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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 01-30-2012 2:33 PM by mbee. 249 replies.
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  • 05-12-2010 1:58 PM In reply to

    Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!

    New DVB-HD  software , version  for DVB-HD MKI/MKII.

    Released today. !


    BeoVision 4 - 50 HD -  Beo5 - Beolab 5 - Beolab 7-1 - Beolab 6000 .

  • 05-14-2010 2:24 PM In reply to

    Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!

    what does this update...will it allow freeview HD?

  • 05-14-2010 2:59 PM In reply to

    • fl4f
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    Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!

    Don't know about freeview HD ?

    But here the update does a lot of good things.

    Updated from ->


    And it fixes all freezing issues,

    Slow channel change

    slow EPG update.


    Menus is much more smooth, better ui responsiveness and so on.

    Im very satisfied with this update, its pretty much what it should have been when dvb-hd module was released.

  • 05-14-2010 4:16 PM In reply to

    Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!


    Don't know about freeview HD ?

    But here the update does a lot of good things.

    Updated from ->


    And it fixes all freezing issues,

    Slow channel change

    slow EPG update.


    Menus is much more smooth, better ui responsiveness and so on.

    Im very satisfied with this update, its pretty much what it should have been when dvb-hd module was released.


    Hello fl4f,

    and what´s about the "grey clock" which kills the electronic curtain?




  • 05-14-2010 4:30 PM In reply to

    • fl4f
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    Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!

    The Gray clock is still there.

    Its probably the boot logo of the dvb-hd module.

    Switching it, will probably require JTAG access to the module or a new rom chip.

    Why they choosed that ugly clock I do not understand.

    The clock do not kille the curtain, its just whats in the picture when the curtains have gone to the sides.


    The clock does not annoy me actually, I dont care. I just don't get why they choosed that clock and not a B&O logo or something.

    What greatly annoyed me was how long a channel change took, fast switching made the module freeze for a couble of seconds and so on. Just rubish... This update fixes all of this for me, so Im very happy right now. Its like getting a new tv or something :-)

    Filed under: ,
  • 05-14-2010 9:15 PM In reply to

    Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!

    Is this new DVB-HD software available anywhere on the net, or do I have to ask a dealer?

  • 05-15-2010 6:35 AM In reply to

    Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!


    The Gray clock is still there.

    Its probably the boot logo of the dvb-hd module.

    Switching it, will probably require JTAG access to the module or a new rom chip.

    Why they choosed that ugly clock I do not understand.

    The clock do not kille the curtain, its just whats in the picture when the curtains have gone to the sides.


    The clock does not annoy me actually, I dont care. I just don't get why they choosed that clock and not a B&O logo or something.

    What greatly annoyed me was how long a channel change took, fast switching made the module freeze for a couble of seconds and so on. Just rubish... This update fixes all of this for me, so Im very happy right now. Its like getting a new tv or something :-)

    Hello fl4f,

    after installing the software on my BV10-40, I can confirm your experience: channel change is faster, switching through menues is smoother and EPG is loading much faster. I am very happy now with my TV.

    Only the ugly grey clock is still not B&O-like. I think it would be better, if the electronic curtain would go to the sides AFTER the HD-module has loaded. That might take more time, but you would get the lovely effect from the curtains. I think an update for the TV (not for the module) could realize this.  





  • 05-17-2010 3:16 PM In reply to

    Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!

    Regarding the SW update, i can also confirm the above mentioned improvements. The slow curtains are still an "issue" IMO. My dealer told me that the future look will be a smaller clock in the lower corner and then curtain effect when the picture is ready. I recommended being able to turn of DVB-HD standby in the customer menu that way having instant picture when switching on your tv. My dealer agreed so hopefully this will be sortet out. Otherwise, just have the curtain open when the picture is there, and not before.



    BV7-40 MK IV, BL5´s, BL3´s, BL 3500, BL7-4, BS3000, BC 6-23, BV 1, BS3.

  • 05-17-2010 8:23 PM In reply to

    • Michael
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    Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!


    Only the ugly grey clock is still not B&O-like. I think it would be better, if the electronic curtain would go to the sides AFTER the HD-module has loaded. That might take more time, but you would get the lovely effect from the curtains. I think an update for the TV (not for the module) could realize this.  


    I don't have the BV-10 so I'm not familiar with the clock issue, but can you adjust the curtain timing like you can with the BS3 TVs in the service menu?  Or is part of the problem that curtains are already taking too long?



  • 05-20-2010 2:07 AM In reply to

    • HeKoch
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    Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!

    Hi to all,

    after updating to Version  i found a new bug in DVB-HD software during power-on when switching to cable radio stations. Previously i created a group of favorites and switched to my most listened station. Then after a power-off/power-on cycle the radio station starts with sound ca. 2-3 seconds, fading out with distorting the sound. The ugly clock comes again and the procedure starts again and again. Only the yellow key on BEO4 during this 2 seconds stops this procedure and there is the possibility to change to television stations.

    I never had this behaviour before and i guess we have to wait for 1.4.6 or something like this. 

    People at B&O - should we talk about succsessful total qualitity management ?


  • 05-20-2010 2:35 AM In reply to

    Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!

    Hi All

    Rumour has it that the new DVB-HD SW update has eliminated the possibility of recording on HDR2 directly from the EPG, can someone confirm this?


    BV7-40 MK IV, BL5´s, BL3´s, BL 3500, BL7-4, BS3000, BC 6-23, BV 1, BS3.

