Maybe this not a solution for your problem, but just two things to check:
- You can see if your BS5 is registered by selecting SERVICE MENU - NETWORK INFO - REGISTRATION SUCCESSFUL -
- On page 57, installation guide you will find:
Enabling ports in ‘Client PC’ – Only for Windows XP with Service Pack 2
Port No. Protocol
137 UDP
138 UDP
139 TCP
To open the above ports in the firewall on the ‘Client PC’, follow these steps:
- Click ‘Start’, highlight ‘Settings’ and click on ‘Control Panel’.
- Double click on ‘Windows Firewall’.
- Choose ‘Exceptions’.
- Left click on ‘Add Port’.
- Enter a name for the port, e.g. BeoMaster 5 (no requirements for the name).
- Enter the port numbers mentioned above one by one and remember to tick TCP
or UDP each time.
- To save all settings, press OK until all dialogue boxes are closed.
- Retry to connect to BeoMaster 5.
As said, I can`t say whether this helps, but worth a try...(?)
My setup with BM/BS5 and two macs (with Parallels and Win XP) is working fine. I just have to start Parallels and Win XP, Beoplayer and BM5 are automatically activated.
Good luck