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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 03-11-2011 4:28 AM by OKF. 131 replies.
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  • 03-01-2011 5:05 AM In reply to

    Re: Apple's "AirPlay" and B&O

    Ich kenne mich mit der Beo5 nicht aus, da ich alles mit meiner Beo4 steuere. Stell die Frage am besten mal ins Beo5/6-Forum, da gibt es die Spezialisten!

  • 03-01-2011 5:19 AM In reply to

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    Re: Apple's "AirPlay" and B&O

    Danke sehr, habe in dem deutschen Thread zum ATV weitergeschrieben, den hatte ich nicht gesehen.

    Best regards Oliver

  • 03-01-2011 12:05 PM In reply to

    Re: Apple's "AirPlay" and B&O

    Si Gracias!

  • 03-08-2011 4:18 PM In reply to

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    Re: Apple's "AirPlay" and B&O

    Come on B&O!  Get in the game!


    Mark D
  • 03-08-2011 4:28 PM In reply to

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    Re: Apple's "AirPlay" and B&O

    And here's a video of Pioneer's new, Apple-friendly equipment.

    What would B&O lose by doing this sort of thing with the Beosystem 3/4?  Nothing in my opinion.

    What would they gain by doing this?  My money and, I suspect, the contributions of many more.

    Mark D
  • 03-08-2011 4:54 PM In reply to

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    Re: Apple's "AirPlay" and B&O

    ...but you can use ATV2 with B+O so I do not ge what you are talking about? However in general B+O has missed the train already. They will discontinue the 3200 and 9000 and I guess the BC2 sooner or later as well. So no more Audio but instead they seem to come out with a Beosound5 stand alone that nobody wants and nobody needs (?) Does not make sense to me and to sell TV's only will not be the solution. They still live from the intergration via Master link but once all the Audio goes that may be of no further interest. On the other hand Apple gains ground (e.g. WIFI link Ipod with B&W Loudspeakers). B+O could do this but they think the world of themselves and we will see whther they will be stil around in 10 years time. I think if Aplle continues to go ahead they will have intersting products with good design with the Audio scene and maybe Video scene. 

    Best regards Oliver

  • 03-09-2011 4:58 AM In reply to

    Re: Apple's "AirPlay" and B&O

    It should be very easy for B&O if they would integrate an airply receiver into all Beolabs. So you could listen to music with an IPad/IPhone/IPod touch with only any Beolabs. But B&O will probably miss this train...


  • 03-09-2011 7:43 AM In reply to

    Re: Apple's "AirPlay" and B&O

    Impressive to see other consumer products companies adopting AirPlay technology.  

    In the fullness of time, this will be the death of the ubiquitous dock/speaker devices, which I always thought were an unnecessary technological dead end.



    And here's a video of Pioneer's new, Apple-friendly equipment.


  • 03-09-2011 5:29 PM In reply to

    Re: Apple's "AirPlay" and B&O


    It should be very easy for B&O if they would integrate an airply receiver into all Beolabs. So you could listen to music with an IPad/IPhone/IPod touch with only any Beolabs. But B&O will probably miss this train...


    Räuber , Very good point! 

  • 03-09-2011 5:48 PM In reply to

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    Re: Apple's "AirPlay" and B&O



    Impressive to see other consumer products companies adopting AirPlay technology.  

    In the fullness of time, this will be the death of the ubiquitous dock/speaker devices, which I always thought were an unnecessary technological dead end.



    And here's a video of Pioneer's new, Apple-friendly equipment.



    The problem with Airplay is that is propretary tech. It's Apple closed ecosystem version of wifi used for audio (i.e., Sonos, Squeezebox etc.).

    I don't like being tied into a third party's products, nor do I want to pay extra for the questionable privilege.


    However, apart from that, it's not really a good idea to build wifi into speakers. The closer you place the wifi-receiver and the more powerful the speakers the more problems with dropouts you will get. It would be a *** to make something like that work with the BL5s or 9s, or even the 3s.

