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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 09-18-2010 7:30 AM by Eugene. 7 replies.
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  • 08-28-2010 8:21 PM

    Does anyone know the lamp values ????

    It is the control panel out of a BC7000. The lamps I have set in are 14.5V at 1 watt. Dont know if that is correct.

    Also there appears to be 3 Bipolar caps in the amp section. All at 47uf. Is that so. The service manual on site is corrupt - wont open.



  • 08-29-2010 1:39 AM In reply to

    • Dillen
    • Top 10 Contributor
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    Re: Does anyone know the lamp values ????

    I don't remember the exact values, but I'm sure that 14V is incorrect for the lamps ( I
    don't think that voltage is present on this board at all) and 1W is probably too much.
    (Why do you mount them if you are not sure they are correct ?)
    It's correct with the 47uF bipolars, though.

    I can supply correct caps and lamps if you need.

    A small note: That processor is one of the most sensitive pieces when it comes
    to static electricity. It is mask programmed and replacements are
    hard to come by.
    It hurts to see it not in anti-static handling.


  • 08-29-2010 7:06 AM In reply to

    Re: Does anyone know the lamp values ????

    They are not soldered jst set in place. I see the BC 7002 used 6v 80ma lamps. Perhaps those will work here as well.

    The photos are for illustrative purposes normally the chip boards are set on or in bubble wrap.

  • 08-29-2010 2:30 PM In reply to

    • Dillen
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    Re: Does anyone know the lamp values ????

    I'm sure the lamps are the same in the Beocenter 7000.
    Apart from the turntable section, it's practically the same machine.

    If that's ordinary bubblewrap, it's even worse for static electricity.
    Get an antistatic workplace. You don't have to convert your whole livingroom to muppet-lab but
    buy a mat with a wrist band. They are meant for field use but will work fine at the kitchen table too.
    Something like this :
    Also, as a minimum, the most commonly used tools should be anti-static. Soldering iron, pliers, screwdrivers etc.
    It's so frustrating when you repair a board only to find out that you killed the processor or some other
    scarce and expensive component while doing it.
    It happens unnoticed and even if the thing works right after the repair, the chip dye can have suffered
    scars that will show later. There's a lot of CMOS technology in these lovely machines and even
    more in later ones so it's a good investment if you're planning to do more repairs in the future.
    The things deserve a correct handling (and so does eventual paying future clients).


  • 08-29-2010 7:49 PM In reply to

    Re: Does anyone know the lamp values ????

    Ok I will get one this week. Microcenter probably sells them otherwise I will get one off eBay. (the antistatt mat)

    Bought this unit for $99 dollars including shipping. came with a remote which was about the only way to test it. The front keypad was loose and several of the button had slipped out. It was rather hit or miss.

    The tape of course did not work (belts) what is left is a gooey mess, plus the casssette holder woul not close completely (broken piece, not sure of its function, tray alignment maybe) but I seperglued it back in place.

    The manual tuning dial was stuck at the top of the FM dial. A little lube fiddling and adjusting the loose scew on the tuning wheel has it more or less working again. ( probaly need a little more lube and fiddling.

    Dont remember if the lights worked or not the unit played nice and the best part of the deal had to have been the MC20EN stykus, under magnification it loks practically brand new and plays like it too.

    From what I can see I unplug the cassette wiring, remove three screws on top and the the whole mechanism will pull out. Not that restoring the   cassette is really that big of a deal to me but since I have the unit apart why not. Just need a belt(s).

    Found an anti stat bag and put the CP inside

  • 08-31-2010 7:33 PM In reply to

    Re: Does anyone know the lamp values ????

    LAMPM40680 - 4mm MINIATURE LAMP 6V / 80mA - Electronic

    I dont see why it wouldnt work but the estimated lamp life is not given and I dont want something that is going to burn out after only a couple thousand hours. I wonder if there isnt a suitable LED replacement.

    This is the best I have found so far on a replacement lamp. I dont think there is a single supplier in the US that stocks a 6V-80ma lamp. 6V-35ma yes.

    My local supplier couldnt them either but then again it wouldnt be a bulb they stock or sell. Still looking for cassette belts.


  • 09-01-2010 2:23 AM In reply to

    • Dillen
    • Top 10 Contributor
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    Re: Does anyone know the lamp values ????

    I can supply correct lamps and belts but I'm not in the US.
    I'm afraid, I cannot point you to another supplier, simply because I haven't found one. Let alone a US one.


  • 09-18-2010 7:30 AM In reply to

    Re: Does anyone know the lamp values ????


    I can supply correct lamps and belts but I'm not in the US.
    I'm afraid, I cannot point you to another supplier, simply because I haven't found one. Let alone a US one.


    and they all arrived safely and work perfectly. Listneing to an old Doors csasettte right now.



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