Hello fellow Beo-cravers,
A dream has come true: I recently bought a beautiful, massive, powerful BM8000!
It works perfectly, except for intermittent disfunction of a couple of leds, probably due to faulty connections of PCB.
I want to make it ready for the future, so when my final exams are done next week I'm going to give it a check-up:
- Fresh electrolytics
- checking/fixing broken connections
- checking amplifier no-load current and offset
Anything else that needs special attention in these machines?
Also, I'm worried about the display LEDs. They funtion OK now, but I wouldn't like to have to replace any of them, they are very small and my soldering iron is very big in comparison! Doubt I can do it myself.
After reading this post, rebuilding BM8000 displays, I wondered: the problem seems breaking of the little wire that connects the LED to the PCB. What if you fixate this little wire to the PCB with a careful drop of transparent glue? Might protect LED function in the future. Good idea? Or will it make the LED overheat because the glue will impair cooling or something?
Your opinions/remarks are most welcome!