    I really like wi-fi, so it's not a question of me being against tech or anything of the sort. I not only like tech, I use it every day for both work and pleasure.



  • 03-09-2011 5:54 PM In reply to

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    Re: Apple's "AirPlay" and B&O

    well, buying and using B+O products is a 'questionable priviledge' as well, isn't it?

    Best regards Oliver

  • 03-09-2011 6:06 PM In reply to

    Re: Apple's "AirPlay" and B&O




    The problem with Airplay is that is propretary tech. It's Apple closed ecosystem version of wifi used for audio (i.e., Sonos, Squeezebox etc.).

    I don't like being tied into a third party's products, nor do I want to pay extra for the questionable privilege.


    However, apart from that, it's not really a good idea to build wifi into speakers. The closer you place the wifi-receiver and the more powerful the speakers the more problems with dropouts you will get. It would be a *** to make something like that work with the BL5s or 9s, or even the 3s.

    I really like wi-fi, so it's not a question of me being against tech or anything of the sort. I not only like tech, I use it every day for both work and pleasure.



    Good point.  What may seem like an easy implementation may be either hard or a bad idea.

  • 03-09-2011 6:06 PM In reply to

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    Re: Apple's "AirPlay" and B&O


    well, buying and using B+O products is a 'questionable priviledge' as well, isn't it?

    Not really. It depends what you buy. I like their speakers and have just bought a BV10-32" (it is pretty, lol) .And I might be buying the Encore when it's up and running and suits me.

    But the idea to me is that with active speakers preferably ones with both analogue and digital inputs, I have a much better choice as towhat to use as sources. I can upgrade the tech along the way, whereas "upgrade" when it comes to Apple usually entails buying completely new products.

    I prefer to not having to upgrade speakers constantly, as I rely on them for work. 

    With my set up, I can pick and choose my wifi gear, my music player software - basically everything I want as often as I want to. 


    Räuber (I think) said that docks where a technological dead end. I agree, but I also think that Airplay is. It's wifi just like all the other products out there, except it gives the consumer less choice down the road (be it software wise, functionality or upgradeablity).




  • 03-09-2011 6:17 PM In reply to

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    Re: Apple's "AirPlay" and B&O

    well we will see whther 5 Encore will be 'upgradeable'. If it comes out as expected it will be another product nobody is waiting for an nobody really needsas it is a stand alone and not even linkable.


    Airplay is Wifi?

    Best regards Oliver

  • 03-09-2011 6:23 PM In reply to

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    Re: Apple's "AirPlay" and B&O

    well we will see whther 5 Encore will be 'upgradeable'.


    You're missing the point. The Encore is just a source interface with wifi for a NAS. My squeezeboxes at present are just a wifi transmitters which uses a nas as well, my various speakers are active, and each part can be upgraded or swapped to something else without having to purchase a whole new "integrated system" just because some of the tech is upgraded, or if a better player (hardware or software) comes along. I will then just upgrade that specific part.

    Airplay is Wifi?

    Yes. What did you think it was?





  • 03-10-2011 5:27 AM In reply to

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    Re: Apple's "AirPlay" and B&O

    well you said then that Wifi is a tech. dead end?

    Best regards Oliver

  • 03-10-2011 5:42 AM In reply to

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    Re: Apple's "AirPlay" and B&O


    well you said then that Wifi is a tech. dead end?

    No, Airplay is wifi, but it ties the users into using iTunes and iThings. And it requires you own Airplay-capable things. Therefore Airplay is a deadend in the long run. I use wifi for internet, for my squeezeboxes, for my NAS drive,  and if I get an Encore, I will be using that with WiFi too.

    You see, although those things all makes use of WiFi, they play nice with the rest of my setup. Including the old Mac I fire up once in a while.

    Edit: Come to think of it, I also use WiFi on my phone and my Ebookreader (Sony PRS950).





  • 03-10-2011 6:04 AM In reply to

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    Re: Apple's "AirPlay" and B&O

    Ah I see what you mean but when you jailbreak ATV you should be fine with NAS.. I have ordered a NAS myself and have the intention to jailbreak te ATV but the NAS does support Itunes so it may make things a bit easier.

