake has to say as he is simply bitter towards Beoworld & and takes pleasure in creating ill feeling amongst the membership
Crikey, this is worse than what Ian has written, IMHO. Talk about stirring up trouble that isn't required.
I'm going to make a formal complain to Lee and am seriously going to question my involvement with this board if this is the type of response you will get from a moderator.
Medogsfat: I'm not sure you are aware of the legalities of posting on a forum in the UK, but as a moderator your words are effectively representative of the board, Lee and ultimately LifeStyleAV. By bringing Ian's work situation in to your argument, you could be held responsible for loss of trade for making comments like that. As a moderator, I'd strongly suggest you take a look at recent libal laws which changed recently to include words written on a public forum.

- Joined on 02-14-2007
- Moderator - UK
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If anyone feels that a member of the moderating team has made a grave error of judgement when it comes to a member and their place on the site, please feel free to leave BeoWorld. Really. The moderating team is vastly experienced on not only this forum, but many others - and can clearly spot trouble makers, people with agendas, trolls and the like. I trust them, and the smooth running of this site is testament to that.
All i can add to this meandering thread is that there are plenty of instances where a thread has no interest to me at all, or i think it concerns a venture or idea i wouldn't pursue myself. In these cases, i simply move on to a thread that does interest me. It's quite simple..
BeoWorld - Everything Bang & Olufsen

- Joined on 02-07-2008
- Posts 359

Lee, please do not make any inference that I am a trouble-maker, or I have an agenda etc. Medogsfat also is out of line for suggesting that I am bitter towards Beoworld and he knows why etc. etc. If he wants to demean me personally on a public forum then he is free to email me and let me know why or he can remove those comments. That others shared my initial scepticism - and by way of analogy wish to dig their graves with me in Medogsfat view - about someone asking if there is a special way to open a box with a 65 kgs speakers showed that I may have made a fair comment, and in any case, if there was a special way to open the box then the supplying Dealer should have been there to do it or instructions should have been on the box.
I don't know why Medogsfat responded in the manner he did or made any reference to me personally but I am willing to let it go, no big deal.
I only comment every few months at the very most if something is of interest, it can hardly be a vendetta can it? I am decent enough not to bring any contentious trade matter to the attention of the wider public or make any reference to my livelihood, that others wish to do so says more about them than it does about me.
A forum is for commenting, discussing, questioning, resolving, assisting. If you want a forum whereby everyone has to toe a line of not doing anything but 'agree or encourage' then you are going down a dangerous route IMHO. This thread, and the unboxing thread (roll around on the floor tickling my tummy and still laughing out loud), were of interest to me.
You state 'that there are plenty of instances where a thread has no interest to me at all, or i think it concerns a venture or idea i wouldn't pursue myself.' So if someone wants to know if there is a special way to open a cardboard box (as opposed to handling/lifting, moving) with a Beolab 5 speaker in it I am not allowed to make any comment for fear of being shot down? If people like to view photos of products being unboxed - and I simply comment tongue-in-cheek if it is a new type of fetish or offer a chargeable service to do unpack/photo any product they wish, this is unacceptable also? That others share my view is of no relevance?
Why my posts should provoke such bile is beyond me, and I am grateful to others who are also surprised at the responses to my posts. I do not think your response to Moxxeys post was helpful at all and needs revision - Moxxey is a contributor to the forum and if he independently raises an issue which he feels strongly about and you choose not to respond but by stating he can leave Beoworld, I do not feel it is appropriate - this is what creates ill-feeling but am sure you will send him an email and sort it out, which is what I would suggest.
You have done well to avoid commenting on the actual post itself so I would be interested in your own perspective on a franchised dealer delivering brand new Lab 5's to a customer with a sync cable and then leaving a customer to get on with matters so it seems. I know your Company wouldn't do this and it falls far beyond my standards also. Careful, you might find yourself agreeing with me.
Having just recently returned from Rotterdam assisting in the setup of Beolab 5 with a third-party amp and a sync cable I felt I had a bit to offer, it was never my intention that these age-old inferences and accusations for some reason should be raised in this thread by others.

- Joined on 02-03-2009
- Switzerland
- Posts 286

Hey Maab, would love to see the final set up pics if you care to post. Sorry your thread seems to have been a bit derailed. Hoping the other discussion will be taken offline or to PM now so that we can continue on your thread-
I have the same speakers at home, they are truly a pleasure to listen to as well as look at.

- Joined on 12-11-2007
- Helsinki, Finland
- Posts 3,593

Luke :
Hey Maab, would love to see the final set up pics if you care to post. Sorry your thread seems to have been a bit derailed. Hoping the other discussion will be taken offline or to PM now so that we can continue on your thread-
I have the same speakers at home, they are truly a pleasure to listen to as well as look at.
Maab, if you are still around, it would be nice to see your setup. If it's finished.

