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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012
Latest post 11-03-2011 3:53 PM by Rich. 181 replies.

- Joined on 07-10-2010
- Orlando, Florida, USA
- Posts 1,089

Re: Beovox M70 Rescue & Adoption
I just discovered that my 3 year-old daughter pressed in the dust cup of one of the phase links in the past day or so. Anyone have a suggested fix before I try the masking tape method?
Current primary listening: SMMC20EN -> BG4002 -> BM4000 -> Beovox M70
Søren Mexico

- Joined on 09-13-2007
- Mexico city
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Re: Beovox M70 Rescue & Adoption
Beosound 3000, BL 4000, BL 8000, BG 2404,BG 5000, BG CD50, Beocord 5000, BM 901, BM 2400, BM 4000, BV S45, BV 3702. There is nothing we cannot do, but a lot of things we don't want to do!!

- Joined on 02-14-2007
- Copenhagen / Denmark
- Posts 5,008

Re: Beovox M70 Rescue & Adoption
Yes, vacuum first. Then tape. Last resort a needle.

- Joined on 07-10-2010
- Orlando, Florida, USA
- Posts 1,089

Re: Beovox M70 Rescue & Adoption
Vacuuming doesn't work. 
Current primary listening: SMMC20EN -> BG4002 -> BM4000 -> Beovox M70

- Joined on 07-10-2010
- Orlando, Florida, USA
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Re: Beovox M70 Rescue & Adoption
Holy moley that picture makes me look like I need to be walking around saying, "Yes, master!"
Current primary listening: SMMC20EN -> BG4002 -> BM4000 -> Beovox M70

- Joined on 12-17-2008
- Posts 589

Re: Beovox M70 Rescue & Adoption
Holy moley that picture makes me look like I need to be walking around saying, "Yes, master!"
See JandyT's thread he used the duster attachment.

- Joined on 07-10-2010
- Orlando, Florida, USA
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Re: Beovox M70 Rescue & Adoption
Holy moley that picture makes me look like I need to be walking around saying, "Yes, master!"
See JandyT's thread he used the duster attachment.
I know, I know, I was trying to be funny. My wife, er, SWMBO, who took the picture for me, didn't think it was funny either.
This attachment worked fine for me.
Current primary listening: SMMC20EN -> BG4002 -> BM4000 -> Beovox M70

- Joined on 07-10-2010
- Orlando, Florida, USA
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Re: Beovox M70 Rescue & Adoption
One coat of the red mahagony did not come close to making the pine end tables dark enough to match the M70s.
Current primary listening: SMMC20EN -> BG4002 -> BM4000 -> Beovox M70

- Joined on 07-10-2010
- Orlando, Florida, USA
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Re: Beovox M70 Rescue & Adoption
Ready to start a new round of serious listening....
Current primary listening: SMMC20EN -> BG4002 -> BM4000 -> Beovox M70

- Joined on 12-17-2008
- Posts 589

Re: Beovox M70 Rescue & Adoption
Whats missing is a Beomaster 4000.
Suppose you are going to have to sand and retain those pine stands next.

- Joined on 12-15-2008
- Ohio | USA
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Re: Beovox M70 Rescue & Adoption
Well, I went down to Radio Shack and asked their advice on improving the sound of the M70s. They suggested this pair of external tweeters.
Suprised your Radioshack has even heard of B&O! And since when was 2 internal tweeters not enough? 
That vacuum pic was not for nothing, I had a good laugh!
Your project is moving along well Rich! Doing a great job!

- Joined on 07-10-2010
- Orlando, Florida, USA
- Posts 1,089

Re: Beovox M70 Rescue & Adoption
Whats missing is a Beomaster 4000.
Suppose you are going to have to sand and retain those pine stands next.
I keep bidding on 4000s and 4400s and keep getting sniped. One of these days...
Yeah, sometime down the road I'll put another coat on. Next up: grills!
Current primary listening: SMMC20EN -> BG4002 -> BM4000 -> Beovox M70

- Joined on 07-10-2010
- Orlando, Florida, USA
- Posts 1,089

Re: Beovox M70 Rescue & Adoption
Well, I went down to Radio Shack and asked their advice on improving the sound of the M70s. They suggested this pair of external tweeters.
Suprised your Radioshack has even heard of B&O! And since when was 2 internal tweeters not enough? 
That vacuum pic was not for nothing, I had a good laugh!
Your project is moving along well Rich! Doing a great job!
Thanks. Too bad the wife just keeps asking when she gets her cabinet top back!
Current primary listening: SMMC20EN -> BG4002 -> BM4000 -> Beovox M70