    Best regards Oliver

  • 03-10-2011 6:12 AM In reply to

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    Re: Apple's "AirPlay" and B&O


    Ah I see what you mean but when you jailbreak ATV you should be fine with NAS.. I have ordered a NAS myself and have the intention to jailbreak te ATV but the NAS does support Itunes so it may make things a bit easier.

    LOL, the mere idea that it's okay to buy a product you have to hack/jailbreak to function as it ought to shows just how much Apple is attempting to limit the users/buyers.

    None of my products have had to be "jailbroken" or anything of the kind. They play nice across the board. Of course, to be able to read my NAS with my Mac, I have had to install a plugin (Edit: on the Mac) so it can read NTFS+ drives.  But really, I seldomly use my Mac, but it is nice to be able to read what's on the NAS with it.

    Of course, afterwards, I have to remove all the small annoying files that OSX drops everywhere on connected drives. Everytime I have connected my Mac to it and after I have removed the files, it makes me happy I have moved on and are using Thinkpads these days.

    But, anyway, if I have to hack or jailbreak a product to make use of it, I'd rather be buying something that doesn't need it from the get-go.



  • 03-10-2011 7:16 AM In reply to

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    Re: Apple's "AirPlay" and B&O

    I totally agree with you in general but when you want to use the Ipod and the IPad e.g. in a B+O environment and get most out of these things you may end up with a jailbreak of the ATV. The consumer does not need jailbreaks and is happy with what he gets for just 100 Euros and can also integrate Ipod/pad into B+O in full. A think pad and all this Pre-PC-Devices look so horrible that I prefer to buy an Ipad now. The reason to buy overpriced B+O for me was always the design and the linkability in the second place. So Apple in a way does the same. They do clever products in excellent design slightly overpriced. 15 mio sold Ipad's within a year should say something...

    Best regards Oliver

  • 03-10-2011 8:07 AM In reply to

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    Re: Apple's "AirPlay" and B&O

    I totally agree with you in general but when you want to use the Ipod and the IPad e.g. in a B+O environment and get most out of these things you may end up with a jailbreak of the ATV

    Yes, and as I said, buying a product and having to jailbreak/hack it to get most out of it, is not really something I want to support.

    A think pad and all this Pre-PC-Devices look so horrible that I prefer to buy an Ipad now

    I have no idea what you mean. A thinkpad is PC, as is MacBook. There's nothing "pre-PC" about it.I chose my Thinkpads because it's a tool and the best I could find. I don't buy my tools to be used as eye candy, so the "looks so horrible" comment is really weird too.

    When it comes to my Squeezeboxes, all you see is the remote. Buying into the iPad would mean a humongous remote if used as such, it would entail buying into Apple-lockdown - hook, line and sinker.

    I don't get why the best argument against much more consumer choice always seems to boil down to "but I prefer pretty things".

    15 mio sold Ipad's within a year should say something...

    Hype and ignorance? How many meals are sold by McDonald's each year? It really isn't an argument that X number of people have bought into it. My argument is not whether or not the iPad will fail, but an argument against lock-downs and tie-ins. Appeals to popularity is very rarely not a logical fallacy.

    Apart from the telly, which I bought for two reasons (It is the best sound I can find in a small LCD tv, and secondary, as far as tellies goes, it's pretty) my gear is bought on spec and whether or not it will do what I want it to do. The latter thing could possibly be moved to "spec" too, but you get the idea.

    My B&O audio gear is very limited, as not many of them live up to what I want. Regardless of how pretty they are. I used to own BL5's, but moving into an apartment meant I had to get rid of them. I bought them because they're excellent speakers, and because they're more wife-friendly than most threeway far-field studio monitors.

    The reason I probably want the Encore is because it might, just might (in time) surpass the user friendliness of the Squeezebox.

    Oh, and why do I have Squeezeboxes instead of Sonos? Well, they have better audio quality than the Sonos by far.

