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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012
Latest post 02-19-2012 3:08 AM by beoandy. 27 replies.
10-21-2011 3:34 PM

- Joined on 03-09-2008
- Posts 122

REG 2 command of Beo4 for Beo5/6 remote
Hi Folks,
I'm looking for an XML for the REG 2 command of my special Beo4 remote to program it in the Beo5/6 remotes.
Now you may wonder what the REG 2 command does. Well, we use it to make the DVD (not the blu-ray) players of BeoVision 7 TVs region free for customers who ask for.
Tried to capture the command with the Lintronic TT455-RT-238 signal converter, but it didn't work, which is kind of surprising and somewhat disappointing for a product which is supposed to be universal and which gets the commands of any remote... but the B&O ones.
Any clues to get the REG 2 command into the Beo5/6?
Keith Saunders

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Technical Advisor, Little Ann, Hampshire, UK
- Posts 3,810

Re: REG 2 command of Beo4 for Beo5/6 remote
Unfortuneately, like most IR receivers and converters, they use standard receiver diodes which generally only work with carrier frequencies between 20 and 80 Khz. B&O uses 455 Khz, hence why the Lintronics box could not capture the code. Also, because most capture devices need to count the carrier pulses means you need a fast micro proccessor in your capture device.
All is not lost, if we can establish the command HEX code, then a command can be added.
The best way to establish the HEX code is to put an PC type oscilloscope on the IR receiver in a B&O product and capture the screen shot which can then be decoded.

- Joined on 12-08-2007
- Finland
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Re: REG 2 command of Beo4 for Beo5/6 remote
You should be able to receive B&O commands with the TT455-RT-238,
if you connect an external receiver to it. Lintronic sells one and
according to the pictures on their web site, it's a regular issue
B&O hockey puck with perhaps a custom cable.
(I've never used these products myself, so don't really know much more than this.)
Keith Saunders

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Technical Advisor, Little Ann, Hampshire, UK
- Posts 3,810

Re: REG 2 command of Beo4 for Beo5/6 remote
You should be able to receive B&O commands with the TT455-RT-238, if you connect an external receiver to it. Lintronic sells one and according to the pictures on their web site, it's a regular issue B&O hockey puck with perhaps a custom cable.
Yes, you are correct Mika, you can use an external PUC. I was talking about the internal IR receiver.

- Joined on 03-09-2008
- Posts 122

Re: REG 2 command of Beo4 for Beo5/6 remote
Right. Lintronic is selling a BO-sensitive IR receiver, but I was told by them that it doesn't allow to capture the signal.

- Joined on 03-09-2008
- Posts 122

Re: REG 2 command of Beo4 for Beo5/6 remote
Thanks Keith for your clear explanations. Well, I unfortunately don't have a PC oscilloscope. Just have the Lintronic device, which I thought would work.
Keith Saunders

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Technical Advisor, Little Ann, Hampshire, UK
- Posts 3,810

Re: REG 2 command of Beo4 for Beo5/6 remote
Griebel:Right. Lintronic is selling a BO-sensitive IR receiver, but I was told by them that it doesn't allow to capture the signal.
Yes, I would expect that to be true because of the reason I highlighted earlier, the need for a fast micro processor to count the carrier pulses.
At 455Khz the pulse period would be one divided by 455000 which gives you a period of 2.1 micro seconds per pulse period, that is why the only real way is with an Oscilloscope.

- Joined on 05-18-2010
- Austria
- Posts 176

Re: REG 2 command of Beo4 for Beo5/6 remote
It's dependig which type of Lintronic box you have. The version 5 is able to capture B&O signal without external IR-Eye. HW6 needs an IR-Eye. You could try to use the log application of the lintronic configurator when capturing the signal and post the result. Maybe there's a way to analyze the command format of the REG 2 command.

- Joined on 05-18-2010
- Austria
- Posts 176

Re: REG 2 command of Beo4 for Beo5/6 remote
If someone tells me how to send an REG2 command, I'll try to capture it.

