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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012
Latest post 02-09-2012 10:08 AM by Stan. 138 replies.
08-17-2011 5:56 PM

- Joined on 02-01-2009
- Denmark
- Posts 172

Today I bought a Beomaster 6500, a Beocord 6500, a Beolink 1000 and a Beovision AV 9000. I gave 120£ or 205$ for it all, so I would call it a bargain. 
The Beomaster needs some service, as it won't turn on, and the standby lamp doesn't light. I have allready found out, that the powersupply is OK, as the relay clicks - So far, so good.
The Beovision does also need some service as it can't turn on either, but this should be an easy fix, as I only think it's a faulty cap.
What was your latest purchase? 
- Dennis
I was borned with a Beolink 1000 in my hand!
Ever seen a Beomaster 6001? I have one! Look here.
Main system: Beovision AV9000, Beocenter 2300, Beosystem 3500, Beolab Penta MKIII, Beolab 3000, Beogram 6500, Beolink 1000, Beolink 5000, Beolink 7000
Wish list: Beolab 2,

- Joined on 12-15-2008
- Ohio | USA
- Posts 2,601

Re: Your latest purchase?
What a deal! The AV9000 is on my list. (Like everything else...)
As far as my most recent purchase, I bought a set of white A8s in December!

- Joined on 04-17-2007
- Posts 593

Re: Your latest purchase?
PL cables, a masterlink distribution box and a couple ML cables.

- Joined on 05-07-2009
- Netherlands
- Posts 2,201

Re: Your latest purchase?
Shall I? BM900 3x, BL3500 2x, BM5000 2x, BG4500 3x, MMC1's 2x, Beolit 707 2x, AV7000, HDR2 3x etc. etc. (last 3 weeks) and my actual latest are a pair of vintage GRUNDIG ball loudspeakers in white with a bassbox. Will post a picture later, they really are adorable.....
B&O item 1, B&O item 2, B&O item 3,...................B&O item 735
Beovirus? What's that?

- Joined on 05-07-2009
- Netherlands
- Posts 2,201

Re: Your latest purchase?
Evan:What a deal! The AV9000 is on my list.
Evan, 3 for sale incl. the masterpanel here in Holland for 600 euro.
All together 600kg  
Edit, sorry 300kg
B&O item 1, B&O item 2, B&O item 3,...................B&O item 735
Beovirus? What's that?

- Joined on 07-26-2011
- Karlstad, Sweden
- Posts 15

Re: Your latest purchase?
Have been lots of new items added to my collection during the last couple of weeks :-)
It started with a BeoLab 2 sub to get a little more feeling to the sound experience of my existing setup. One week later by coinicident I where on a business meeting. In the corner of the meeting room stood a BV4-50, so I asked why such a lovely TV just stod on the floor not used. One of the guys in the meeting said that he owned it and that he recently moved and the TV just did not fitted into his new apartment. He asked me if I wanted to buy it. He offered me a really nice price so I did not needed to think for so long :-) When I came back I noticed that also a HDR1 and a BeoMedia 1 and a cabinet for the BS2 was included. When I noticed that I understood that it was a really good deal :-)
So I needed to go to my B&O dealer to buy some PL cables, ML cables and also a BeoLink Aktive to get my new setup complete.
My next purchase I guess will be a BeoTime.
BeoSound 9000 MKII
BeoSound 3200
BeoVision 4-50 MKIII (BeoSystem 2 MKIII)
BeoLab 3
BeoLab 2
BeoMedia 1
BeoCom 2

- Joined on 04-06-2007
- London, UK
- Posts 123

Re: Your latest purchase?
An Earset 3i on Monday. First B&O purchase in five years!

- Joined on 04-14-2007
- South West, UK
- Posts 2,360

Re: Your latest purchase?
An Earset 3i on Monday. First B&O purchase in five years!
I've not bought anything for a couple of years (after going mad purchasing BL5s, 2 x BL9s, BL3s, BS4, BC2 and BS5/master! Plus upgrading the BV7-40 MKIII to a MKV) but recently bought the Beocom 5 (x2) and Earset 3i.
The Beocom 5 purchase, after software upgrade, brought back my love for the brand. Was really regretting the purchase inititally, but they've proved their worth. Quality is superb. You can easily have a call through the speakerphone and people think you're holding the handset. I can always tell when someone is on a speaker, but not with these phones. No-one can tell the difference, unless I start moving around the room.
Earset 3i's are ok. I prefer the finish of my old A8s (the 3is feel like they have a cheaper finish), but the quality is good!