BLab5, BLab5000, BLab8000, BV10, BS9000, BS3, Beo5, Beo4, BLink1000, BLink5000, BLink7000, A2, A8, Form2

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Ely, Cambridgeshire, UK
- Posts 3,252

Keep going King of Snake, don't let the b.....ds grind you down.
If I had just spent £10k plus on a pair of speakers and the dealer just dumped them off on me, he would likely get them straight back with my demand for a refund.
I would expect the dealer would want to install them, preferably included in the price or, at the very least, as part of a negotiated deal.
With regard to the unboxing topic, I too believe that the taking/posting of pictures of items being deboxed is a bit weird and your comments on the subject were suitably light hearted. I chuckled to myself and hoped that they would be taken in the manner in which, I am sure, they were intended. Alas, some of the more precious flowers on the site took offence and you have suffered some undesireable reaction with unjustified muck raking from all and sundry.
Others, like Moxxey have become involved, given their opinion on the subject (Whatever next? On a forum, the cheeky gits!!) and been similarly treated.
No doubt this thread will soon be the subject of the usual "Room 101" treatment, which is dished out to most contentious posts on this forum.
Written by "The gentleman from East Anglia"

- Joined on 04-14-2007
- South West, UK
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If I had just spent £10k plus on a pair of speakers and the dealer just dumped them off on me, he would likely get them straight back with my demand for a refund.
That happened to me through a Sony dealer, many years ago (2001?). Ordered a very heavy widescreen 32" CRT TV. Dealer told me I'd get a 15% discount as it was on the shop floor - fair enough, it looked brand new.
Dealer advertised free delivery and that they'd spend an hour setting things up, taking away boxes etc.
Dealer turned up with 60Kg TV and promptly dumped it in my hallway in a HUGE box. They told me that the setup wasn't included as I'd received a discount! Fair to say I struggled to get it out of the box and on the glass stand. I then had about 5 metres of cardboard to get rid of.
I'd already bought hi-fi separates from the dealer and a Sony laptop! It wasn't as if I was a new customer.
Fair to say I never bought from that dealer again....even though I used to see the owner around Bath and he'd regularly say "hello". I think he was genuinely confused why I stopped going in the store. I couldn't be bothered to explain.

- Joined on 02-07-2008
- Posts 359

Broad shoulders JBG but cheers - bemused what all the fuss is about in all honesty. Left myself open to the 'You've got a Vendetta against Beoworld' Brigade though didn't I? Should have kept mum lol. The only thing that slightly miffs me was that I suggested to Lee the strapline 'For Everything Bang & Olufsen' for the site - slightly modded neverthless but I want royalties!!!!! LOL.
(***This a light-hearted joke, I do not want royalties, it was tongue-in-cheek and I apologise to any member who is offended by such banter***)
What annoyed me was that I just delivered a pair of Beolab 5 to a customer in Rotterdam - one dead on arrival - so I was back the next week struggling setting them up with a third party amp and a sync cable. Who would have ever thought you need to press RADIO to get the blooming things to work with a third party amp, seemingly ridiculous IMHO. Left a happy customer though. Hence I thought I could offer expert advice to Maab but sadly it was thrown back in my face.
I just found it strange that on an equally new pair of Beolab 5 the franchised Dealer wasn't there to offer as much support and assistance to Maab and similarly as you have pointed out, for a premium product dumped at the door I think it unacceptable. I didn't think a franchised Dealer was allowed to sell things in this manner without that all-important element of service but perhaps Maab negotiated a good price and we do not know all the details - still curious why there was a sync cable though.
I take it from Neil's comment on the unboxing topic that you have put noses out of joint with a remark concerning the prize Draw? No idea what it was but as Moxxey has pointed out, the written word is more misinterpreted than the spoken word (where you can draw on peoples expressions/and or body movements/hand signals/number of fingers sticking up) and I will bear that in mind when making light-hearted comments in the future (honest).