  • 05-20-2010 4:37 AM In reply to

    Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!


    I can confirm this NEW bug, I didn´t recognize it yet because I use my BS9000 for listening radio. Please inform B&O-support to solve the problem. I think we are all beta-testers for B&O, they should spend us money for our work!


    Do you mean records in general (by using the record key on Beo4) or only timer records? I ask this because timer records from the HD-module should work with the old software-version and HDR2, but not with DVD2. If you mean records in general, I could test it with my DVD2. But I don´t know why B&O should eliminate this possibility because the recording uses the scart-connection which is only analogue.




  • 05-20-2010 12:59 PM In reply to

    Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!


    Do you mean records in general (by using the record key on Beo4) or only timer records? I ask this because timer records from the HD-module should work with the old software-version and HDR2, but not with DVD2. If you mean records in general, I could test it with my DVD2. But I don´t know why B&O should eliminate this possibility because the recording uses the scart-connection which is only analogue.



    As i am told, it is the timed recording directly from the EPG in the DVB-HD that is missing. My dealer has confirmed this issue, and believe it or not, have have already solved this issue in ANOTHER DVB-HD update??????? SO i guess now the SW updates are no more than a week apart from eaachother. Actually B&O has decided to provide an USB stick for all buyers of DVB-HD module tv´s.



    BV7-40 MK IV, BL5´s, BL3´s, BL 3500, BL7-4, BS3000, BC 6-23, BV 1, BS3.

  • 05-20-2010 3:23 PM In reply to

    • YannChris
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    Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!


    I confirm this last point, my dealer mailed me that I should recieve a usb stick with a new fimrware, ETA 4 to 6 weeks.

    Let's hope it will be a "branded" one.


    Ne pas s'en faire et boire frais!

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    Pictures of my setup: click on my nickname, above my avatar. Then "my files" at the bottom of the page.

  • 05-20-2010 3:59 PM In reply to

    • YannChris
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    Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!

    Hello everybody!

    My BV9 has been updated, and a new option "HDMI Matrix" is shown in the menu.

    If you activate it, a key is asked.

    As I would like to link my HD sources to the BV10 of my bedroom using HDMI, I would appreciate any informations related to this new option... and certainly on the expensive hardware needed (hoping that it will not be the USD 2000 Gefen matrix).

    My dealers says he has no informations about this new feature.


    Ne pas s'en faire et boire frais!

    Mon install en images: cliquez sur mon profil, au dessus de mon avatar - Puis "My files" tout en bas.

    Pictures of my setup: click on my nickname, above my avatar. Then "my files" at the bottom of the page.

  • 05-22-2010 1:01 AM In reply to

    • MESM
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    Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!

    Completely lost!

    What is the last SW version on a BeoSystem 3?
    (menu, 0, 0, go, monitor, monitor information)


  • 05-22-2010 11:32 AM In reply to

    Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!

    Does anyone have a software overview and change log for the BV8-32?

  • 05-23-2010 9:21 AM In reply to

    Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!

    Hi MESM

    Latest SW is  8.12a


    BV7-40 MK IV, BL5´s, BL3´s, BL 3500, BL7-4, BS3000, BC 6-23, BV 1, BS3.

  • 05-30-2010 11:02 AM In reply to

    Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!

    Has anyone got any issues with Software 8.12a?

    I've noticed that when press V.MEM or PC to turn on either Sky HD or my PC from standby, occasionally the Speakers just don't turn on - no sound.  I have to go to TV or DTV and then back again to get the speakers on. 

    It happens almost 100% when turning Sky on when the Link room is already watching it.

  • 05-30-2010 1:23 PM In reply to

    • mbee
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    Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!

    For those who want to know what the latest software version of their stuff is... Just look at the first post of this thread, first page! I try to keep it up to date with software version, release date, and changelog history... Big Smile

  • 05-30-2010 1:36 PM In reply to

    • Spiros
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    Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!

    Moderators!!! Come on!! Pin it!!! it's extremely useful information!

    Best regards


  • 05-30-2010 4:37 PM In reply to

    Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!


    Has anyone got any issues with Software 8.12a?

    I've noticed that when press V.MEM or PC to turn on either Sky HD or my PC from standby, occasionally the Speakers just don't turn on - no sound.  I have to go to TV or DTV and then back again to get the speakers on. 

    It happens almost 100% when turning Sky on when the Link room is already watching it.

    yes same for me..I am sooo tired of these bugs for a TV set(BV9) for aprox 20 000 EURAngry

  • 05-30-2010 5:42 PM In reply to

    Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!

    Me too, BV7-40 Mk III.


  • 05-30-2010 6:42 PM In reply to

    Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!

    Semi relieved that it's not just me, but equally as irritated that software updates fixing bugs are causing yet more bugs.  It really is getting ridiculous now.

    Only plus side to this bug is I can probably live with it for now - it's not as bad as previous issues people have had.  Hope it's sorted soon.

  • 05-31-2010 2:56 AM In reply to

    • moxxey
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    Re: The unique, one and only SOFTWARE UPDATE THREAD!


    I can confirm this NEW bug, I didn´t recognize it yet because I use my BS9000 for listening radio. Please inform B&O-support to solve the problem. I think we are all beta-testers for B&O, they should spend us money for our work!

    But it wouldn't be so bad if we could do the updates ourselves. We have to get a B&O engineer out each time and this costs £65/hour for each minor update.

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