    In short, your entire argument boils down to "it looks pretty, and since its popular at the moment, it must be better than anything else".




  • 03-10-2011 10:34 AM In reply to

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    Re: Apple's "AirPlay" and B&O

    I think Laptops look terrible and common pre pc devices like the ipad do so as well.

    Yes you are locked in to something same as with B+O in the very main!

    15 mio ignorant people and much more to come because we are talking 1 year only? Well, well I would agree that the majority of people is sort of dumb but a certain percentage is not. Even 5% of these are still 750.000. I think the MCD comparison is lacking of any similarity. Comparing it with a car or any other lets say technical device would be appropriate.

    My arguments are: it looks pretty and the overall design is clever, it is userfriendly, it connects up to a certain amount. I am not saying it is better then anything else because I do not know. But designwise it is the best I can find.

    I never in my live owned an Apple product but Ipad 2 will be the first proper one, since I bought an Ipod Classsic for my car 6 months ago and last week an Ipod touch for my new B+O setup. You seem to forget that most people would not be able to jailbreak and most people would not be able to setup and opperate a NAS device. This is what e.g. ATV is for. Easy, cheap and self explaining.

    Best regards Oliver

  • 03-10-2011 11:34 AM In reply to

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    Re: Apple's "AirPlay" and B&O

    I think Laptops look terrible  [...]

    LOL, I see. I prefer laptops as tools compared to desktops. But then again, I buy laptops to be able to work out and about.


    and common pre pc devices like the ipad do so as well.

    Do you understand what "pre" means? That statement above just doesn't make sense, apart from the fact that you don't like laptops, but think that  the choice for people are between and iPad and a laptop.


    15 mio ignorant people and much more to come because we are talking 1 year only? Well, well I would agree that the majority of people is sort of dumb but a certain percentage is not. Even 5% of these are still 750.000. I think the MCD comparison is lacking of any similarity. Comparing it with a car or any other lets say technical device would be appropriate.


    All that is still an appeal to popularity. It really doesn't matter that you just add more figures, it's still an appeal to popularity which doesn't disprove anything I've said.


    My arguments are: it looks pretty and the overall design is clever, it is userfriendly, it connects up to a certain amount. I am not saying it is better then anything else because I do not know. But designwise it is the best I can find.


    Designwise it's crap if you want to use it as a remote. It's a twohanded operation and it's huge.

    I really can't see you have moved on from the argument that "it's pretty, hence it's the best I can find".

    I never in my live owned an Apple product but Ipad 2 will be the first proper one, since I bought an Ipod Classsic for my car 6 months ago and last week an Ipod touch for my new B+O setup. You seem to forget that most people would not be able to jailbreak and most people would not be able to setup and opperate a NAS device. This is what e.g. ATV is for. Easy, cheap and self explaining.

    As I said, hype and ignorance:They aren't even aware that they're being tied into a closed eco system, but boy, '"everyone" has one, so I need to get one too'.




  • 03-10-2011 11:49 AM In reply to

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    Re: Apple's "AirPlay" and B&O

    it is not possible to discuss that with you any further as you 'interpret' to many things into what I do write and translate them to something that I did not mean. Just read what I write. Also you state all the time that you are right and everybody else is wrong. I do not want to to approve or disapprove anything. Anyhow I am also dumb and stupid to your opinion and I can live with that.

    Best regards Oliver

  • 03-10-2011 11:57 AM In reply to

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    Re: Apple's "AirPlay" and B&O

    it is not possible to discuss that with you any further as you 'interpret' to many things into what I do write and translate them to something that I did not mean. Just read what I write

    LOL, I really did read what you wrote. Hence my question as to whether or not you understood what the "pre" meant.

    Also you state all the time that you are right and everybody else is wrong.

    No I don't. Don't make up things.

    I do not want to to approve or disapprove anything


    Speaking of not reading. I never said "disapprove". I said disprove.  A world of difference.

    Anyhow I am also dumb and stupid to your opinion and I can live with that.

    Haha! If you take it that personal, I guess you're right that it's useless having a discussion with you.


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