- Joined on 07-10-2010
- Orlando, Florida, USA
- Posts 1,089

Re: Beovox M70 Rescue & Adoption
I would expect the Beovox M70 to provide a greater sound experience, though.
Martin, I've got that greater sound experience now!
Last night I put the Beocord 4500 in storage and the spare Beogram RX-2 in the repair queue. I rigged up some new cables and hooked the M70s back to the Beomaster 1900. I noticed for the first time someone had put some stickers on the unit. It appears 3 repairs were made to the BM1900 during the 1990s. A picture of the new cables is below.
I hooked up my iPod to the BM1900 tonight for a bit of listening. Something has happened between the time I first listened to them to now. Different receiver, spiked stands, new cable, new placement - something or everything combined - I don't know, but WOW.
Just wow. These M70s sound fabulous. And they can ROCK. The wife and kids will ditch me for some time this weekend and we'll do real listening then. I'm much more excited about all that work now. This is definitely the best pair of loudspeakers I've owned.
I'm off to go bid too much on one of the Beomaster 4000s on Ebay right now. And then I have to get with a certain Beoworlder about a certain turntable....
Current primary listening: SMMC20EN -> BG4002 -> BM4000 -> Beovox M70

- Joined on 07-10-2010
- Orlando, Florida, USA
- Posts 1,089

Re: Beovox M70 Rescue & Adoption
The metal grill material turned out to be a false start on making grills (frets) for the M70s. So I went down to the friendly local electronics surplus store on my lunch hour to see what I could fashion some grills out of. Lo and behold, look at this 20" x 30" plastic card.
Current primary listening: SMMC20EN -> BG4002 -> BM4000 -> Beovox M70

- Joined on 07-10-2010
- Orlando, Florida, USA
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Re: Beovox M70 Rescue & Adoption
I first scored the card with an X-acto knife to the inside-the-aluminum-trim width of the M70 baffle.
Current primary listening: SMMC20EN -> BG4002 -> BM4000 -> Beovox M70

- Joined on 07-10-2010
- Orlando, Florida, USA
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Re: Beovox M70 Rescue & Adoption
You don't need to cut plastic card all the way through when making a straight cut across the entire piece. Just score the entire cut, then bend until it snaps. Once cut to width, I checked fit.
Current primary listening: SMMC20EN -> BG4002 -> BM4000 -> Beovox M70

- Joined on 07-10-2010
- Orlando, Florida, USA
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Re: Beovox M70 Rescue & Adoption
So far so good. I'd also found some plastic angle at the friendly local electronic surplus store. Just the ticket for the top of the baffle. I cut pieces to width and marked the place on the card the angle would mate.
Current primary listening: SMMC20EN -> BG4002 -> BM4000 -> Beovox M70

- Joined on 07-10-2010
- Orlando, Florida, USA
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Re: Beovox M70 Rescue & Adoption
That gave me the height of the card, so I made that cut. Next I did some measurements and made a cutout template.
Current primary listening: SMMC20EN -> BG4002 -> BM4000 -> Beovox M70

- Joined on 07-10-2010
- Orlando, Florida, USA
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Re: Beovox M70 Rescue & Adoption
Then - surprise, surprise! - I made the cutout. I used a Dremel rotary tool with a "high speed cutter" bit. I then checked fit.
Current primary listening: SMMC20EN -> BG4002 -> BM4000 -> Beovox M70

- Joined on 07-10-2010
- Orlando, Florida, USA
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Re: Beovox M70 Rescue & Adoption
I then used plastic cement to join the two cutouts to their respective top angles. As I type this, the plastic cement is setting. Tomorrow I will add some thickness to the cutouts by cementing 1" wide plastic card stiffening pieces to the sides and bottom of the cutouts. I will also add a thin length of plastic card between the phase link driver and the woofer. If I can get all that cemented tomorrow night, the next night I should be applying grill (fret) cloth!
Current primary listening: SMMC20EN -> BG4002 -> BM4000 -> Beovox M70

- Joined on 07-10-2010
- Orlando, Florida, USA
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Re: Beovox M70 Rescue & Adoption
Well, I did get all that cemented tonight, but I forgot one important thing. I need to spray paint these frames flat black tomorrow night. Which means grill cloth will go on Friday night.
Current primary listening: SMMC20EN -> BG4002 -> BM4000 -> Beovox M70

- Joined on 07-10-2010
- Orlando, Florida, USA
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Re: Beovox M70 Rescue & Adoption
I do love all my B&O speakers (S40, S45-2 and M70 so far), but the protruding top of the baffle does make for a PITA when trying to build new grills (frets). Here's my hoped-for solution.
Current primary listening: SMMC20EN -> BG4002 -> BM4000 -> Beovox M70

- Joined on 07-10-2010
- Orlando, Florida, USA
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Re: Beovox M70 Rescue & Adoption
Oh, dear, what have I done? I found another cheap pair of Beovox M70s locally.
In the background you can sort of see my finished attempt at replacement grills.
Current primary listening: SMMC20EN -> BG4002 -> BM4000 -> Beovox M70

- Joined on 07-10-2010
- Orlando, Florida, USA
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Re: Beovox M70 Rescue & Adoption
The cabinets are in much better shape than my other pair when found, the frets/grills appear intact, the fret badges are both there, and the serial numbers are identical.
But what's the deal with the single screw at the top front of both speakers?
Current primary listening: SMMC20EN -> BG4002 -> BM4000 -> Beovox M70