- Joined on 03-09-2008
- Posts 122

Re: REG 2 command of Beo4 for Beo5/6 remote
I have the latest version of the Lintronic software/device, but it doesn't capture any BO remote signal.

- Joined on 05-18-2010
- Austria
- Posts 176

Re: REG 2 command of Beo4 for Beo5/6 remote
The latest version is HW6, which needs an extra IR-Eye to capture B&O signals

- Joined on 03-09-2008
- Posts 122

Re: REG 2 command of Beo4 for Beo5/6 remote
Well, as far as BO remotes are concerned, this new update seems like a downgrade.

- Joined on 12-08-2007
- Finland
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Re: REG 2 command of Beo4 for Beo5/6 remote
Griebel:Well, as far as BO remotes are concerned, this new update seems like a downgrade.
went through the Lintronic web site a year or two ago, and as far as I
recall back then they were selling a cheaper external B&O receiver,
which to me seemed nothing but a TSOP7000 three-pin IR receiver IC hanging
off a length of cable and a 3.5mm plug. This chip seems to be
discontinued or at least has availability problems, which might also
explain why Lintronic in the latest version has omitted the integrated
B&O receiver (it's a lot of circuitry to implement with discrete
components) and only offers the solution with an external B&O hockey
However, receiving (possibly only predefined) commands and capturing them
are two different things, and that will be a software issue. Earlier
you said that according to Lintronic, the box won't allow capturing
B&O commands - are you sure that the terms are right here and
everybody understands what others are talking? Obviously the box can receive B&O commands, either with an internal or external receiver depending on the version.
may only handle known commands, and this "REG 2" whatever is obviously a
"secret" command that can only be sent by special service remotes.
I have a TSOP7000 connected to a small microcontroller board on my desk as I write, and could also capture the command, but alas, no remote...

- Joined on 03-09-2008
- Posts 122

Re: REG 2 command of Beo4 for Beo5/6 remote
Yes, I'm speaking about capturing. Actually, M. Lintronic confirmed that capturing BO remote commands is not possible, and he couldn't be sure that the special IR eye would be able to do the job, although of course it receives commands.I have the special remote, but no capturing device. Too bad! It's the only special remote left for the dealers in the whole parisian area. I think I'll put it in a safe :-)

- Joined on 04-18-2007
- Paris, France
- Posts 1,133

Re: REG 2 command of Beo4 for Beo5/6 remote
I can try to capture that with my IRTrans module (it captures B&O signals, then, Keith, you can try to convert IRTrans to XML, as usual!) : I'm in Paris... Let's try to do that next week!

- Joined on 03-28-2008
- Exeter UK
- Posts 145

Re: REG 2 command of Beo4 for Beo5/6 remote
This is a long shot and may
not be practical, but Philips ProntoNG remotes (& Marantz
Equivalents) can learn B&O codes so if you can find someone nearby
who has the remote it may be worth a try. It will need to be the
ProntoNG versions not the older Pronto models. NG versions are:- RU950,
RU960, RU980, RU990, [or US versions TSU3000, TSU3500, TSU7000, TSU7500]
or Marantz RC5400 & RC9500.
I know they can learn the B&O remotes because I have the RC9500 and
have owned the RU950 & RU980 which all learn & then control
B&O, but I'm not sure how you would then extract the info you need
from the resulting PCF file. I think you can export the file to a CCF
which I think Keith knows about. You certainly can view and copy and
paste the learned codes onto a word doc or spread sheet. For example the
learned CD button from my BEO4 shows this :-
7000 0009 0000 000D 0003 0017 0005 0005 0001 0005 0004 0004 0004 0004
0004 0004 0004 0003 0004 0005 0004 0003 0005 0004 0003 0005 0002 0005
0010 0994
The learned RADIO code shows this:
7000 0009 0000 000D 0003 0017 0005 0005 0001 0005 0004 0004 0004 0004
0004 0004 0004 0003 0004 0005 0004 0004 0004 0004 0004 0003 0002 0005
0010 0994
and the learned A.TAPE code shows this:
7000 0009 0000 000D 0003 0017 0005 0005 0001 0005 0004 0004 0004 0004
0004 0004 0004 0003 0004 0005 0004 0003 0005 0004 0004 0003 0002 0005
0010 0994
Keith will be able to tell you if that means anything and shows the type
of data he needs. If this does look correct, it confirms the Pronto
learns correctly and you can then find someone with one to help you or
purchase second hand for your self and learn from your special Beo4. If my codes don't look correct, the Pronto make be "Faking" B&O codes just enough to contol B&O but not enough for your purpose.
I hope that helps a little (or even a lot)

