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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 07-28-2011 5:01 AM by danezro. 8 replies.
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  • 07-26-2011 11:29 AM

    BV7-40 MKII Sky + and Apple TV (old style)

    Sorry if this has been asked a million times before but I couldn’t find a definitive answer when searching the forum.


    I used to have a Virgin + box connected to PrPbY  and the Apple TV to the DV-I port,  I have since moved house and have Sky.


    The Sky man connected the Sky + Pace box to the DV-I port using AV3 for audio which works fine.


    Now whatever I try and do I cannot get a picture from the Apple TV – I have it connected using AV4 so the audio is fine using R and L, then using the video out  (blue,red,green) at the back of the Apple TV connected to the PrPbY at the back of the TV – nothing at all.


    Any help at all is very much appreciated.





  • 07-26-2011 12:04 PM In reply to

    • Kokomo
    • Top 100 Contributor
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    Re: BV7-40 MKII Sky + and Apple TV (old style)

    Just to check that the video out is ok, does your TV have HDMI & if so does the ATV work using this?

    At least you'll then have narrowed down the problem. 

  • 07-26-2011 12:33 PM In reply to

    Re: BV7-40 MKII Sky + and Apple TV (old style)

    Thanks for the reply Kokomo.


    No, the BV7-40 doesn't have any hdmi ports, just DV-I and PrPbY for HD.

    Ater posting I tested the ATV using both the HDMI and the PrPbY connections on a Toshiba LCD that I have in my room and both worked fine, picture came on straight away - the ATV doesn't seem fusssed which connection I use, I didn't have to change any settings.


  • 07-26-2011 1:48 PM In reply to

    Re: BV7-40 MKII Sky + and Apple TV (old style)

    Hi, make sure that AV4 has the additional component HD switched on in the connections menu!


  • 07-27-2011 5:37 AM In reply to

    Re: BV7-40 MKII Sky + and Apple TV (old style)

    Hi Douglas,


    Thanks for the reply, at the moment under AV4 I have:


    Source: STB(v.aux)

    Audio: None

    IR: C1

    HDTV: YPbPr


    Then stb is Apple Remote

    STB Off: never

  • 07-27-2011 8:22 AM In reply to

    Re: BV7-40 MKII Sky + and Apple TV (old style)

    Hi again, are you sure remote sender is in C1? if yes try putting sender 3-5cm away from ATV receiver.

    I have the same set-up on a BV7-40 MK2 with Application software 30.03 which enables all 4 remote senders! and allows for a Gefen HDMI splitter on the DVI socket!

    Regards D.C

    p.s my ATV only works with the sender placed as described above(I dont know why)

  • 07-27-2011 10:42 AM In reply to

    Re: BV7-40 MKII Sky + and Apple TV (old style)

    Thanks, I will give it a try when I get home.


    Out of interest do you  have your Sky box and ATV running off the DV-I slot using the splitter?

    If so, how do you switch between the two without going up to the splitter?





  • 07-28-2011 3:31 AM In reply to

    Re: BV7-40 MKII Sky + and Apple TV (old style)

    Hi, The gefen splitter is controlled from one of the STB controllers (In my case nr 1-Gefen code is built in to the STB table, you cant see it on the STB table, its activated when you switch on the HDMI expander in the connections menu. I have ATV on 4 with TV button, SKY HD on 3 with DTV2/V-AUX & Freesat on 2 as DTV. 

    With the software 30.03 update you can switch of the TV analogue tuner & use the TV button for whatever you want! This update is supposed to be only for 7-40 MK2 TVs with the HD module but it works perfectly without it, as mentioned above you have also the use of DTV2 instead of V-AUX.

    So o answer your question, yes all SKY HD & ATV1 are connected to the expander which is connected to the DVI, leaving Component free for other HD sources.

    P.S S/W update is 2 chips in TV and a Flash update from dealers service tool, chips cost me € 50, update was free.

    Regards Douglas

  • 07-28-2011 5:01 AM In reply to

    Re: BV7-40 MKII Sky + and Apple TV (old style)

    Thanks for the information, as I don't have those options I'll assume I need to update the TV first.

    Still no luck even with the sender placed as suggested.


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