- Joined on 04-06-2007
- London, UK
- Posts 123

Re: Your latest purchase?
I love my 3i so far. The sound is great and the finish is as good as my old Earset 3 but I know what you mean about the rubber being more shiny and cheaper looking than the original A8s. The aluminium parts seems as good as they ever were.
Still, I'm very happy with them.
As I indicated in another thread I've been looking at the BS5 Encore. I just don't really buy or use CDs any more. But I need tighter integration with iTunes.
I don't have a landline anymore. I couldn't see the point so my Beocom 6000 sits on the shelf in the hall unused but sculptural. I haven't had the heart to unplug it and put it in a box.
The phone number as a concept is continually being eroded. The idea of ringing a building in the hope that the person you want to speak to is inside is, when you stop to think about it, rather bizarre.
I do wish mobile networks would hurry up and roll out higher call quality, though. When I call my iPhone-owning friends on Viber the call quality is outstanding - better than any landline I've ever used. Have you tried Viber moxxey?

- Joined on 04-14-2007
- South West, UK
- Posts 2,360

Re: Your latest purchase?
As I indicated in another thread I've been looking at the BS5 Encore.
Same here. But I think I'm going to settle on a Beosound 8 instead, for a couple of reasons. I simply do not need the expense of an Encore and yet another set of speakers (over £4000) and I have an old iPad which I can almost perma-connect to the BS8. The only downside is that I didn't realise you can't stream audio to an iPad using Air***y, so the audio must be stored on the iPad :( The snag is, all my audio is centrally located on my Mini server and I don't bother syncing everything to the iPad.
There are ways around this using third-party apps though such as the Airfoil Speakers.
jonnyb:Have you tried Viber moxxey?
No, but I'm going to get one of our editor's to look at it and write up a review for our "downloads" site! Appears to be popular: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.viber.voip
Tod Daniel

- Joined on 10-26-2009
- Salcombe, Devon
- Posts 498

Re: Your latest purchase?
Maybe a BeoSound 8 in the Autumn but it's expensive man...
BV11 .
Can I just comment, I saw a new Samsung LCD LED 37" television last Monday. It was a 400hz model. I have never seen such AMAZING picture quality - it was more like a piece of graphic design rather than a television picture. It was playing an animated blu ray disc from a Sony BDP470 player (Last years model ON SALE FOR £49!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).
The television was £849 and seriously I have never seen such amazing quality. No grain, no bleed, no pixelisation. 400hz seems interesting! + 4 HDMI as standard. Maybe the BV11 should be based on this. It did make me wonder why the BV10 was so expensive. I think you'd really have to love the badge to warrant buying it with probably a worse picture than this new 400hz Samsung?

- Joined on 08-01-2011
- Posts 40

Re: Your latest purchase?
Paul Winn:
, I saw a new Samsung LCD LED 37" television last Monday. It was a 400hz model. I have never seen such AMAZING picture quality - it was more like a piece of graphic design rather than a television picture. It was playing an animated blu ray disc from a Sony BDP470 player (Last years model ON SALE FOR £49!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).
Have a look at an animated film from bluray on a BV10 and you will find the picture amazing. Actually it will look really good on almost any TV. What is interesting to compare is SD-material and non-animated bluray movies. What 400Hz gives you is smoother movement - nothing else.

- Joined on 06-24-2008
- London
- Posts 455

Re: Your latest purchase?
Last purchase, BM 5000, BL5000, BV5000, BG1000 and a Black A6 shelf.
Train Hard - Run Fast - Hit to Kill!!!

- Joined on 03-19-2010
- Corbridge, UK
- Posts 353

Re: Your latest purchase?
I agree with Paul as i also have seen the latest Samsung Tv's with a very fine silver frame, almost non existant. If the Beovision 11 is based on this technology with speakers like the 6 and at a "reasonable" price i might consider it. When you look at a Beovision 8, and consider it's looks and price compared to the Samsung
Recently bought from a dealer and delivered, a Beovision 7-40 mk3 with Beolab 7.4, a pair of Beolab 8000's, a pair of 6000's and a Beolab 2.
All for £6,200
A Beovision 10-40 in black and red fret on order, Beo4, Beo6, many A8's, a pair of white and yellow Form 2's, Beocom 4, 28 inch Avant RF DVD, Apple TV and a wife that loves this stuff as much as i do!