- Joined on 04-18-2007
- Paris, France
- Posts 1,133

Re: REG 2 command of Beo4 for Beo5/6 remote
I've sent a mail to Griebel as we are both in Paris and I can quickly capture the code with my IRTrans box, but he didn't reply... Wait and see!
Keith Saunders

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Technical Advisor, Little Ann, Hampshire, UK
- Posts 3,810

Re: REG 2 command of Beo4 for Beo5/6 remote
Marc kindly arranged to capture the REG1 and REG2 codes with his IRtrans module and sent them to me.
I can confirm that I have converted then with the following results:-
- REG1 has a HEX command code of 58 which is also used for the "Panel Off" command
- REG2 has a HEX command code of FC
The Beo4/5/6 IR protocol has the capacity for 255 commands per device. It also has the capacity for 255 devices in theory.
Only five (5) device codes are in regular use in the typical system.

- Joined on 11-29-2007
- Posts 543

Re: REG 2 command of Beo4 for Beo5/6 remote
Keith Saunders:
Marc kindly arranged to capture the REG1 and REG2 codes with his IRtrans module and sent them to me.
I can confirm that I have converted then with the following results:-
- REG1 has a HEX command code of 58 which is also used for the "Panel Off" command
- REG2 has a HEX command code of FC
The Beo4/5/6 IR protocol has the capacity for 255 commands per device. It also has the capacity for 255 devices in theory.
Only five (5) device codes are in regular use in the typical system.
In the Beo5/6 Configuration Tool, I could find the "Panel Off" command but not the "FC" command. Where is it? Would you be willing to create and post an XML with a macro for making the BeoCenter 2 region-free, Keith?

- Joined on 11-29-2007
- Posts 543

Re: REG 2 command of Beo4 for Beo5/6 remote
Thanks, Keith. My email is jcragen@mac.com.

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Norway
- Posts 85

Re: REG 2 command of Beo4 for Beo5/6 remote
Hi Keith
Would it be to much trouble to make an xml for an 32 avant DVD mkII with the Reg command to make the Dvd region free ?
my emai: tho-las@online.no
All the best
7-40 Mk3, Beo5/Beo4, Avant32DVD, BS3K, PentaIII, BL4K, BL Active w/BL2500, Avant28CTV,Beoport, AppleTV, 2xBC6K
Keith Saunders

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Technical Advisor, Little Ann, Hampshire, UK
- Posts 3,810

Re: REG 2 command of Beo4 for Beo5/6 remote
Thanks, Keith. My email is jcragen@mac.com.
I have sent you an e-mail and updated your e-mail address on Beoworld..

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Norway
- Posts 85

Re: REG 2 command of Beo4 for Beo5/6 remote
Keith was kind enough to provide me with the XML file for the Reg commands, and instructions how to use it, it all went very well and now my Avant is also Region free :-)
All the best
7-40 Mk3, Beo5/Beo4, Avant32DVD, BS3K, PentaIII, BL4K, BL Active w/BL2500, Avant28CTV,Beoport, AppleTV, 2xBC6K