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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 01-07-2012 6:13 PM by Søren Hammer. 30 replies.
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  • 11-15-2011 7:56 AM In reply to

    • chartz
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    Re: Beomaster 4400 - Capacitor replacement

    Yes well, these Beomasters are getting long in the tooth now... In 2000 they were eleven years younger!


  • 11-18-2011 12:01 PM In reply to

    • chartz
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    Re: Beomaster 4400 - Capacitor replacement


    I'm testing my Beomaster 4400... I thought the Beomaster 6000/8000 sounded good. I'm surprised at how good this 4400 sounds. It really is excellent! Now I understand Peter or Tim's preference for this receiver...

    But then it would cost £2,500 in today's money, so buying and listening to this in 1978 must have been a revelation!


  • 11-18-2011 12:25 PM In reply to

    Re: Beomaster 4400 - Capacitor replacement

    I'm glad that you found the problem and yes, the old electronics can be dogdy sometimes.

    The 4400 is a great design and the Beomaster 6000/8000/5000-series shares the same overall design, though some changes had been made.

    It is a great product that will win against many modern receivers and amplifiers costing much more than the price of it - recapped and tuned.

    Beocenter 9300, Beogam CD50, Beocord 5500, Beomaster 3400, Beomaster 4400, 2 Beogram 4000, Beomaster 8000, 2 beogram 8002, Beovox S-75, Beovox MS150.2, Beovox RL6000, Beovox S-35, Beomaster 6000, 2 Beocord 9000, Beocord 8004, Beocord 5000, Form 1, 2x Beolink 1000, Beo4, MX3500, LS4500. Born 1993.

  • 12-02-2011 11:22 AM In reply to

    • chartz
    • Top 75 Contributor
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    Re: Beomaster 4400 - Capacitor replacement

    Hi Søren,

    My Beomaster 4400 still works fine, including the protection circuit!

    It also sounds great, possibly a bit brighter than my BM 8000, especially with the tone controls defeated.

    Have you finished yours?


  • 12-02-2011 8:46 PM In reply to

    Re: Beomaster 4400 - Capacitor replacement

    I finished mine last a couple of weeks ago, but have given it to my B&O "specialist" repairman to be shure that I did it right, and he stated that it couldn't be made better by a professional Smile

    Sounds good, I like the 4400 for it's simpleness and good sound with a recapped pair of S-75's. The brighter sound could be one of the differences between original and recapped Wink

    Generally, the 4400 sounds a little sweeter than my 8000, and I would consider the project sucessful Big Smile

    Beocenter 9300, Beogam CD50, Beocord 5500, Beomaster 3400, Beomaster 4400, 2 Beogram 4000, Beomaster 8000, 2 beogram 8002, Beovox S-75, Beovox MS150.2, Beovox RL6000, Beovox S-35, Beomaster 6000, 2 Beocord 9000, Beocord 8004, Beocord 5000, Form 1, 2x Beolink 1000, Beo4, MX3500, LS4500. Born 1993.

  • 01-07-2012 6:13 PM In reply to

    Re: Beomaster 4400 - Capacitor replacement

    Got the 4400 home for the first time in functioning condition, hooked up with my self-restorated Beovox S-75 speakers and a Beogram 4002 with an original SP15 stylus from 1973.

    I swear that it is cleaner and more detailed than my Beomaster 8000/Beovox MS150.2 combo.


    Beocenter 9300, Beogam CD50, Beocord 5500, Beomaster 3400, Beomaster 4400, 2 Beogram 4000, Beomaster 8000, 2 beogram 8002, Beovox S-75, Beovox MS150.2, Beovox RL6000, Beovox S-35, Beomaster 6000, 2 Beocord 9000, Beocord 8004, Beocord 5000, Form 1, 2x Beolink 1000, Beo4, MX3500, LS4500. Born 1993.

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