- Joined on 02-21-2007
- *Moderator* Leeds, Yorkshire
- Posts 4,045

To the OP (Maab) I would strongly suggest ignoring anything Ian G.... - sorry - King of Snake has to say as he is simply bitter towards Beoworld & and takes pleasure in creating ill feeling amongst the membership
Crikey, this is worse than what Ian has written, IMHO. Talk about stirring up trouble that isn't required.
I'm going to make a formal complain to Lee and am seriously going to question my involvement with this board if this is the type of response you will get from a moderator.
Medogsfat: I'm not sure you are aware of the legalities of posting on a forum in the UK, but as a moderator your words are effectively representative of the board, Lee and ultimately LifeStyleAV. By bringing Ian's work situation in to your argument, you could be held responsible for loss of trade for making comments like that. As a moderator, I'd strongly suggest you take a look at recent libal laws which changed recently to include words written on a public forum.
OK, I'll apologise for bringing Ian's work situation into this IF & ONLY IF you can show me exactly how & when I did this. You can obviously read far more into this than I wrote???
What has LifeStyle AV got to do with anything? Beoworld has total independance from them, it is self supporting & the only input from that company is prize donations & advertising sponsorship (along with others) am I a mouthpiece for SoundsHeavenly, Hygge Living & STB Brackets too?
Other than that, I stand by every word I said & I'm sure KOS is right that the past is exactly that & time to let sleeping dogs lie.. etc... etc.. To forget what went before would benefit only one person on this site.
Oh & for the record I am not in the slightest bit interested in the rights & wrongs regarding Maab's purchase & what he should & shouldn't have received as part of the package - KOS may be right or he may be wrong, but as the OP has refrained from this topic lately (who can blame him) we may never know the exact truth. I am sure a lesson was learned if he was sold short.
My problem is the manner in which KOS first ridiculed Maab & then continued to badger him over a private deal which had nothing to do with his original question. It was made obvious that Maab wanted nothing more to do with KOS after the intitial upset yet still he persisted on bringing into question how much he paid & what he got for his money.
As I have already stated - I will not reply to any of KOS posts on this but I will excercise my right to defend myself, this right is not something that is automatically taken away with moderator status.
The use of metaphors should be avoided like the plague. They're like a red rag to a bull to me.

- Joined on 04-14-2007
- South West, UK
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I will not reply to any of KOS posts on this but I will excercise my right to defend myself, this right is not something that is automatically taken away with moderator status.
I'm not going to reply in detail to this Chris. I suggest that we draw a line under this. Your comments/views - as a moderator and representative of this board - have shocked me, if I'm being honest.
Let's get back to discussing B&O, 'eh?

- Joined on 02-07-2008
- Posts 359

It didn't shock me, if I am being equally honest. If anyone else had questioned the integrity of a post then they would not have received the vitriolic abuse I have. I didn't expect anyone to be supportive and thankfully I was wrong.
18 pt
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Questioning the authenticity of a post - how to open a cardboard box,
perhaps I turn Beolab 5 upside down etc. - is turned into ridiculing
someone........... and then after apologising to the guy for any offence caused
and offering to assist with his purchase of Beolab 5's and a sync cable I get this, from a person who has never even spoken to me in his life and makes personal comments and false accusations as if he has some special third-party knowledge.
'simply leave you to continue posting small minded remarks' (SUCH AS!) Your user name suits you & your attitude perfectly BTW.... but I simply don't care for people of your ilk
Pot Kettle Black
But lets move on, nobody has died. Medogsfat may appear to want to live in the past having never met someone and drawing his own conclusions, life is too short.
(BTW I never made KOS up, apparently it is a legend of an (Velvet?) Underground track if you like that sort of thing.)

- Joined on 01-13-2009
- UK
- Posts 34

Oh dear,
I seem to have got caught up in all of this. This is my very last post on the issue(s).
Can I say quite categorically that it was neither my intension nor my wish to be part of a vendetta or witchhunt. I do not know (or wish to know) what has gone before. My posting was merely based on an observation that 2 re-sellers were suddenly "having a go" at recent members of Beoworld for asking a straightforward question in one case and winning a prize draw in the other. Hardly a warm welcome, and I though inappropriate from such distinguished members who are in the privileged position of being highly experienced in matters B&O.
To both JBG and KofS I wish to express my regret at perhaps being instrumental in fanning the flames as it were.
I sincerely hope we can all return to the reason we are all here, the celebration of all things B&O on a usually excellent and civilised forum.
Regards to all,

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Posts 2,340

Poor Maab. He buys a pair of nice speakers, looks forward to using them, doesn't want to do anything wrong in setting them up, and gets hit by an avalanche of derision by KOS, starting from post nr. 1 from him.
Congratulations with your new speakers, Maab. Hope you're enjoying them.

- Joined on 05-07-2009
- Netherlands
- Posts 2,201

soundproof:Poor Maab
Poor Maab? If I was him I already asked the moderating team to remove this ridiculous "soap"! Nobody wants to read this kind of threads.
If people wanna argue do it by PM
B&O item 1, B&O item 2, B&O item 3,...................B&O item 735
Beovirus? What's that?