- Joined on 04-14-2007
- South West, UK
- Posts 2,360

Re: Your latest purchase?
Paul Winn:
The television was £849 and seriously I have never seen such amazing quality. No grain, no bleed, no pixelisation. 400hz seems interesting!
The new Loewe TVs use the same 400hz screen, btw. Worth looking at if you want a well designed TV, but with a reasonable price point. I'm seriously thinking of getting a Loewe next. The BV10-46 is way too expensive for me. I asked about trading in my BV7-40 and I'd need almost the same amount money again!

- Joined on 02-01-2009
- Denmark
- Posts 172

Re: Your latest purchase?
I would not have thought, that you buy that much! But it's exiting to read about your latest purchases!
The AV 9000 is actually my second. I simply love the AV 9000's, so I had to have this one too! I was actually surpriced when I found out, that it has red labels! I love these red labelled prototypes, as the often are a bit different from the final products, and that makes them special. The "new" AV 9000 is from 1992!
As a passioned Bang & Olufsen collector I love to have something everyone hasn't. I do also have a red labelled Beomaster 6000, which is called 6001, and I also have the red labelled remote for it! I also have a red labelled Beolink 7000.
I check a few different Danish websited everyday, to see if there are any good deals, and I'm going to hunt more Bang & Olufsen IRL later today. I will update if I find something!
- Dennis
I was borned with a Beolink 1000 in my hand!
Ever seen a Beomaster 6001? I have one! Look here.
Main system: Beovision AV9000, Beocenter 2300, Beosystem 3500, Beolab Penta MKIII, Beolab 3000, Beogram 6500, Beolink 1000, Beolink 5000, Beolink 7000
Wish list: Beolab 2,

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Netherlands
- Posts 2,670

Re: Your latest purchase?
my latest purchases are a bs5/bm5 and a new tv BV8-40 MKII.
Karel Uyttendaele

- Joined on 05-19-2007
- Aalst, Belgium
- Posts 682

Re: Your latest purchase?
Latest purchase: a BL11 :-)
The race for quality has no finish line- so technically, it's more like a death march.

- Joined on 06-26-2007
- Posts 106

Re: Your latest purchase?
I am hoping to upgrade bv7-40 mkiii to 3d version but the dealer said it only worth it if tv is 50'' or above is anybody of the same opinion?I would love a pair of even used bl5Vince

- Joined on 08-08-2009
- Ambergris Caye, Belize
- Posts 128

Re: Your latest purchase?
I ordered my BeoVision 7-55 (3D model) with floor stand. I guess it's going to be a while until it gets delivered since most people are saying it won't be available until September. I'll soon be ordering a BeoSound 5 Encore to replace my BeoSystem 2500 and BeoLink 7000 remote.
BeoVision 7-55 3D, BeoSound 9000, BeoSound 8, BeoLab 7-6, BeoLab Penta III, BeoLab 8000, BeoLab 6000, BeoLab 2, LC-1, BeoTime (analog clock), Form 1 headphones, Beo 4 remote.

- Joined on 12-11-2007
- Helsinki, Finland
- Posts 3,593

Re: Your latest purchase?
Beolab 8000 and Beolab 5000.
The Encore might be next, depending on the missus. 
BLab5, BLab5000, BLab8000, BV10, BS9000, BS3, Beo5, Beo4, BLink1000, BLink5000, BLink7000, A2, A8, Form2

- Joined on 12-11-2007
- Helsinki, Finland
- Posts 3,593

Re: Your latest purchase?
Beolab 8000 and Beolab 5000.
The Encore might be next, depending on the missus. 
BLab5, BLab5000, BLab8000, BV10, BS9000, BS3, Beo5, Beo4, BLink1000, BLink5000, BLink7000, A2, A8, Form2

- Joined on 04-17-2007
- Posts 593

Re: Your latest purchase?
Oh... I first read this as the latest purchase from B&O... but now I see it's the latest purchase *of* B&O... in that case, last month I bought a set of BL1s (imho, stunning) and a BeoLink Passive to drive some outdoor speakers (still waiting - almost 3 weeks now - on those cables mentioned above to hook this one up).