- Joined on 09-03-2011
- Posts 70

Poor Maab. He buys a pair of nice speakers, looks forward to using them, doesn't want to do anything wrong in setting them up, and gets hit by an avalanche of derision by KOS, starting from post nr. 1 from him.
Congratulations with your new speakers, Maab. Hope you're enjoying them.
Yes, I am enjoying them, more than I initially thought. Thank you Soundproof.
I have a milion questions thou, but I will limit my self to just close this dreadful thread ... as I opened it.
I'm surprised to see this thread going on still, but i wish to say this to Kos:
Now, Think about this: there is this guy that bought a set of speakers that are truly unconventional in regard to design-form; lots of electronics in it; he is by himself doing the installation and "he can't wait"; he was going to grab them out of the box by himself. He also wanted to be absolutely certain that no mistakes were made while moving the speakers around... and he was excited about it. Is there something really strange?..........
You kept on bragging about unnecessary theories of yours.... about the serial number (I dont know why...)... about the missing manual (lie- I have two)..., the sync cable's silly statement you've made.... the price I paid (which I never mentioned, why would you?)... kept on bragging about the servive I haven't had... i did not complain about it, why should you!....
You twisted the point of my original post. Than you showed to the world that there is a reason to be suspicious about my purchase, like that anyone should care. You questioned the dealer sending me a synch cable?................ Do you hear yourself? Dont you even remotely think that its possible that I actually I requested for cable in advance, (suggestion-curtesy by a fellow member that "actually" was very helpful in a different thread).
Ok, shell we please close the doors.
Thank you.
Edit: please, I'm here to just learn, read about B&o stuff and enjoy the beolabs..... peacefully.

- Joined on 02-07-2008
- Posts 359

One last post in an effort to bring this matter to an end.
Perhaps there was some confusion because you wanted to know if there was a special way to open a cardboard box - I could perfectly understand it, as I posted, if you wanted to know how best to handle/move/configure and had never done this before. Although I have lifted Beolab 5 before on myself onto trolleys from installations, at no time would I ever recommend that one person lifts these on there own having no prior experience of using the speakers or handling them.
At no point have I made personal slurs or accusations as you have done, no big deal. Who was bragging? Who was twisting? My concerns were shared by other Members on this forum and if I want to attempt to assist by asking you to check the serial number to check you have new speakers, or to question any other matter, I believe I am at liberty to do so. If you want to take offence and ramble off on other matters then you are equally at liberty to do so.
I posted on the information provided - 18000 Euro speakers, a sync cable, without it appears and support from the supplying Dealer. Once again I am sorry if this has upset you, I will try not to post on any of your threads again.

- Joined on 06-07-2010
- Posts 206

Back in another life, i did on occasion have "ngotiations" with customers based around price/level of service.
It is true to say, and some have indeed done so here, that the historical "norm" is a B&O dealer will include "basic" installation in the ticket price.
This policy really dates from a time when it was tube TV's ( maybe with a STB, maybe not) and/or standalone audio with speakers, often linked if in the same room. All cables managed, all packaging removed, a run-through of major functions to optimise set up and instruct the happy new owner.
Beolink stsyems were always subject to varying charges, depending on the work/cabes required - so was integrating 3rd party products.
The recent convergence of IT, AV and home automation has reduced the number of "standalone" installations. Installing a TV or audio to a high standard, with cables dealt with, basic settings configured and user preferences discussed and implemented is now only the beginning. LAN, Wi-Fi, software flashes, IR coding....all can add hours and hours to an install. Which is fine, and should all be agreed in advance if required.
However, I do read here a lot that isnallation is/should be included in the price. As above, that is , in essence, true. But that also assumes ( from a dealers perspective) that the price is the "ticket price" - probably with a few additional, chargeable, cables etc.
Now - I have no idea ( and am not implying/suggesting anything) about the OP's purchase. don't know, or want to know, how much he paid, who to or where.
BUT, it is often the case that customers will include a "no need to come along, I like setting my own stuff up" during a price negotiation. ie, knock me 5/10/20 % off, and I will plug it in myself.
It was always my policy that once the ticket price is forgotten, all T&C's are based on a new transaction..... I always had a clear offer/understnding that a visit/call out to re-do a customers own set up was still available if needed.....perhaps when we are next passing, but the fact is, if the £30 for fuel and the £XX for a days labour ( or £XXX if you are down south ) has been knocked off the sale price, then it becomes trickier to do this too often without going bust !!!!
I did try to be clear, and often told customers that it was fine to take away what amounted to "plug & play" items such as BS1, DVD1, speaker upgrades etc etc, but the offer to send an installer was still made (if required) although with a nominal charge, to offset the cost of doing so.
Beolab 5's could be simpy connected into some systems by some people but there are a lot of variants, not leaast being the level of tekky awareness of the new owner.
Got to go now, but its an intesting topic..... all a bit away from the op's question....to which, the best answer is ....very carefully. Whoever you are.